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27 November 2016

Eldar Warp Spiders (part 2) Lets find out what all the fus is about!

Nick speaking,

I am really happy how my Warp Spiders are coming along. I have managed to base coat and wash everything, which took some time as I only put the washes in the recesses of the red and purple. I have finished highlighting the Ork head and will tackle the red highlights next, before moving on to highlight the purple and gold. The power blades will get my usual silver to gold blend, which should look pretty cool...

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23 November 2016

Necrons! Necron! Necrons!

Nick speaking,

As most of you know, Necrons are my first and number one love in this hobby. I love everything about them, well except the Triarch Stalker model lol. Having been a long time collector, I have most of what I need, having said that, I am always looking on eBay for some Cron bargains! My recent hunting has provided me with nine more metal Wraiths, and literally, all for just a few pound. Yes, some of the bases are broken, but I will come to that in a bit...

Not only have I got myself these Wraiths, but I have also been given an old Necron Warrior by my YouTube Buddy Snake Eyes Gaming. He is well worth checking out as he is putting out some great content on his Channel.

I already have two units of six Wraiths, so I decided to just fix up six of these Wraiths to make a third unit. Like I said, some of the models were broken off the bases, but that was an easy fix for me, and a tutorial on how I did them will be coming up on the Blog soon if your interested.

So, what about the last three Wraiths? Well, I am planning on converting them into some Forge World Canoptek Acanthrites! I think it will work well, and it will give me a new Necron unit to try out, which is always a good thing! More to come on them soon, but incase you don't know what Acanthrites look like, here are a  couple of pictures for you...

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17 November 2016

Eldar Warp Spiders (part 1) Lets find out what all the fus is about!

Nick speaking,

It's been a while since I painted something from my Eldar case. Now that I only play with painted models, I thought it was about time I painted up some Warp Spiders and find out what all the fus is about for myself! Three groups of five with an Exarch should do the job. I have made a nice start, base coating the red and white over the grey primer. I plan on painting these in the Aspect Warrior colours, but as always, I will add some elements of Craftworld IDIC...

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12 November 2016

Iron Priest Thunderwolf Showcase

Nick speaking,

Here is the complete Iron Priest that I built and painted for my good buddy and fellow Legion of Gamza member, Methos from Frost and Fists. It has all the weapon options magnetised and I had a lot of fun with him. Don't forget to let me know what you think in the comments box below...

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8 November 2016

Iron Priest Thunderwolf for Wolf-Brother Methos (part 5)

Nick speaking,

So that's the Iron Priest for Wolf Brother Methos nearly done. All I have left to do now is the weathering effects and glue him on the Thunderwolf. He has both the weapon options and I had a lot of fun painting the power effects on the Thunder and Tempest Hammers...

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6 November 2016

WarGames Announcement - The Website is Live!

Nick speaking,

Stop Press! The amazing Wargames have now got their website open and the deal of the week looks pretty sweet. Martin, the owner of WarGames and sponsor of IDICBeer is an amazing guy. He started out in the hobby like us and progressed to his YouTube Channel. Now he owns one of the biggest Gaming shops in the UK, holding loads of events throughout the year for all sorts of gaming systems, including the Last Chance Open tournament that I am going to in January! The shop itself is located in Southport, but with new products being added to the new website every day and huge discounts available, I would strongly suggest you take a look at the website and see what it is all about for yourself...

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