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24 September 2010

My Necron Terrain and LOS!

Nick speaking,

Today I would like to take you to the Soulless Necron home world, to see how 5th edition line of sight rules have effected my terrain. I've noticed that there has been a lot of discussions going around regarding the true LOS rule recently, and most of it has been negative!

All of my Necron terrain was built around the time when 3rd edition was coming to an end, and 4th edition was just about to come out. In 4th edition everything was about sizes and I could really see the benefits. Everything became standardised and things like a size three model could gain a cover save from a size 2 barricade, but not a size 1 barricade, simple!

Nowadays, with true LOS, what was then a size three monstrous creature, can only get a cover save if 50% in cover, leaving an opening for someone to dispute it. On a side note, why was there no size four in the old rules? Surely a Monolith and some larger pieces of terrain could warrant an additional size. But that was then and this is now, and lets face it, both of these versions give us some problems and can slow the game down, but in my opinion, the true LOS rules win hands down.

For me, getting down to see what my models can see to determine if they can shoot or get any saves really does bring me into the game more. Yes, I have had my fair share of annoying disagreements with certain players, but hey, just take a 5+ cover save instead, or roll for it if it's that bad! With everything else like the assaults being speeded up in 5th edition, the game is already a lot quicker anyway. LOS is pretty simple for my terrain in 5th edition now, as most of it is solid and you are either behind it or not.

My latest army, The IDIC Eldar, is loving my Necron terrain as it's perfect for hiding a contesting tank or scoring jetbike squad behind it, but at the same time, it can mean that your shooting ability is reduced.

Most of my terrain is based on the Necron Codex. One reason why I fell in love with Necrons was because of the Codex pictures, and that's how I wanted my Necrons to look!

I made all of my tombs from foam board. If you are able to do so, an angled cutter can make it easier to join your edges together. All of the additional patterns and sticky out bits ware just pieces of cut out cardboard stuck on to the surface.

Back in the days when I made my tomb, you could buy separate sprue's from GW and I purchased two Monolith sprue's to get the two crystal sections at the top of the towers. Most of the other terrain was made from a base of foam/polystyrene and filled in with poly filler. When it came time to paint it, I used a base coat of Chaos Black, then Dark Angels Green with a dry brush of Snot green and Scorpion Green to finish.

I then did some barricades and objective markers to finish off...


  1. That all looks great. I'm hoping to get building some terrain soon. For my own table I'm thinking of going for a feudal/post imperial world. So lots of steampunkish equipment and woodlands.

  2. Nice terrain, with a really cohesive look. Although I've made a few decent pieces of terrain, when put together they look like four different planets mashed together.

  3. That's impressive. And the terrain is large enough to hide a 'Lith behind it! Double score!

  4. How did you get that curve on the pieces that border the entrance to the tombs? is it just a piece of card stock pasted over the front or did you score the back of the foam core? Overall really nice stuff I would love to make a few of these but I wish there were instructions lol.

  5. Glad you like it. Yes, I just cut out the foam on the sections I wanted to bend.

  6. Looks cool man!

  7. Thanks Jawa, I really enjoy making terrain, loved you BA display board, that was epic :D


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