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22 September 2010

How to Convert Eldar Jetbikes

Nick speaking,

New Eldar jetbikes? When? Will it ever happen? Well yes one day! But the question is, is the current old school jetbike really that bad? Well, in my opinion, if you don't bother with the dodgy flag and exchange the supplied rider with a 'real' Guardian, it actually still looks pretty cool.

To be honest, when I first got around to doing my bikes, I was going to use the original leather jacket guy and just cut off the heads. I thought that rotating them around a bit so they were looking in different directions, and glue them back on would do the trick!

It didn't take me long to realise that putting a 'real' Guardian on the bike would look so much better, and match in with the rest of the army as well. In this post I will show you how I did it...

First up, build the Jetbike as standard, the flag pole on the back is optional! Use the original Jetbike legs , but don't glue them on yet. Then, take a standard Eldar Guardian and glue the front and back of the torso together. When dry, take some clippers and cut of the small sticky out bit at the bottom of the back section as pictured below.

This will let the torso fit down onto the legs better. The section were the torso joins the legs will also have to be cut, giving a straight edge to make it easier for them to fit together

Next, Glue the two jetbike arms onto the torso, let them set slightly so that they still move but will not drop off. Remember not to glue the guardian to the Jetbike to make it easier for painting in the future.

When ready put some glue on the top part of the legs and slide the torso into position Make sure you put the hands onto the handle bars first as you go. The arms may slide back a bit out of the armpit sockets, but not enough to be be noticeable. You may also have to raise the legs up slightly with the other hand to join the legs and torso together. Again the legs may not be 100% sitting on the seat, but not enough to be noticable. All that's left to do is put a small bit of green stuff where the legs meet the torso to finish them off.

Of course, you could really start to make them stand out and try some different poses as well. I found that changing one arm every third model was enough to make the unit stand out a but more...

Now you can really start going to town and put Guardians everywhere. Here you can see my Vyper with a 'real' Guardian manning the gun...

Next up, Shuriken Cannon Jetbike conversions


  1. I totally agree. Remember that unreleased eldar bike everyone keeps wishing should soon replace the current ones? The one which is so similar to DE bikes? Well, I for one prefer the current ones. The leaning forward posture suits DE raiders, not the proud craftworlders. Those go to battle standing upright in their saddles!
    Your bikes look awesome.

  2. Thanks very much mate, it is a bit weird to what happened to that new jetbike design we all saw, but yeah, I still like the oldies :)


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