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28 April 2016

Space Wolves 13th Company List (Unleashed Detachment)

Nick speaking,

Back to getting the Wolves on the table, and after painting my two Rune Priests and third unit of Grey Hunters at the end of last year. I have now come up with a fifteen hundred point list for the painted models that I have so far...

Of course, this army is in no shape or form a competitive build, and it is currently lacking in some long range support, hence me currently painting my Long Fangs! I wanted to get all the models I have painted so far in the list, and with three HQs painted, the Unleashed Detachment seemed ideal for that to happen. Lots of points have been thrown into the list on wargear options to make the points up, so I am not expecting too much from the army at the moment, still, It will be great to play them. Battle report coming soon...

The Wolves Unleashed Detachment

1 x Ragnar Blackmane/2x Fenrisian Wolves (211)
1 x Rune Priest/Plasma Pistol/Level 2/Hood/Armour of Russ/Digital Weapon (155)
1 x Rune Priest/Level 2/Hood/ Runic Armour/Digital Weapon (135)

10 x Grey Hunters/2x Meltagun/Power Weapon/Standard Bearer                                      
        Wolf Guard Pack/Combi-Melta/Power Weapon/Melta Bomb (260)
10 x Grey Hunters/2x Meltagun/Power Weapon
        Wolf Guard Pack/Combi-Melta/Power Weapon/Melta Bomb (235)
10 x Grey Hunters/2x Plasmagun/Power Weapon
        Wolf Guard Pack/Combi-Plasma/Power Weapon (240)

10 x Fenrisian Wolves/Cyberwolves (90)
10 x Fenrisian Wolves/Cyberwolves (90)
9 x Fenrisian Wolves/Cyberwolves (82)

1498 points


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25 April 2016

The Year of the Wolf (21)

Nick speaking,

Back to painting my first unit of Long Fangs for my 13th Company Space Wolves army. So far I have base coated pretty much everything and I am ready for the washes. I am really enjoying these guys and only painting a small unit of five makes a nice change to the ten man Grey Hunter squads. Next is to wash them, then the hard works begins, highlighting...

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22 April 2016

IDICBeer/IDICBeer Jr Vs Table Top Banter (Warhammer 40k Battle Report)

Nick speaking,

Time for my son and I to battle it out against Callum and Harry from Table Top Banter, I always knew this would be a fantastic game, and it didn't let my expectations down at all! My son and I had so much fun teaming our armies up and we can't wait to do it again soon. I hope you enjoy the battle report as much as we enjoyed the game...

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19 April 2016

IDICBeer and IDICBeerJr Join Forces - Our 2k List revealed!

Nick speaking,

Yes that's right, my son and I are no longer going to battle it out against each other. We are going to join forces to take on the guys from Table Top Banter, Callum and Harry. I have already played Callum, and we had a lot of fun, so I can only imagine how great this pairs battle is going to be. If you haven't already checked out the Table Top Banter Channel, then please do so here, oh, and they also have a nice looking Blog which Harry looks after.

So, what is our list going to be? Well, as you can see from the picture above, I am going to play my Eldar, Callum hasn't seen my army before, and I thought it would be cool to play my Bat'leth Wraithknight and converted Crimson Hunter, just for the sight on the table. Jetbikes seem to be the obvious Troops choice and I threw in some Swooping Hawks, just for fun.

As for my son, he wanted to play a bit of a death star unit, so he went for Tiggy and Centurions in a pod, backed up my Tacticals and bikes! Our plan? I will push forward with the Wraithknight, along with all the Marines and deal out as much damage as we can. In the meantime, my Jetbikes will do their usual tricks offering some long range support and taking objectives, with the Crimson Hunter and Swooping Hawks adding what they can to the big push as and when they come in!

Here is our final list, this is going to be fun...

Eldar/Marines 2k


1x Wraithknight/Sword/Shield

1x Farseer/Jetbike

3x Jetbikes/Scatters
3x Jetbikes/Scatters
3x Jetbikes/Scatters
3x Jetbikes/Scatters

1x Crimson Hunter Exarch
6x Swooping Hawks/Exarch



1x Tigurius (165)

10x Tacticals/PW/Melta/Rhino (210)
10x Tacticals/PW/Melta/Rhino (210)

3x Centurions/Grav/Scope/Pod (285)

5x Bikes/PW/Melta (130)


Battle report coming soon...

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16 April 2016

The Webways are Opening! #3 kabalite Warriors!

Nick speaking,

Continuing on with the Dark Eldar project of making a five hundred point army for £25.00! So, after my three Venom conversions, my next task was to get the Warriors and Wyches together with all the correct gun options, some of which I got from a very generous friend of mine on YouTube, WarGames, for free and an already painted Archon from my good buddy Aceface. Here are the Warriors that I had to build, now to do the Wyches and see if I can get some Raiders with my last £11.01 to put them in!

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13 April 2016

The Year of the Wolf (20)

Nick speaking,

I have to admit, I am really tempted to paint up my old Wulven models next in my task to get my 13th Company army painted, but I really need some Heavy Support in the army, so it's going to be Long Fangs next, starting with my Lascannon Squad. More to come when I get some paint on them...

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10 April 2016

Necron Stonehenge Terrain Showcase

Nick speaking,

Here is my finished terrain piece that I made running along side my Terrain Square 'Circle' Competition for 2016. I am really happy with my piece, but of course I cannot win my own competition, so more to come on the winning pieces soon!

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7 April 2016

Eldar Saim Hann Vs Space Marines (1850pt WH40K BatRep)

Nick speaking,

Here is my first game with my revamped Saim Hann list to include my newly painted War Walkers. I am using a new support system for the camera in this battle report so I hope you can see the difference. I still have good movement with it, but it should reduce the camera shake somewhat...

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4 April 2016

The Webways are Opening! #2 Venoms and Archon

Nick speaking,

Time to get back to the Dark Eldar project, make a five hundred point army for twenty £25.00! So far I have spent £3.99 and got myself some Dark Eldar bitz to do some conversions on three old Vypers I had in my bitz box. I think they came out really well and will pass as Venoms with no problems. I have also hit the jack pot with some very generous friends of mine on YouTube and I now also have an Archon from Aceface, and some Warriors and Wyches from WarGames for free! I also bought twenty Warriors for £10.00. Not a bad start and I still have £11.01 left to see if I can find a Raider to go with them.

Of course, as it's me, I have magnetised the three Venoms, all the gun options, bases and unit marker models are all interchangeable...

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