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23 May 2012

Necron Doomsday List!

Nick speaking,

Now I have my magnetised Doomsday Arks all painted up, it's time to put a list together for them. I know the Doom Ark has always had a bad response in the new Codex, and with the Annihilation Barge being so good for the points, it's easy to see why. Still, I have them, so I am going to use them!

So, where to start? Well, as the Doom Ark already has a bit of a bad reputation as such, I was thinking of taking this list one step further. I am going to take a Monolith as my third Heavy Support choice, to go with my two Doomsday Arks! No need to go into the for and against of the Monolith, but lets face it, it's not a must have unit. I have only used the Monolith once before, I deep striked it in for a 12" scatter and a mishap, so I am keen to give it another try! So now I am trying units I haven't used much or at all, maybe It's about time I got my Destroyer Wraithlord on the table! Six Wraiths and a Destroyer Lord with Warscythe, Weave and Mindshakle should do the trick...

As the Destroyer Lord doesn't unlock the Royal Court, next stop is going to be an Overlord with a Barge and three Lance Crypteks with a single Solar Pulse. Now to pad out the Troops with Immortals and Warriors and we are all done...

Necron Doomsday List (v1)

1 x Destroyer Lord/Warscythe/Weave/Mindshakle (160)
1 x Overlord/Warscythe/Mindshakle (115)
1 x Command Barge (80) 
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Eldridge Lance/ Solar Pulse (55)
2 x Cryptek/Eldridge Lance (70)

10 x Immortals/Tesla (170) 
10 x Immortals/Tesla (170)
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Warriors (65)

6 x Wraiths/4x Whip coils (250)

1 x Doomsday Ark (175)
1 x Doomsday Ark (175)
1 x Monolith (200)

Points 1750

I had fifteen points left over, so I stuck Mindshakle on the Overlord, just in case he has to bail out of his Barge. This list isn't for anything serious, but I think it could be fun! So what do you think? Any comments or suggestions welcome as usual.


  1. Apart from the things you mentioned (Doomsday and Mono) that's not too bad. I would be concerned about the Warriors on foot though, cannot see them lasting long. 

  2. Indeed, once I have had a couple of fun games with the Doom Arks, I will switch them over as rides for the Warriors. I probably will need another Ark, but what do you think about the Night Scythe now that we will have a model for it?

  3. I like the Night Scythe model. I like the tesla on it too. I think it's transport ruling is very weird, and could be annoying. I also think that if you have spare points you could slide one or two into the list for extra fire power, they would be nasty along side Annihilation Barges.
    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: Necron Doomsday List!

  4. I have a problem with the Night Scythe cost and the transport rule is just drek.
    A shame it is the only multi-unit transport Necrons have.

  5. Yeah, the Night Scythe is a bit of an odd one, but hey, it's a Necron flyer, so I think I will have to get one =D

  6. I really like the list!

    But if I was going down the route of doomsday arks I would like to take a C'tan with writhing worldscape because opponents are going to hunker down in cover so you may as well start chipping away wounds while they're hiding for there lives, plus with a monolith the c'tan can be kept out of sight. 

    Plus the mode for the Scythe looks great! Even if it looks like a crossiant


  7. Thanks, the C'tan combo is a good thought, maybe I will try that next time ;D. Looks like my Tervigon will have to take a step down my list of things to get now the Sycthe is coming lol

  8. It's one Necron list I've yet to see in action, only theory hammer.

    Oh dear, I'm the Tervigon doesn't mind being dropped down the list for a Scythe, which looks awesome.


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