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28 July 2011

My Necron Case!

Nick speaking,

It has been a while since I purchased my Necron Battlepack case, so long in fact, that it seems like 'Chelgames' the company I got it from is no longer around. In total I got two cases from Chelgames, including a smaller Skirmishpack that I use for my Space Wolves, but today I would like to have a closer look at the bigger Battlepack version.

Here are a few starter pictures of the case...

As you can see, the inside of the case is pretty spacious and uses an eggshell foam system for the models, which I find is great for storing bigger stuff in. I had to design and cut the foam up on one side, to get all the models I have in the case, including a Pylon and Monolith! All in all, it's very effective and has been storing my fairly large Necron army successfully for many years now. The outside of the case also has a large pocket that gives a lot of storage space for your Codex and rule books etc...

Do any of my UK readers remember a company called Chelgames? Anyone know what happened to them?
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25 July 2011

City fighting Eldar

Nick speaking,

It's been a long time since I got out my Cities of Death terrain and had a few games on it, so long in fact that all my army lists are at 1500 points! Nowadays though, my buddies and I always play our games at 1750 points, so it's time to shake up my lists a bit!

Here is my old 1500 point Eldar list and how it all works:

1x Avatar
1x Eldrad

5 x Pathfinder Rangers
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
10 x Guardians/Scatter Laser

10 x Harlequins/Kiss/Fusion Pistols/Troupe Master/Death Jester/Shadowseer
10 x Striking Scorpions/Exarch/Scorpion’s Claw/Stalker/Shadowstrike

1 x Wraithlord/Flamers/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher
3 x War Walkers/Scatter Lasers 


The Avatar advances forward to cause trouble, whilst the Wraithlord, Guardians and War Walkers all sit at the back giving out some firepower, with quantity of shots over quality being key in Cities because of all the cover saves. Eldrad hides out of site or joins the Guardians to do what he does best with his Jedi tricks, and to help with wraithsight. Harlequins sit nearby ignoring terrain ready for the counter assault, or to quickly move out depending on the mission.
Striking Scorpions infiltrate in a position to help the Avatar out midfield, or to get into the enemies back ranks taking advantage of move through cover. The Pathfinders infiltrate into a high advantage point to shoot, distract and hold any buildings. The small unit of jetbikes are ideal for reserving, it is small enough to avoid landing on terrain, and can either contest or pop out from behind terrain, shoot the Cannon and then hiding again in the assault phase.

Overall, the list works very well for City fighting and I wanted to keep the same format with the extra 250 points. I did consider beefing up Striking Scorpions with Karandras, but both Eldrad and the Avatar fit in the list too well to drop either one. So with that out of the way, and knowing that any and everyone gets cover saves in Cities, the next choice was obvious, Dark Reapers! Lets get that Crack shot Exarch on the table to deny those cover saves and be even more of a distraction. They also keep the theme of using unused units that I love so much about Cities.

I always knew I wanted a second unit of Jetbikes to help with objectives, and with all the terrain around, another small unit of three would be ideal. The Dark Reaper unit will have to be the bare minimum of three to get the Jetbikes in, and with a few points left over, the Pathfinders get an extra dude, as that was all I could come up with! Of course choosing the correct Stratagems for the army is also another key point, and I tend to choose Fortifications (+1 cover for every unit in a building and ignores enemy granades) and Ammunition Stores (re-roll to hit for one unit) which is a perfect compliment to add to Eldrad's powers. How many re-rolls do you want!

Now my list looks like this:

1x Avatar
1x Eldrad

6 x Pathfinder Rangers
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
10 x Guardians/Scatter Laser

10 x Harlequins/Kiss/Fusion Pistols/Troupe Master/Death Jester/Shadowseer
10 x Striking Scorpions/Exarch/Scorpion’s Claw/Stalker/Shadowstrike

1 x Wraithlord/Flamers/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher
3 x War Walkers/Scatter Lasers
3x Dark Reapers/Tempest Launcher/Crack Shot 

1746 Points

What do you think? Is that a good way to spend the extra 250 points? Any other suggestions or ideas welcome?
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22 July 2011

Wolf Lord Conversion

Nick speaking,

Just a few pictures of my Wolf Lord that I did ages ago, for my Eye of Terror Space Wolves army. I used some green stuff to convert one of the legs to Chaos armour to maintain the 13th Company feel. Trouble is, who takes a foot Wolf Lord nowadays? Maybe I could use him as a Lone Wolf or something...

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19 July 2011

Time for Mauggy - Harlequins Battle Report

Nick speaking,

This battle was a total blood bath, and as my Harlequins were up against Blood Angels for their first ever battle with Maugan Ra heading up the Harlies, instead of Eldrad, you wouldn't expect anything else!

Considering we had Capture and control (the hardest mission by far for the clowns), no psychic defense, and there were two Librarians floating about, plus the fact that Mauggy did absolutely nothing before he died, I think I did pretty well...

