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31 December 2011

New Year Comments

Nick speaking,

Happy New Year to all my readers, thank you so much for staying tuned to my Blog, and for over doubling my viewing figures from the previous year. I hope you have enjoyed the content and will continue to support me in 2012. My new years resolution for the Blog is to try and increase the amount of comments I get on my posts. The problem is, I don't know how to achieve this? I have to admit that I follow many 40k Blogs myself, but only ever comment on a few of them, although I am trying to make more of an effort to comment as much as I can, even if it is just a "nice article" or "looks great" comment. So, what makes you want to post a comment?

Go on, post a comment below and lets find out...


  1. Difficult question actually... ;) :P

  2. Absolutely, thanks for the comment anyway, and Happy New Year to you

  3. Usually I will post a comment if I feel I have something to add to the discussion, if a question is asked or if I just want to say well done.

    So yeah. Ask us stuff I guess :)

  4. What you could try is putting the little boxes you can tick at the end of each post - easier and quicker way to give your appreciation of a post ... And Happy New Year to you too :)

  5. Thanks for your input, Happy New Year to you

  6. Exactly what I was gonna say. Posts that raise questions and has a clear "call to action" usually gets more interaction. I work in marketing and this is true everywhere that you want a "conversion", whether it's a sale of some kind or a blog comment. This is especially powerful if there is a possible debate stemming from it, not just a "What do you think about Imothek the Stormlords this and that, good or bad?"

    Hope this helped in some way. First time commenter here :) Will continue to follow your blog in 2012 with much anticipation! Being a necron player myself this is a great place to be!

  7. Thanks for your comment and insight. Looking forward to more interaction on the Blog in 2012, happy new year

  8. I also have this problem, I get the people viewing but never commenting, something like my last 8 or 9 blog posts have received no comments, as of yet. Maybe it's something to do with quality or maybe it's a lack of discussion points, or do we have to ask more questions...? I'm not sure, it's why I'm going to mess around with the formula of posting, things like polls and posts just asking questions, rather than articles.

  9. Let me know if you come up with the magic formula lol. I have tried polls and questions, and they can help. I just look at some of the big boy Blogs and even with over 800 followers, they still only get a few comments on some posts, so one comment from my 80 follows is probably about right =) I am now following your Blog back and have added you to my Blogroll :-)

  10. Haha, I certainly will!! Looks like you've tried pretty much everything you can, guess we will just have to keep blogging along!!

    Thanks for adding me to the list and following my blog, much appreciated!! :)


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