Army Painter - Speedpaint Mega Set 2.0
Recently, when painting more models in the 28-32mm scale for gaming, I
almost always use Speedpaints from Army Painter. I don't paint the whole
2025: The Return of Blogging
Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well. It's been a minute since I blogged on that social media train for a few years, until the train
Brushes of the Underworlds: Final Check
Initial disclaimer! We have to apologize… because even though the campaign
ended a while ago, we got distracted by other things and we forgot to
publish ...
Terrain - show case
I though I would share a few images of the completed set of terrain for the
paper and card barn, trees and field.
The set looks pretty good considering h...
Painted Models in January - Gallery
A quick snap of all the models I got painted this month!
Total Models: 46
- Bonereaper Soulreaper
- 5 Death rider Kavalos
- Mortek Crawler
X-Wing Report - Epic Battle
Here is a battle report/review of my first game of epic. Generally speaking
I think that epic is now my preferred format for X-Wing. It feels much more
INQ28: Two Hired Guns....
The Curst wear their sins writ upon their flesh, and undertake various
tasks that they might be absolved of them.... Hunters come in many shapes
and spec...
Gen Con 2019 purchases
Well here is the pile of loot garnered from Gen Con 2019
*Detective L.A. Crimes*, the follow up to Detective a Modern Crime Game. A
game that my wife (a...
Escape Pod Objective - FINALLY!
Been walking around with this idea in my head for 2 years now and I finally
got it out in the world. It's not spectacular modelling, but it makes for
Gnome Wars - Cold Wars 2019
To All,
Here are a few images from the Gnome Wars game that I ran on Saturday night
at Cold Wars. The Germans were trying to hold the castle from the allie...
Whats up Wednesday #024
Hello everybody,
Welcome to another weekly ramble through my wargaming life...
This week it has been very quiet in my man cave as I haven't really had th...
291: Tomb Raiders
As I mothball my blog I'm taking stock of my hobby and armies as they
Here at the end of 2018, this is my whole Necron army. What started off as...
Kingdom death survivors + Tutorial
Ciaro oscuro, contrasting warm tones with cold ones and blablabla there ya
go I desaturated my brain.
Thanks to this awesome tutorial I was able to try ...
Tale of four gamers
So for my tale of four gamers I have decided to do knights. I've have a
couple bouncing around in my pile of shame for a while. As a couple of
knights is e...
Bayou Battles 2018 Loot…
[image: 2018-09-07 02.36.34]
Not a bad Haul form bayou this past year. The dungeon saga box was what I
got as a door prize, I also got the ba...
My Double Trouble 4 Battle Reports
I was thrilled to be able to play in my last ever event. Not least because
I'd spent a decent chunk of time in the run up to the event getting my army
Blog Address Change
Need More Tanks started out as a blog about my Guard army, but one of the
first things I did with the blog was run a Tale of Four Gamers for my new,
Welp that took awhile
Lord have mercy that was a long break. I still painted stuff. Not as fast
as normal - but still knocked out a ton of stuff. Plus some artwork etc
etc. ...
I have so much to show you guys... I've been working so hard! More soon
about my own stuff...
But for today I wanted to talk about the Nova Open Charitabl...
Old Warhammer Plastic
Hello there! I dug out my old plastic Orcs from the 80's. Not many left of
these classics... But enough to make a regiment for Kings of War. Few
goblins al...
The Chaos Manifesto vs Iron Sleet #9
"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to
live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales
of th...
Kickstarter and musings
*WASTEMAN kickstarter*
*These are really cool ! And you can bet that I have pledged! There are
pugs as well!! The hogs are by far my favorite and I see a...
A first… (of many)
‘First, we crushed them with the tracks of our Rhinos. Then, with our
armoured boots. Wasn’t a lot left to use the bolters on after
that….’ Brother Trolte,... seems we're all doing this...
