Nick speaking,
So what is going to happen to our precious Independent Characters now? Well, lets find out! The joining and leaving unit rules have been shortened and made easier to read. The 2" rule still applies and it all looks the same as it did before, but now what? 'While the IC is part of a unit, he counts as part of the unit for all rules purposes, though he still follows the rules for Characters'...
Look out, sir:
Allows you to pass the the 'Look out, Sir' rule on a 2+ instead of a 4+
rule allows a Character to allocate one of the wounds it has to take
onto another model in the unit within 6", before you can do this though,
you have to roll a dice, on a 1-3 you can't, and on a 4+ you can)
Heroic Morale:
If the unit he is with is under 25%, you are able test as if you had 25%.
(the 'Regrouping' rule is now different! You are now able to regroup if
at least 25% of the unit is alive, and it has a chance to pass the test
on a double one if it's under 25%. If successful, you can regroup 3")
Ongoing effects:
It is now confirmed that unless stated otherwise, if the Character leaves a unit that has gained or been harmed by an effect (such as fortune), he will take that effect with him, when he leaves. He will not however gain the effect, if he joins the unit after the effect has been gain or bestowed.
There is no sign of any Retinue rules! Next up, unit types...
Previous Posts:
6th Edition Rule Book Unboxing
Reading 6th Edition - The first few pages
Reading 6th Edition - The movement phase
Reading 6th Edition - The shooting phase
Reading 6th Edition - The assault phase
Reading 6th Edition - Universal Special Rules
Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.7
But time flies... The seventh Toruń workshop at the City Library in Toruń
is already behind us. I invite you to a short report.
*Ale ten czas leci... Sió...
6 days ago
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