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8 February 2012

T-Nid Battle Report Vs Blood Angels (not video)

Nick speaking,

With all the Necron Scarab farming I had been doing lately, I started to get the itch to actually get my Nid T-list on the table. You may remember me talking about working towards the list in my Tervigon/Trygon posts, but I recently couldn't resist trying it out. It would mean a few stand in models and a majority of unpainted minis, but I really wanted to have a go with it. So, with some Carnifexes and a Hive Tyrant as Tervigons, Warriors as Hive Guard and Ravanar as Venomthropes, I was ready for my first game...

Based around Fritzilla tactica, my 1750pt T-Nid version starts with three Trygons and four Tervigons. I was up against Blood Angels and we rolled Seize ground with five objectives. I lost the roll off and was put in first, deploying my poisoned Trygons up front, two Venomthropes behind them and three troop Tervigons with catalyst behind them. HQ Tervie went on the left and the distraction unit of two Hive Guard went on the right. One unit of the obligatory Termigants went at the back with the other two on each flank. Blood Angels deploy a Crusader containing five TH/SS Termies, a Chaplain and Priest, backed up with two Preds and three Razors...

My opponent failed to seize the initiative, so I throw up FNP on the Trygons, successfully spawn all four Tervigons with just the HQ Tervie constipating. I move everything forward as a blob, and the Hive Guard nicely draw some attention by wrecking one of the Razorbacks...

BA turn one and the Assault Cannon Razor moves to my right flank to work on some Gants, and the Hive Guard get targeted by the Preds, taking them both out. My opponent then came right at me with the Crusader, dumping out the Termies ready for the assault. He seemed to have great faith in his Death Star unit and multi assaulted two Trygons and a unit of Gants! One of his guy's died on the way in from the Spore Cloud and I wipe out his Termies before they strike, leaving only his Chaplain and Priest locked in combat...

My turn two and this time all of my Tervigons constipate except for one, and the board is starting to get filled with Gants around all of the objectives. I make a push forward assaulting a Razorback with some Gants, but I end up just outside the 6" range to give them furious charge from the Tervigon, so they do nothing. My two Trygons finish up their assault and consolidate...

Turn two for the Blood Angels becomes a bad rolling turn, and all his guns either fail or I save the wounds. The Marines from the wrecked Razorback assault my Gants that were up front, and I end up with one left locked in combat...

My turn three and I start to think about the mission. The two objectives on my far left look like the obvious two for me to hold, with just the Crusader nearby to contest. I make a push to at least immobilise it with my Trygon, whilst spawning more Gants with my last Tervie to help contest the rest. I send a Gant brood into the Marines already locked in assault to hold them up further. The Trygon only manages to destroy a weapon on the Crusader...

BA turn three and the Razors move fast to my right flank to move out of range of my Trygons, and I lose four wounds on my front Trygon from some good shooting. The Crusader tries to move away from my Trygon, but in my turn four I get it back into assault and wreck it. My last spawning Tervigon continues to spawn without constipating and turn four sees my opponent concede with no hope of turning the game around.


  1. That was an impressive battle, and really shows how to be dominant with not just Nid's, but a horde army in general, dominating the centre of the table and forcing your opponent to play into your hands!

    Well done and looking forward to more :)

  2. Thanks mate, now to get some paint on those Trygons :-)


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