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6 November 2010

Eldar Hornet Announced

Nick speaking,

Forge World announces the Eldar Hornet is available for pre-order...

The Eldar Hornet, is a brand-new addition to the Eldar range. One of several new Eldar units that will feature in the forthcoming Imperial Armour Volume 11, this complete resin kit may be armed with a full range of Eldar weaponry and is supplied with two resin Pulse Lasers, and a plastic Eldar heavy weapon sprue, to allow you to refine its potent weaponry to a specific battlefield role.
The Hornet is a light tank employed by Eldar armoured forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role. Piloted by a single crewman, it can be found in the forefront of Eldar aspect warrior assault waves, speeding ahead of heavier Falcons and Wave Serpents and often operating alongside other high-speed attack craft such as jetbikes and Vypers.

Click here to get the experimental rules...


  1. looks like a fun new toy :) Scout makes it very nice to have in a vehicle heavy army since it can keep up but still outflank and get side/ rear armour shots. Weapon load-out is a bit tricky beacuse twinlinked pulse lasers are nice but that would give the litle bugger a price tag of 135 points . I think a squadron of 2 Hornets with a pulse laser and shurikan cannon can be a nice little nipper. at 200 points you get 4 S8 shots and 6 S6 shots.

    What do you think will be a viable load-out on this new and interresting unit?

  2. Well, first up, If you take two of the same weapon will they become twin linked? Unlike the Wraithlord where is states it will, I read it that they will just be two separate weapons? If so, I might be tempted to use them like I WANT to use War Walkers, but don't because they lack movement!

    Take two Hornets and flank them with two Scatter Lasers each at 170 pts! 16x S6 shots coming in from the side, then with fast movement to get out of trouble!

  3. well if that would be the case then yes I would Load them up with scatterlasers, or maybe even starcannons I know that would be only 8 shots but ap 2 can be very nice to have on a fast vehicle with the number of Terminators I face over here in a regular bases :). that's still only 210 points vor 8 S6 ap 2 shots. Also very nice against all those damm bloodangels with FnP.

  4. Yes, Star Cannon could be a good option, although I find that there are so many cover saves about at the moment, that maybe more shots would be better than AP2? Difficult one!

  5. I guess scatterlasers are a little more flexible. and at 255 for 3 they would be very hard to not be effective somewhere on the battlefield.

  6. Totally right about the twin-linked. The count as two individual weapons, twinlinked only applies to Wraithlords


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