It speaks *volumes *as to the sheer influence 40k has had over the years
that it seems we have all been compelled to come out of retirement to
comment on...
Manfaat Daun Salam Dan Buahnya Untuk Kesehatan
Daun salam acapkali dipakai selaku bumbu makanan karna ada bebauan yg
eksklusif. daun salam lazim ditemui pada makanan berkuah serupa goreng
alias gulai. m...
The grand re-launch / Cheeky Swines tournament
So the great blog re-launch. Been a while since I posted on here and I
thought I might try again. Brief catch-up, still playing Malifaux focusing
more on O...
Had a spare day to play with some toys!
Well, play.. I'm still here, still alive, and still working 60+ hour weeks.
so while i'm getting a little gaming in on my PC (played a little for Honor
Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5! KICKSTARTED!!
Kingdom Death: Monster is a cooperative board game set in a horrific land
where players fight and die together to protect and nurture their fragile
Heldrake Sliviliths
Planet of the Hoojibs runs deep.
One angry avian.
I liked the GW heldrake kit, but I thought the pose was wrong. I flipped
the wings, ...
Leman Russ Competition: Vote
Cast your vote and help us to choose the winner of our Leman Russ
12 battle reports were submitted, 8 were deemed worthy to be published on
Grotesques Complete
I finished the grotesques. I like how these came out. I need to make an
agonizer for the aberration, and I need a better photo setup.
Look What I Did: Built A Table
So the hobby table has been pretty vacant for the last month, but only
because I've been creating a gaming table. I've always wanted to make my
own, with...
Different Space Marine Power Weapons
Hello, blogsphere. My fault it has been a long time.
JJ painting,
Me? I was right here!
A brother of mine sent me an email asking me about Space Marine...
From our painting service - 1st Marine Raiders! Hopefully you like them as
much as we do.
All painted in our level 4 standard. Full magnetization on some o...
The War Machine Project Part 2
Much progress has been made. The model has been built into sub-assemblies,
the lighting has been installed.
More after the jump.
This kit utilizes t...
Imperial Militia and Cults, a step towards 30K
Hello All,
So this is something a little out of the blue, a 30k army. Me and Callum
are currently toying with the idea of the betrayal at calth box (so...
X-Wing Store Championship: My first go
After playing about 4 games of X wing I entered a store tournament with a
list that I have used in a couple of games (as I have a very limited model
Zandrekh and Maelstrom Objectives
Hey guys, This article is meant to provide a quick and simple tip to how I
like to achieve a crapton of Maelstrom points by using Zandrekh in a
relatively ...
Commission Miniature Painting
Hello fellow hobbyists and gamers
I am now open to all commission work, I know many of you have armies or
models that are still unpainted, or maybe you ...
Army Impressions - Shael Han
Today we have another post from Evil Homer. He sent this to me once before,
and the first post didn't really say anything you couldn't read on the
Wrath ...
Brush cleaner
(Yes, it’s been a while.)
I have been using brush cleaner for a while now. The stuff is quite
excellent, and has managed to restore brushes I would have ...
Great Unclean One
Long Time no see people! But I have just been sent this and couldn't refuse
sharing it. Could this be the new plastic Great Unclean One?!
Infinty Games Day
Yesterday I made the trek up to Chiba to visit the wonderful Mr Fields
hobby store. There were about 6 of us, 3 tables and players of varying
skill ...
Fun Drop Wolves
So following on from yesterday's post about the beauty of Drop Pods in 7e
40k (or whatever we are in now lol...) I want to talk about Space Wolves -
you ...
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
Daemons - Khorne Daemonkin - Review - Part 1
I picked up the Khorne Daemonkin book - a digital copy - right when it came
out. Although I have not traditionally been a Khorne player (says the guy
It figures.
Well, that was predictable, wasn't it?
A New Eldar CodexOut of left field the new Eldar Codex arrives - excuse me,
"Craftworld Eldar Codex"! And far from ...
