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22 December 2011

Playing at 2000 Points?

Nick speaking,

You may remember a while back, when I posted up a Poll on what point level you prefer to play at? Without a shadow of a doubt, the top two levels were 1500 and 1750 points. Some of the lower levels like 500 and 750 points, did quite well also. I was a bit surprised that 2000 points clocked in at third place, as I thought it would take top spot! Not so long ago, my buddies and I always played at 1500 points. We would occasionally have bigger games, but not very often. I personally always found making 1500 point lists quite difficult to get all the toys that I wanted. This was probably due to me playing Necrons most of the time, and with two Troops, two units of Immortals and a decent Lord coming in at just over 1100 points with the old Dex, that was probably the reason why!

I suggested that maybe we should up the points level to 1750pts, we were experienced enough to still be able to play a game in an evening and still have time for a chat. So, when we decided to up the points level to 1750 at the beginning of this year, I was really up for the challenge of upping my lists in points and having some fun. I have noticed that 1750 points seems to be a lot easier to make a list work. This is probably due to having enough points to be able to, well lets face it, spam units, or are the words I am looking for, unit redundancy! Having said that, I have also found that 1750 points also challenges me with my unit selections, as it still isn't quite enough points to have ALL the toys I want...

I am currently working on a Tyranid list that includes five Tervigons. It is coming on very slowly, as I gradually buy Carnifex bodies to convert up into Tervies, but I hope to be able to play it one day. Although I can make a list like this at 1750pts, it would be a lot better if I had 2000 to play with! So is it time to suggest 2000pts to my buddies?

Well, actually, there's no need! To my surprise, my buddy suggested it to me the other day! I suppose he is also having trouble getting all his horrible Blood Angel units into his 1750pt list as well lol! After all, two units of ten Sternguard are 500 points and that's without some sort of transport! So, we have now decided to up our points level to 2000pts starting in 2012. We are going to have ago and see how we like it. Initial thoughts, that quickly run through my head for my armies are:

Harlequins ~ Now I can take Mauggy and Eldrad in the same list, yeppy!

Saim-Hann ~ Sadly, it probably will just mean a second, much needed Farseer (Eldrad!)

Eldar Mech/Hybrid ~ More of the same!

Space Wolves ~ I think I will be able to max out on most of the FOC!

Necrons ~ Bring it on!

Nids ~ Need to finish my Tervigons and Gants!

More to come on this, but if you want to find out more about the merits of playing at different point levels, go and check out this great post over at 3++.

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