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29 August 2016

Giveaway Winner Announcement!

Nick speaking,

Time to announce the Winner of the five thousand subscriber Giveaway I was doing over on my YouTube Channel. I had a fantastic response with loads of entries, but, there could only be one winner of the fantastic £100 prize from the awesome WarGames

If you are interested, then yes, as most people guessed, the IDIC in my name comes from the Vulcan philosophy in Star Trek and stands for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. A pretty apt name for my pointed eared Eldar army that has so many options and play styles! Well done to all that guessed correct.

So, the winner of my Giveaway is...

Chief Live Gaming!

Here is his video entry to the Giveaway, he is a really nice guy and doing a great job on his Channel so it's well worth checking him out...

Congratulations. I will be in contact with you to organise your prize from my sponsor WarGames

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26 August 2016

The Webways are Opening! #14 Painting the Army

Nick speaking,

Well, I hope you have enjoyed following me build up my new Dark Eldar army. It's been a lot of fun getting it together, and all for only £50, thanks to some very generous people. Now though, the real hard work begins! To paint the entire force in one month!

Yes that's right, I want to complete this challenge with another challenge of my own, getting the army table top ready in four weeks! Of course, I won't be putting in ten/twelve hours a model like I do with my space wolves! The aim is to have a quick and easy paint scheme that will look good on the table and let me speed paint the army!

This is my first test paint scheme, all painted with Troll Slayer Orange! First I dry brushed over a black primer, then I painted the armour plates, and finally I washed it all with an orange wash. This will be my base for the whole army. Once done, I plan on going in with a bone colour on the weapons and pick out some of the details like the skin and hair.

Even with this easy paint scheme there will be a lot of work to undertake, but it's going to be a lot of fun. I have never painted an army this way before so it will be interesting to do, and I am really looking forward to it. Let the challenge commence!

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23 August 2016

Four Way 40K with The Banter Boys (Necrons Vs Marines, Marines and more Marines)

Nick speaking,

I think it's fair to say that anything can happen in a four way free for all game, and well, look at that pile of tanks! Loads and loads of fun on the table in this battle report where I introduce the Table Top Banter boys to the old 4th Edition Rescue Mission.

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17 August 2016

The Webways are Opening! #13 The List

Nick speaking,

Time to make a Dark Eldar list using all the models I got for my phase one and two £25.00 Army Challenge. I know I don't have the most competitive units available to me, but having only spent fifty pound on this force, beggars can't be choosers.

The Archon will end up with the Bloodbrides to deep strike in as the rest of the army advances forward. The one unit of foot Warriors will probably reserve to walk onto any objectives in my backfield. To be fair, that's about it. Lots of play testing and fun to be had here for sure, but first, I need to get it all painted!

1x Archon/Husk Blade/Webway/Shadow Field/Haywire Grenade (165)

5x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55) 1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)
5x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55) 1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)
5x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55) 1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)
10x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95) 1x Raider/Dark Lance (60)
10x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95) 1x Raider/Dark Lance (60)
10x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95)

15x Bloodbride Wyches/3x Pairs Hydra Gauntlets (210)

9x Scourges/4x Haywire Blasters (184)
5x Hellions (65)

1x Ravager/3x Dark Lances (70)
1x Ravager/3x Dark Lances (70)
1x Talos (120)

1x Haemonoculus (70)
4x Grotesques (140)
4x Grotesques (140)

Points 1999

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11 August 2016

The Webways are Opening! #12 Phase Two Complete

Nick speaking,

Time to show off all the stuff that I managed to get for Phase Two of my £25.00 Army Challenge. Phase One was a huge success for me as I cobbled together twelve hundred points of Dark Eldar for my twenty five pound. Mainly thanks to some very generous donations and some good eBay buys. The original challenge was to get five hundred points with the first twenty five pound and then another five hundred points for Phase Two. Of course, as I smashed that in Phase One, I set my sights on eight hundred points for Phase Two to take me to a two thousand points for the entire challenge!

The Task was always going to be hard, but once again, thanks to some good eBay purchases and some very generous members of the community, I just managed to top my task and got about nine hundred points of spikey goodness for Phase Two! I feel very humbled by the good nature of my friends and have had a lot of excitement in my bidding on eBay to get the task complete and have a new army to paint and play. I will be posting my final 2k list very soon, but until then, here is a look at all the models I got for Phase Two of this Challenge...

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8 August 2016

The Webways are Opening! #11 Cronos and Raider Conversions

Nick speaking,

With just £5.06 of my Phase Two Dark Eldar £25.00 Army Challenge left to spend, I went in search of my last purchase. I already have a Haemonculus and a Talos, so I was thinking about running The Dark Artisan formation. To do that I need a Cronos, but the new Cronos models go for a lot of money, and there was no 3rd Edition model to fall back on. Just one option then, buy another old Talos model and convert it up with some green stuff...

Whilst I was doing making that model, I also stripped and converted up the final Raider I got it the last post. Really happy how these two are looking, and that is all my money spent and the challenge complete. I will post again showing you all what I got for phase two, then we will look at my list. Of course. I still have to get it all painted, but more on that to come too!

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5 August 2016

The Webways are Opening! #10 Haemonculus and Another Raider

Nick speaking,

With £18.06 of my Phase Two Dark Eldar £25.00 Army Challenge left to spend, I went in search of the next units to buy. Being new to Dark Eldar, I have concluded that you just can't have enough Raiders/Venoms in your army, so that's what I went on the look for...

Both of these skimmers go for a lot of money on eBay, but if you look hard enough, sometimes you will find an incorrectly listed item that doesn't get much attention! That's what happened to me when I saw this Raider list as a Reaver. I managed to win this new styled Raider for just six pounds, plus three pound thirty postage, wow, what a bargain!

With the Raider bagged, I went on the search of a Haemonculus model. I think it will be  a good addition, and it will give me a chance to run the Grotesquerie formation with the Grotesques I was given by Mammoth Painting Studios. Three pound seventy for a Haemonculus and that's that done. Now I have £5.06 left to spend on my final purchase!

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2 August 2016

My First 40K Tournament - Test Game 1

Nick speaking,

So, with my Necron list locked down for my first ever tournament coming up soon, I need to play a few practice games with it! The list is not far off my usual theme, but due to the restrictions of the event I want to get a feel for the difference. In this first test game I take on my buddies Blood Angels...

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