WarbossTae May painting challenge!!!!
So as the headline may reveal i have joined WarbossTae's painting
challenge, so for the rest of May i will only be having 8 days where it is
''okay'' for m...
Auctioning my Space Wolves Army!
My friends, all good things must come to an end, and so I have decided to
part with my dear Space Wolves army with the help of eBay. My army, led by
Prickly Terrain Studios
Hi Guys,
Thanks for stopping by!
Well it's October the 1st and officially today is the day my commission
terrain making business is launched!!! It's all v...
Friday Little Party 6, Game 1
Another 750 pt tournament with restrictions on identical units. I took the
same list as last time. And surprisingly had a bit of a deja vu when I came
up a...
Holofields worth it or not?
Rob speaking,
Something I've been thinking about since the start of 7th edition, are
Holofields worth the 15pts now? Going back to 6th edition, where 5+ f...
Alright, let’s talk invisibility.
There are a lot of people complaining and upset about how powerful
invisibility is.
Well, it is not much worse than F...
We moved!!
In an effort to shift the focus of the blog, we have renamed it, and also
(obviously) changed the URL.
Greater Daemon of Slaanesh
I painted this guy (gal?) a while back but for some reason I didn't post
about it. I wouldn't say I enjoyed the painting process that much. Painting
a la...
Fresh Chaos: The Crimson Slaughter
I'm a sucker for anything chaos related. Of this course this means I was
more than excited to get my hands on the new Chaos Space Marines
supplement, th...
Infinity Office Block paint test 2
We ( are working on a set of buildings
designed for the Infinity game system. These are futuristic city buildings
made of he...
PP Announcement! New Hordes Model!
*"If there is one thing we here at Privateer Press pride ourselves on, it's
listening to our audience. You guys and gals have been demanding a fifth
full ...
Back painting and posting!
Well it's been a while hasn't it? I ran out of enthusiasm for writing
blogposts late last year, my enthusiasm for the hobby was still there, but
my paint...
Building the Gundam - 08
Despite having jumped the gun a bit and assembled the wings... I can't put
them on the Gundam without the harness, so that took priority.
The Gundam ha...
Sunday Sermon: Learning to say no!
We all suffer from varying degrees of what psychoanalysts call "shiny toy
syndrome" (it's not actually a condition in the DSM V, but it ...
Some highlights of todays game at my place , 12000 pts , Iron warriors
teaming up with dark wolves legion , dark eldar teaming up with night lords
New Forum - Eldar Resplendent
Thanks to my friend, a new forum has come to my attention, one that started
recently but I've been wanting for years, ever since I started Eldar. Yup,
Vanilla Skies 2.0: New SM Codex Flyer Army
Ok so since the Skies Booklet release I have always wanted to run a Vanilla
Skies list made up of 3 storm ravens and 3 storm talons. I feel this book
Counts as Typhus model, and 180 painted zombies
Im sorry I don't have a lot of time to talk, but this guy is my Typhus and
below are 180 zombies that I had paint commissioned. If I was anywhere
near ...
Update on Trollbloods
As of this moment, I am winning the Anomaly league at my local store by 9
points, which is all thanks to painting epic Madrak and the mounted version
of Ho...
New Heldrake Base
I decided that i wanted a more interesting base for my heldrake. Something
that could add a little more charater.
Basically 2 tau warriors are running f...
Back to regular posting...hopefully
Hard to believe it, it has been almost a year since my last post. So what
happened and what have I been doing with my time. Well I have been busy
My Magic is Better then Yours
From the first time I gazed into the Chaos Space Marine
book, I fell in love with the Sorcerers. They first break in a 100 point
Space ...
Super Dungeon Explore and Dark Angels Test Model
Greetings Nurgley Friends. Today I just have a quick post for you with a
couple of completed models (and one not so completed).
First up is a Spawning ...
