OK, part two, and here are the pictures of the Doomsday versions of my magnetised Arks. The main difference is obviously the big Doomsday Cannon, so I will start the pictures with a nice close up of one of them. I now need to come up with an army list for these bad boys, so watch this space...
Army Painter - Speedpaint Mega Set 2.0
Recently, when painting more models in the 28-32mm scale for gaming, I
almost always use Speedpaints from Army Painter. I don't paint the whole
5 days ago
the Doomsday kit looks evil and I really like the way you've painted your Necrons! great stuff mate :D
ReplyDeleteThanks very much mate, I had a lot of fun making these
ReplyDeleteLooking good, dude. Liking the green colour, is that brigher because you've used a flash?
ReplyDeleteThanks mate, the pics were all taken with flash all at the same time, maybe it's because there is more green from the big gun in these that your eyes are drawn to it more in these pic's :D
ReplyDeleteMaybe, I just think the green colour looks sweet :)
ReplyDeleteSubject: [idicbeer] Re: IDICBeer 40k: Necron Ghost/Doomsday Arks Painted (part 2)
sweet! looking good bro! love it
ReplyDeleteThanks Dunk :D
ReplyDeleteCheers mate. It's Dark Angels Green, Snot Green and Scorpion Green :D