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16 July 2011

City Stratagems

Nick speaking,

It's been a long time since I picked up White Dwarf from my front door mat, with any excitement that there maybe something of interest in it, that I don't already know about! Imagine my delighted surprise when I opened issue 379, and saw some brand new Cities of Death stuff!

In reality, I am sure it is nothing more than GW noticing that Cities sales have died a bit, and need a boost, but as it has come out at the same time that I have been thinking about getting my Cities board out for a few games, I was actually quite excited about this issue!

Dubbed as 'Official', it introduces some dedicated new Stratagems for each of the 'major' armies, along with four brand new missions, which is a nice added bonus for anyone who has played the current missions to death, and need a change. This brings me nicely onto the real reason for this post, something that I had already planned for before the Cities WD came out...

What Stratagems are the best? Even though they are 'free', which ones should I take? Is there some sort of mathammer way to decide?

Until this day, my buddy still uses the very same Stratagems he used when we first started playing CoD. With Medicae (FNP) and Booby Traps (S8 AP2 hits) being his favourites. I notice he pretty much takes them without thinking about it, as if it is easier to have the same old, than take something new, or are they the best? When I first started playing, I always chose Barricades, Razor wire and Tank Traps! Not because they were the best, but because I had spent so much time making my terrain, I wanted it to be used, especially as I had made a broken Blood Angels bike barricade to put out when my buddies BA's came to town...

I soon realised that Obstacle Stratagems, along with Deployment and Armoury Stratagems, weren't really worth taking for my armies, and I ended up with four standard Stratagems that I choose between. My favourites being, Fortifications (+1 cover for every unit in a building), Ammunition Stores (re-roll to hit for one unit), Power Generator (re-roll to wound for one unit) and of course Medicae for the (feel no pain)

So will the new Stratagems offer me more choices for my armies? I won't list down all the description of the Stratagems, but here is what I am thinking...

Eldar: Holo-Emitters
Having the ability to redeploy and swap units about, is a great dirty trick, and matches in with the current Eldrad Devination power. I like this one, but it is something that will need to be planned out rather than randomly taking it. I think I will give it a try.

Necrons: Flayed One Haunt
Lets just say, when the new Codex hits, and we can take Flayed Ones as troops, I will have a closer look at it, but until then, Flayed Ones are off my radar.

Tyranids: Gargoyle Eyrie
Maybe if you are a Gargoyle fan then great, but personally, I just have to ask, WHY?

Space Wolves/Space Marines: The Noble Hero
Of course GW won't let us down with the Marines, any Marine within 6" of the building get to re-roll all failed rolls to hit!

So there you have it, I may play the Eldar one, but it only helps once at the beginning of the game, unlike the nice Space Marine one that last for the whole game, and can effect your whole army!

So what do you think? Stratagems! Do you like them? Do you plan what ones you will take before a game or do you randomly pick them? What do you think of the new Stratagems and should Stratagems be introduced into normal 40k games?
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13 July 2011

My Forge World Avatar

Nick speaking,

It's been a while since I felt the excitement of ordering my Forge World Avatar! I remember all the saving up for it, and then placing the order with a massive smile on my face. I also remember the feeling I had when it eventually came through the post, and the joy of building, converting and magnetising it. Since then, it has been sitting around in my case for quite some time, and I have only just realised that I haven't shown it on my Blog yet!

So here are a few pictures of this very awesome looking model, I got myself a resin base to further enhance it, although I had to do some work to get it to fit on, as you can see below. I also magnetised the spear for storage purposes. I will be painting it up at some point, but until then...

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10 July 2011

Biker list update

Nick speaking,

Continuing on with my Swiftclaw Biker list which was totally based around getting my bikes on the tabletop, it is now time for a few final tweaks to the list. After playing a game with the original list and illegally having Saga of the Hunter on the Bike Wolf Priest, I found myself with few extra points to play around with.

The original list was based around my Wolf Lord model that is holding a frost blade, but it quickly came clear to me after getting my bike unit locked in combat with an armour thirteen dreadnought, this was a mistake. During the game I was thinking I need some Melta bombs in the unit, but in reality and now with a few extra points, it has to be a Thunder Hammer!

One of my other bike dudes is holding a flamer as I originally modelling him up with it, but I think 100% he would be better off with a Melta Gun. So in the end I chose the Melta Gun/Thunder Hammer Combo instead of Melta bombs for the unit.

Now my Swiftclaw Biker List looks like this...


1 x Wolf Lord/Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield/Runic Armour/Bike (215) 
1 x Wolf Priest/Runic Armour/Wolf Tail/Bike (160)


5 x Wolf Scouts/Mark of Wulven/Meltagun/Melta Bomb (105)
5x Wolf Guard:
3 x Wolf Guard/Combi-Melta/Power Fist (129) 
1 x Wolf Guard/Terminator Armour/Cyclone missile launcher (63)
1 x Wolf Guard/Power Fist/Storm Shield/Bike (98)  


8 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Mark of Wulven/Power Weapon/Wolf Standard (200)
8 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Mark of Wulven/Power Weapon/Wolf Standard (200)
8 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Mark of Wulven/Wolf Standard (185)
5 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Razorback/Twin Las (155)


4 x Swiftclaw Bikers/Melta Gun/Power Weapon (125) 


5 x Long Fangs/4 x Missiles/Pack Leader (115)

Points 1750

Hopefully now I won't get the unit bogged down with some pesky Dread in the future, or if I do at least I will have a chance to wound the thing! 
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7 July 2011

Necron Tomb World Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Whenever I get a chance to bring out my Necron themed board, I always get the urge to play my Necron army. With a new Necron Codex not to far away, and with all the rumours of what is going to be in it and how the new rules will work, I just had to get my Deceiver based list on the table, just in case the Star Gods disappear forever...