Christmas Loot: One thing
Well... it's this time of year in which all good bloggers share the
treasure trove of models they accrued during the Christmas holiday.
Reading blogs has ...
Paint for metal?
Ok guys and gals, this is T4nkSmasher from Outnumbered Studios, your
friendly neighborhood painting company. I have a question I want to put out
there in...
WINNER! Giveaway #4 - Eldar Guardian Squad
The early bird got the worm this time, as Random selected first responder
Muninn as the winner! Muninn was the subject of a recent Spotlight here at
40K ...
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Hell week over...
So, my long-ass week is now over. Supposedly, I get next Saturday off, so I
may get a chance to play some games of something if I get can enough stuff
Faceplant fail-sale
So yeah … I kinda had a bike crash last month been in hospital and out of
it for a while, hence it’s been quieter than usual around here… This has
Solomon Kane US Release
Hey guys, sorry I've been down and out for a while. I started up school
again and I'm just drained.
I'm going to try my best to get some games in this week...
I finish painting my Immotekh the Stormlord
Yes as the title explains I have finished painting Immotekh.
When i brought immotekh I assembled him like i normally do with new minis
but two months late...
How 6th Affected My Armies Part III
"The Wretched Alien Mind Cannot Be Measured By Any Human Standard."
Today we're going to talk about Fast Attack. (Yes, I'm dancing around the
Troops secti...
End of an era...
Well folks, Blood & Blades has come to an end. Things have come full
circle and it is time to move on and start fresh. I have decided to start
a new bl...
500 Point Necron Armies Pt 2
This is a continuation of my 500 point Necron lists. With the new codex and
all the variation available, it really is outstanding – you can actually
get a...
Unit Review: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor
The Ordo Hereticus are the Witch Hunters, those would would seek out and
kill rogue psykers and other witches, and their Inquisitors represent this
Painting Update: My first Trukk
Hey guys, I just recently finished painting my Ork Trukk. I am overall
happy with the results, especially the red armor. This was actually the
largest m...
The Death Knell
So like I said, here are some photos of The Death Knell formation.
This is the first 40k model I painted. Along time ago it feels.
The formation cons...
Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?
This has been a topic of debate with myself really and I can imagine with
most of the rest of you.
On the surface I immediately went straight to Immortals ...
Temporary Stasis
This blog is going into temporary stasis whilst I mess around with the
layout, domain and whatnot.
And that's why I haven't posted for two weeks as well...
FTW reborn
I'm sure that most of you have already seen that I've put FTW back into
motion. That being said, I am planning on continuing my updates over there.
I appre...
Some more pictures. From Five Dragons.
Heres a few pictures that i got off my third round opponent Lex.
My painting isn't 100% and i'm missing quite a few highlights and
detailing, but i think a...
New Hobby Shots
Few test models and a Void Raven I wipped up, nothing really substantial,
just a quick post.
Got some BFG lined up for tuesday, pretty pumped. Just hav...
It seems I have been a very busy boy with my challenge to finish painting my Nids once again. So much so, that my Blog is going to be taken over by several Stinger Hive Fleet showcase posts over the next week or so! Here is the first one, my magnetised Harpy/Hive Crone...
It's been a long time coming, but I have finally got around to making myself some Hive Guard! These three guys we converted from Warriors with some Carnifex backs and a few other bits I had. I am really happy how they came out, I even magnetised the front of the gun to give me the two gun options. Can't wait to get them painted and finally be able to play Hive Guard without having to proxy Warriors for them!
Getting there now with my mission to finish building my last batch of Nids to paint. I hope to get these painted after my Toxicrene and Hive Crone along with the Broodlord conversion I recently did. First though, I have three Warriors to convert into Hive Guard, I have been wanting to do this conversion for some time, so I can't wait to get started on them. More to come soon!
