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27 February 2015

LaserCutCard Necron Hill Review

Nick speaking,

So lets have a closer look at the 'Cyborg' Hills that I got from LaserCutCard in my previous post. As a long time fan of the LaserCutCard Cyborg range, I was very happy to see a brand new 'Cyborg' release. Not only that, but I have noticed there is now a $1 Shipping tab on the website that allows you to order any item on that tab and only have to pay $1 postage, sounds good to me!

As you can see from the picture above, I have now built my hill set, and as usual for LaserCutCard, it was very easy to do. Just grab the easy to follow instructions from their website and build one section at a time using superglue to hold the pieces of card together. I know it is cardboard, but honestly, once built and laced with a bit of PVA glue on the underside of the joins. The final ridgedness is as if it was made from wood, not cardboard...

What I love about this set the most is the different options you have when it comes to using it on your battlefield. One big two tiered hill, one big and one small hill, four hills to put on the edges of the table, or even one or two hills with walkways. Not unsurprisingly from me, I gave this set a massive thumbs up and would recommend it for any Necron themed board. All I have to do now is paint it to match the rest of my terrain...

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24 February 2015

Tyrannocyte Conversion Finished

Nick speaking,

Here is my final conversion to turn my old Mycetic Spores into a Tyrannocyte. It isn't too far off the original model now, so hopefully I won't get any complaints. Let me know what you think and I will will get it painted up soon...

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21 February 2015

Tyrannocyte Conversion (part 2)

Nick speaking,

Following on from my first post of converting up my old Pods to look like the new model, and I have done some more work on the tentacles on the base. I plan on painting the tentacles black with yellow tips, so to give me some extra colour to them I added a few dots for me to also paint yellow...

I then started work on the guns, cutting off the front sections of some Death Spitters and Barbed Stranglers I had. Adding magnets to the ends. I then made some green stuff sockets on the pod for the guns to fit into...

Hopefully these will look pretty cool once I have them painted up, and I plan on making a Venom Canon option as well...

Here is how it is looking at the moment. I am going to add a few tentacles to the sides at the bottom to finish it off. I think I will magnetise these on as well to keep storage problems to a minimal. More to come in the next update...

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19 February 2015

Endless Swarm Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Here is my very first outing with my no Monstrous Creature Endless Swarm list. What a lot of fun this list was to play, although I have to say, it was a bit back breaking with over one hundred and fifty models to push around the table!

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17 February 2015

HELP for HEROES 'Ultramarines' Spotlight - COURAGEnHONOUR!

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the first batch of awesome minis that COURAGEnHONOUR have painted for us, and yes, I said first batch, even though there are thirty one minis in this Showcase! Tickets are now on sale to win these units and the whole army at only £2.00 a ticket, all for the HELP for HEROES Charity, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning...

The Master of Marches by COURAGEnHONOUR

Tactical Squad One by COURAGEnHONOUR

Tactical Squad Two by COURAGEnHONOUR

Tactical Squad Three by COURAGEnHONOUR
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15 February 2015

Tyrannocyte Conversion (part 1)

Nick speaking,

I have been spending some time lately converting up my old Mega Blok Mycetic Spores into the new Tyrannocytes. I have eight of these pods, and I want to convert up at least four of them, but first of all I need to work out how to do it!

First off all I got some 100mm bases from eBay, £4.00 for six, so not too bad at all. I then got myself a plastic tube, which was from the inside of a finished paper roll (till roll). I then glued the tube to the base and started work on some green stuff. I don't have a tentacle maker, so it was the old fashioned rolling on a table for me. I plan on revisiting them again and adding in a bit of detail, but I think they look pretty good as they are...

For storage reasons, I wanted to magnetise the pod on, rather than gluing it, and in the end, this also dictated me not putting tentacles onto the pod itself, well, that and I didn't want to have to repaint anything. One magnet in the rod and some green stuff to give me some support with a magnet on the base of the pod, and that was that bit done...

Now all I have to do is work out how to add on some guns and maybe a top section. Updates on that soon, but for now, this is how it is looking so far...

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13 February 2015

Endless Swarm with No Monstrous Creatures!

Nick speaking,

It's always fun to have a bit of a change and maybe even a bit of a challenge, and after many games of 40k with my Hive Fleet packed out with Mawlocs, Flyrants, Fexes and Pods, I thought I would have a go at an army with no Monstrous Creatures in it!

So, with no Monstrous Creatures taking up my points, I figured I am going to have a lot of little bugs on the table, which instantly points me in the direction of the Endless Swarm Formation. I haven't really been using formations, but this one seems to be pretty good following on the heals of Skyblight.

The formation consists of three units of Gants, three units of Gaunts and a Warrior Brood, and all these units have a chance to come back onto the board once killed with a fifty percent chance, sounds pretty good to me.

Now I am in no way going for a competitive list, with the whole idea of the army being to have some fun. I know that I could shave a few points off here and there, like dropping a few Devourers out for Flesh Borers on the Devilgants, but overall I like the list I have come up with. The Stealers will infiltrate and everything else will push forward from the outset. There's not too much antitank in there, but there is plenty of Synapse. I am really looking forward to getting this Swarm on the table, as it seems like it is going to be a lot of fun to play, but please let me know your thoughts. Battle report to follow...

1 x Tyranid Prime/Whip/Boneswords (140)

3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
9 x Genestealers (126)
9 x Genestealers (126)

4 x Shrike Brood (140)
4 x Shrike Brood (140)
16 x Gargoyles (96)

3x Zoanthropes (150)

FORMATION (Endless Swarm)
3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
20 x Hormagaunts/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (200)
10 x Hormagaunts (50)
10 x Hormagaunts (50)
20 x Termagants/Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/Devourer (160)

1998 points

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11 February 2015

New Necron Hill Terrain from LaserCutCard

Nick speaking,

What better time than now to release some brand new Necron terrain! Well that is just what LaserCutCard have done, and as always I am one of the very first people to get my hands on it. The latest design to come out of the large range of  'Cyborg' products from LCC are these very funky looking hills...

I have had many LaserCutCard items before, and as always these were fantastic value for money. Although they have come to me in the UK from South Africa, the postage cost was very reasonable and they arrived well packaged and in perfect condition. I am sure these hills will be to the usual high standard as the other products I have purchased, and yes, even though they are made from cardboard, they are very durable and strong when all built up. Here is what I received in the post, I will do a full review once I get them all built up...

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9 February 2015

HELP for HEROES 'Ultramarines' Spotlight - Mythril Rhino

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the fantastic Rhino that we have had done for us by The Real Mythril, for the HELP for HEROES charity raffle. Tickets are now on sale at only £2.00 a ticket, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning this great tank along with the rest of the awesome army...

Rhino by TheReal Mythril
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6 February 2015

Triple Mawloc Vs Blood Angels Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Time to get my revised Triple Loc List on the table, and now the pods are back I was really looking forward to this. My buddy had his Blood Angels out and was just experimenting with the new Codex, so please be warned, this is not going to be pretty! I really liked the idea of adding a comms rely to the ADL that was suggested to be in the last post, so I think I will work that into the list next time...

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