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30 January 2016

My Las Vegas Open Game - Necron List!

Nick speaking,

Continuing on from my previous post and the practice game I am having with my buddy Aceface on his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year, and it's time to reveal my army list!

First off all, I really want to try out a few new things with this list. I love my Necrons, but I have only been playing a few units lately, mainly because of the points needed for the Decurion, but also because, well, lets face it, the Canoptek Harvest is almost too good to not play. I usually play Wraiths and Ace knows all about them and how to deal with them, So like I said, this new list is going to be a bit different...

I am going to bolt on a Destroyer Cult Formation to the Reclamation Legion. I know that most of Aceface's Tau army has a 2+ save and this may not be the best choice, but just a side note on that. I am not making a list specifically to beat HIS army. I want the list to have elements of what I think he might see at the event, and to give him some experience of it on the table. It is just a practice game after all! Besides, I will have three Heavy Destroyers for some AP2 busting, and the two Stormsurges he has will only get their 4++ against the Destroyers.

I also want to play my Necrons a little different than I normally do on the table, I want to be ultra aggressive with them. Ten Sword and Board Lychguard with a Solar Staff Cryptek, Vargard and two Overlords with Warscythes. This unit will teleport turn one, pop the staff off and hopefully put the Tau on the backfoot. The unit will have a 3++ save, a 4+ RP roll (even with instant death thanks to Technomancer) and they get to re-roll the failed RP rolls of a one thanks to the Overlord. The unit is very survivable and has three Warscythes to boot for some decent killing power, all be it at initiative two. The other great thing about the unit is that I get to use my old Pariah models!

Lastly for the list, again, something I want to try out and should be a pain on the table! A small unit of Deathmarks for the Destroyer Lord in the Cult to deep strike in with. IF I can deep strike in during the Tau turn, then perfect. The Deathmarks can shoot, and then in my turn the Destroyer Lord is free to come away from the unit and then assault something with his Void Reaper. The Deathmarks are there as a delivery system for the Lord more than anything, but I think this little unit should combine with the Lychguard unit nicely

Right, so here is the list, this is going to be fun...

Necron Destroyer Decurion Detachment 1850pts

Reclamation Legion (508pts)

1 x Overlord/Warscythe (100)    
5 x Immortals/Gauss (85)
10 x Warriors (130)
10 x Warriors (130)
3 x Tomb Blades/Blaster/Looms/Vanes (63)

Auxiliary (390)

5x Deathmarks (90)
10x Lychguards/Sword&Shield (300)

Destroyer Cult Formation (650)

1 x Destroyer Lord/Reaper (140)
3 x Destroyers (120)
3 x Destroyers (120)
3 x Destroyers (120)
3 x Heavy Destroyers (150)
Royal Court Formation (300)

1 x Overlord/Warscythe (100)
1 x Vargard Obyron (120)
1 x Cryptek/The Solar Staff (80)


Battle report coming soon!

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27 January 2016

My Las Vegas Open Game - Necron Destroyers Ready!

Nick speaking,

Following on from my previous post about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. Here are the new minis I needed to paint for our practice game. I will go over my list in the next post, but for now, here are my new minis all painted up...

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24 January 2016

My Las Vegas Open Game - Preparation!

Nick speaking,

Following on from my previous post where I talked about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. We have planned a practice game to get him in tip top condition with his fantastic Tau army, as he takes the road to what is going to be an amazing event. Of course, I am going to do my best to test him and his army commanding skills the best I can, and for this I need to make a few extra models!

No points for guessing what new formation I am going to take in my ITC rules restricted list! The Destroyer Cult Formation, It looks like a lot of fun, and I really want to get away from the Canoptek Harvest route that I usually play. More on that in another post when I go over my full list, but until then I need to get these painted! Oh and if your wondering what the two Deathmarks are doing there, I will be painting them up at the same time as I was given a couple of them from another YouTube friend of mine cruorangelussilicis

More to come very soon...

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21 January 2016

Eldar War Walkers #1

Nick speaking,

Time for another change from the Wolves and paint up some more Eldar. Next on the desk then are my three War Walkers. As usual, I have magnetised them up with all the weapon options using a pin and magnet method. I suspect the weapons will take me longer to paint than the Walkers themselves, but it will be worth it in the end...

More to come soon...

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18 January 2016

Space Wolves Showcase - The Army So Far!

Nick speaking,

Just a few pictures of my 13th Company Space Wolf army so far, loads and loads of hours have gone into these guys, so I really hope you like them. If you want to see the units in more detail just follow this link.

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15 January 2016

The Year of the Wolf (19)

Nick speaking,

That's the two Rune Priest finished for my 13th Company Space Wolves. I really hope you like them...

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12 January 2016

Flayed Crons Vs Mech Blood Angels!

Nick speaking,

More Flayed One action, and this time I am up against my buddies mechanised Blood Angels army...

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9 January 2016

Aceface Hits Las Vegas Open!

Nick speaking,

Yes that's right, my good buddy Aceface will be taking his amazing Tau army to the Las Vegas Open this year. I know he is going to have an amazing time and he is documenting his journey on his YouTube channel. Not only that, but I am going to be a part of his journey, where I am going to face his Vegas List as he tests it out and gets to grips with the nitty gritty of the list. More to come on that game, but here are a few pictures of some of his Tau army for you to see before you head over to his YouTube Channel to find out more...

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6 January 2016

The Year of the Wolf (18)

Nick speaking,

That's the base coats and washes done on my two Rune Priests. The fur is finished already and I am trying to paint them a little different from each other, as they are the same base model. Of course, I have added in some Chaos elements as they are 13th Company Wolves. More to come once the highlights are done...

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