Welcome to the official Announcement of the HELP for HEROES 'Ultramarines' charity raffle winner, where one lucky person has won the amazing Ultramarines army, donated, built and painted by the very talented
YouTube Wargaming Community. The project was headed up by myself and Dragonforge Studios and we are very pleased to be able to announce the winner of the
army that was randomly chosen...
We are incredibly proud to say that we managed to raise a total of £2091.79, which couldn't of happened if it wasn't for all the very
generous people on the project, and to everyone who bought tickets and
donated money for the army raffle. All the proceeds from the project
have gone towards the fantastic work done by the HELP for HEROES charity, so a massive thank you to everyone.
Now to announce the winner! A big thank you to all who
organised the Salute event where we showcased the army. We had
an amazing day, and it was great to meet some of you in person. We did
the draw a few weeks after the event, and we are very pleased to announce that the
winner of the HELP for HEROES 'Ultramarines' army is...
Congratulation to Wayne Bollands, who won the army, we really hope that
you enjoy your prize and that it will do you honour on the battlefield. Just click here to see a list of all the contributors who made the who thing possible
and pictures of your new army, enjoy!
A new store that does what all stores SHOULD! Stocking all tabletop, CCG
and board games online and instore with great prices & service!
Sounds good doesn't it, well this store is going to happen and it is going to be run by one of my good buddies Martin McNeil, he has the premises ready and is in the process of doing the website for the store, but before the store opens he is doing a little Kickstarter for the project where we can benefit from extra discount on the stock, plus a few more incentives. I will let Martin explain a bit more, but please remember, every pound helps as does every share...
Hi folks,
I am opening a HUGE wargaming store in Southport, in the North West of England (just above Liverpool).
There are lots of different hobby stores dotted around the country of all different shapes and sizes. From Games Workshop to the small hobby shop in a corner of a newsagents.
I have been a business consultant for many years in the motor trade and have been responsible for trouble shooting dealers such as Audi, VW, Jaguar and Mercedes. I take the bad practices out and put in good ones. It is not rocket science to do and pretty much involves looking at what works for other dealers. I want to bring that knowledge to the hobby industry and make a store that is EVERYTHING the customer wants and has EVERYTHING they need available whilst providing a relaxed, friendly non-pushy environment.
I am a gamer and hobbyist myself but unlike so many unsuccessful stores in the past I intend to 'put the horse before the cart' and remember that it is a business first.
So what will be different about Wargames?
*A bright clean space with lots of demo and gaming tables available. Plenty of room to move around the tables, plus an area on each table for reserves, dead minis, books etc.
*Full lines of all the main game systems including GW, Bolt Action, X-Wing, Warmachine/Hordes, Malifaux, Mantic etc. All at discounted prices and IN STOCK.
*Clean toilets, hot and cold drinks plus snacks and sweets.
*Good quality tables with proper terrain to play on, a couch and seating 'chill out' area to play board and card games or just have a chat with fellow gamers. There will also be a reference library of books, magazies and novels to read or take away for a short period.
*A fully equipped hobby area to paint, build and airbrush away to your hearts content.
*On the higher floors will be the mass of gaming tables (approx 50) for club events, apocalypse style games and regular tournaments.
Naturally there will be an online store to offer ALL of the store products too, at the same great prices you find in store. There will be a live stocking system linked with the webstore and physical store so if the item is not in stock you will have the option of receiving part of your order in 48 hours and the rest to follow within 10 days or cancel the order. I intend to be as honest as possible with my customers as bad reputation travels fast.
Basically I have the building secured, the website is ready to go and the shop fit, money and staff are in place but I need as much stock as I can get to make this work for both me and you guys, and my money just does not stretch that far.
I am asking for people to buy into both ME and the STORE and give what you can. There are obvious rewards for those close enough to visit but the online benefits are there for others. I am part of a GREAT community on YouTube and my channel will grow alongside the store offering tutorials, battle reports, and an opportunity to 'Challenge Martin' (think of MiniWargaming and that's my sort of aim)
You do not have to be a member to visit the store and for a small daily fee of just £3.50 you can have full access to all the tables and game systems, this can be taken to a £20 monthly membership or £60 half yearly and £100 annual. With membership you will get priority booking and advance notice on events such as masterclass painting tutorials and tournaments and also a membership discount.