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4 July 2011

Latest Necron Terrain Piece

Nick speaking,

If you have seen my recent post and video of me making my interchangeable display board, you will know that I purchased a Battlefield in a Box rocky hill. It came in two halves, one slightly smaller than the other. I used the smaller half for my Eldar display board and I planned for the bigger half to go towards my Necron themed terrain.

I made all my Necron terrain way before I started this Blog, and although this is a pretty basic piece, I thought I would use it as an opportunity for me to show you a step by step guide on how I get my Necron terrain colour scheme. Being a piece of terrain that is designed to go on the edge of the board, it will be a nice addition to the rest of my stuff. First I took the original hill and added a few extra stones to it to make it match my board a bit better...

I then painted it Chaos Black...

Dry Brushed it Dark Angels Green...

Dry brushed it Snot Green...

Dry brushed it Scorpion Green...

I then went back over the sand areas with Chaos Black...

Finally, I dry brushed the sand Codex Grey to match rest of my board...

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1 July 2011

IDIC Harlequins - Time for Mauggy!

Nick speaking,

If you have been following my Blog, you will know that my IDIC Harlequin Eldar list is totally based around the tactical Harlequin PDF done by Fritz. I love the whole Harlequin themed army idea, and I have had some great fun with them. The army has two variants based around two HQ's, with either Eldrad or Maugan Ra heading up the army. Eldrad is generally the preferred choice, giving a boost to your Harlies with Doom, Guiding your Wraithlords and Fortuning the Pathfinders so they can keep hold of any objectives...

The main disadvantage of the Eldrad list, is that pretty much every man and his dog now has some way to shut down Eldrad's psychic powers! Lets face it, Eldar are no longer the psykers they used to be and with said powers being shut down, Eldrad almost becomes redundant. Of course he does bring other things to the table like Divination and Runes of Warding, and if you get lucky with an army without any psychic defense, or manage to take it out, then the Eldrad list still stands very strong.

Both lists rely on just two troop choices, two units of five Pathfinders. After you have paid for the thirty Harlequins and three Wraithlords that you need to make the list work, that's the only troop choices you can afford. That's OK though, as the whole army is designed around that fact and has so many tricks in it to make it work.


Having a fortuned troop choice sitting on an objective, with a re-rollable, two plus cover save, backed by thirty Harlequins that you can't target, is a pretty tough nut to crack, but what about all the weapons out there that ignore cover saves? Tau marker lights, Blood Angels flanking flamer Baals, Blood Angels horrible Sternguard bullets that either drop pod or Storm Raven in (I won't mention their 2+ poisoned bullets!) Ork Snikrot rear flanking Commandos with flamers etc etc. I know there are a few tricks that can help out the Pathfinders, like reserving, baiting and bubble wrapping, and it is fair to say that even when the Pathfinders have been wiped out, I have still held on to a draw with the Harlies and Wraithlords contesting. So with all that said, I am now starting to think that it maybe time for me to start using the Mauggy list!

So what does Mauggy bring to the army?

Well, Mauggy has a bit more of an offensive roll than Eldrad, and although he has no invulnerable save, he does bring something different to the army. Using his thirty six inch ranged Muagateer, whilst being protected by a Harlequin unit with Veil of Tears, is going to start to be annoying to your opponent. With his Crack Shot ability you will be getting four strength six, rending shots, that ignore cover saves and hit on a two plus. With the ability to ignore smoke on rhinos, or cover saves on fast moving skimmers helps bring your opponent out on foot. Add to this his Fast Shot ability, an extra shot for when your opponent hasn’t or can’t pop smoke or is out in the open, plus acute senses for night fight and Dawn of War. When Mauggies Harlequin unit finally hits for the assault, he brings support with his high initiative, good number of attacks and a strength six power weapon to boot. No invulnerable save does suck, but at least he has Internal Warrior to slightly compensate for it!

I am not thinking or saying that adding Mauggy is going to change how my opponent deals with my scoring Pathfinders, but at least he may add a bit more pressure on them to deal with his unit, whilst my Pathfinders reserve and try not to draw attention to themselves! Although Mauggy will mean I no longer have any psychic protection myself without Eldrad's Runes of Warding, and I could potentially miss out on the the boosting powers of Eldrad, I think he will make me play my Harlequins a bit more aggressively than I do at the moment, and I am looking forward to see the results.

So with my Mauggy list in hand, it's time to take him into battle...

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