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25 July 2011

City fighting Eldar

Nick speaking,

It's been a long time since I got out my Cities of Death terrain and had a few games on it, so long in fact that all my army lists are at 1500 points! Nowadays though, my buddies and I always play our games at 1750 points, so it's time to shake up my lists a bit!

Here is my old 1500 point Eldar list and how it all works:

1x Avatar
1x Eldrad

5 x Pathfinder Rangers
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
10 x Guardians/Scatter Laser

10 x Harlequins/Kiss/Fusion Pistols/Troupe Master/Death Jester/Shadowseer
10 x Striking Scorpions/Exarch/Scorpion’s Claw/Stalker/Shadowstrike

1 x Wraithlord/Flamers/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher
3 x War Walkers/Scatter Lasers 


The Avatar advances forward to cause trouble, whilst the Wraithlord, Guardians and War Walkers all sit at the back giving out some firepower, with quantity of shots over quality being key in Cities because of all the cover saves. Eldrad hides out of site or joins the Guardians to do what he does best with his Jedi tricks, and to help with wraithsight. Harlequins sit nearby ignoring terrain ready for the counter assault, or to quickly move out depending on the mission.
Striking Scorpions infiltrate in a position to help the Avatar out midfield, or to get into the enemies back ranks taking advantage of move through cover. The Pathfinders infiltrate into a high advantage point to shoot, distract and hold any buildings. The small unit of jetbikes are ideal for reserving, it is small enough to avoid landing on terrain, and can either contest or pop out from behind terrain, shoot the Cannon and then hiding again in the assault phase.

Overall, the list works very well for City fighting and I wanted to keep the same format with the extra 250 points. I did consider beefing up Striking Scorpions with Karandras, but both Eldrad and the Avatar fit in the list too well to drop either one. So with that out of the way, and knowing that any and everyone gets cover saves in Cities, the next choice was obvious, Dark Reapers! Lets get that Crack shot Exarch on the table to deny those cover saves and be even more of a distraction. They also keep the theme of using unused units that I love so much about Cities.

I always knew I wanted a second unit of Jetbikes to help with objectives, and with all the terrain around, another small unit of three would be ideal. The Dark Reaper unit will have to be the bare minimum of three to get the Jetbikes in, and with a few points left over, the Pathfinders get an extra dude, as that was all I could come up with! Of course choosing the correct Stratagems for the army is also another key point, and I tend to choose Fortifications (+1 cover for every unit in a building and ignores enemy granades) and Ammunition Stores (re-roll to hit for one unit) which is a perfect compliment to add to Eldrad's powers. How many re-rolls do you want!

Now my list looks like this:

1x Avatar
1x Eldrad

6 x Pathfinder Rangers
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
3 x Guardian Jetbikes/Shuriken Cannon
10 x Guardians/Scatter Laser

10 x Harlequins/Kiss/Fusion Pistols/Troupe Master/Death Jester/Shadowseer
10 x Striking Scorpions/Exarch/Scorpion’s Claw/Stalker/Shadowstrike

1 x Wraithlord/Flamers/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher
3 x War Walkers/Scatter Lasers
3x Dark Reapers/Tempest Launcher/Crack Shot 

1746 Points

What do you think? Is that a good way to spend the extra 250 points? Any other suggestions or ideas welcome?


  1. Jetbikes is a small unit that is ideal for the book is small enough to avoid landing on the ground and can challenge or semi pistol and shoot and then hide in the assault phase.

  2. I totally agree, great for sniping and small enough to avoid terrain tests, and there scoring!


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