It seems a lot of money but from the community out there and seeing the interest in the hobby it could be achieved and even surpassed. If the project is successful then I will look to be open for September and any funds over the target will simply improve the store.
Here is my YouTube channel, feel free to subscribe and watch for more in depth talk and vision of the store
Although the new Broodlord mini is awesome, I already have one in the set pose the model comes with. No ball and socket joints and a fixed head is a slight downside to the mini, but I am really happy with what I came up with. Rotating the mini so that he stands on the spine in the opposite direction was a good starting point and allowed for me to go for this leaping pose. Lots of green stuff in all the joints and a shorter tongue also helped change him up. Let me know if you like him!
Just a quick update on the first batch of Nids in my challenge to finish my Tyranid army again! Things are going well and I have put down the first two coats ready for the pop layers, which has to be the most fun part of my paint scheme, more to come soon...
This is a 1750pts battle report (old Codex) with the 'Unwelcome Visitors' mission that was in White Dwarf during the Harlequin release a while back. I have not seen anyone else play this mission, but it was great fun and I would recommend giving it a go if you want to mix things up on the table...
Well yes, I did fully finish my Tyranid army at the end of last year, but as expected, I seem to have accumulated a few more Nids over the last couple of months! The year of the Wolf is still on, and painting them is my number one priority, but I want to keep on top of the Nids and not let the unpainted minis get out of hand!
I plan on doing them in two batches, the first will be my magnetised Harpy/Hive Crone and Toxicrene/Maleceptor, of which I have linked up the magnetising tutorials I did if your interested. Along with them will be my first new Broodlord and two more bases for my next Tyrannocyte conversions. More to come on batch two, as I still need to build them, but for now, lets get the first batch painted!
Time to bring my 'Super Phalanx' list concept into the Decurion, and for those of you that are not aware of the concept behind the list, it is pretty simple. The core is based around one big blob of Warriors and an Overlord, backed up by a couple of Ghost Arks. This use to be pretty hard to take down with RP rolls and then repair barge, but now with the Decurion Special rules, they just got a whole lot better!
So what makes them better? OK, so the unit isn't as good in the assault without the faithful Stormtek and Mind Shackle Scarabs from the Overlord, but the unit got a lot more resilient. 4+ RP rolls, re-rolling the ones plus repair barge from two Ghost Arks. these guys are going to be hard to take down, especially now the RP roll is done after you take a wound!
I have to do a bit of a change around with the rest of the army to fit it in with the Decurion restrictions, but adding in the Canoptek Harvest to get me more RP rolls within the army should bode well. I am really happy how the list is looking, but please feel free to let me know your thoughts. Battle reports to follow soon...
Super Phalanx Decurion (2k)
Reclamation Legion
1 x Overlord/Warscythe/Phase Shifter/Shroud (160)
18 x Necron Warriors (234)
10 x Warriors/Ghost Ark (235)
10 x Warriors/Ghost Ark (235)
6 x Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (232)
5 x Tomb Blades/Gauss/Looms/Vanes/Scopes (115)
1 x Necron Monolith (200)
6x Deathmarks (108)
Canoptek Harvest
1 x Canoptek Spyder/Prism (60)
8 x Canoptek Scarabs (160)
6 x Canoptek Wraiths/Coils (258)
We had a fantastic day at Salute and we were pretty much selling tickets
non stop all day. Here are a few pictures of the stand we had with the
army on display, and a video of the footage I managed to take on the
day. The winner of this awesome army will be announced here on the Blog
soon, but there is still time to get some tickets to have your chance of winning this army and to donate to the HELP for HEROES charity at the same time...