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1 July 2012

Reading 6th Edition - Unit types

Nick speaking,

Ok, time to look at unit types, and from this section onwards, I will start to talk about the additional Special Rules that I did not mention in my previous post. These rules will include brand new or renamed rules, and rules that we know but have changed. Any Special Rule that I list, but do not explain what it is, means that I have already talked about it in my Universal Special Rules post.

Bikes and Jetbikes

These units are unable to go to ground or be pinned. They gain +1 to their toughness characteristic, but now the increase in the models toughness does affect its toughness for Instant Death purposes. They are not slowed by difficult terrain the same as before, but will have to take a dangerous terrain test if they assault a unit behind a barricade or Aegis defence line. They can move 12" as before, but turbo-boosting is now done in the shooting phase, which will mean you can now Fortune your Eldar Jetbike and still be able to turbo-boost! A bike can turbo-boost 12" and a Jetbike 24", in addition to that, an Eldar/Dark Eldar Jetbike is able to turbo-boost 36". If they do not turbo-boost, they may move in the assault phase 2D6" even if they don't assault. Bikes and Jetbikes have the Hammer of Wrath, Jinks and Relentless Special Rules...

Hammer of Wrath:
If in base contact after charging, you can make an additional attack that hits automatically, at the models unmodified strength at AP-. This is done at initiative ten and does not give an extra pile in move at that initiative step.

If the unit moves in the movement phase, it gaines a 5+ cover save. If it moves flat out or turbo-boosts, it gaines a 4+ cover save.

Jump Units

Once per turn you may use your Jump packs in either the movement or assault phase. If you move as Jump in the assault phase you are able to re-roll your charge distance dice which is 2d6", and will gain the Hammer and Wrath Special Rule as above. Jump infantry have a new re-named rule called Bulky, which means they count as two models when embarking on a vehicle. They can also choose to Deep Strike. The Deep strike rules are almost the same, but the Mishap table results are different...

1     - Terrible accident
2-3  - Misplaced
4-6  - Delayed

Jet Packs

Jet packs can move as normal or activate their jetpacks. They also have a thrust mode that lets them move 2D6" in the assault phase even if they are not assaulting. They have the Bulky, Deep Strike and relentless Special Rules.

Monstrous Creatures

Monstrous Creatures can still shoot two of their weapons at the same unit if they wish. They now have the Fear, Smash, Move Through Cover and Relentless Special Rules...

At the start of each Fight Sub-phase, a unit in base contact with one model with the Fear rule has to take a fear test (Leadership Test). If they fail, they are at weapon skill one for the remainder of that Fight Sub-phase. Fear does not effect  'And they shall know no fear' or 'Fearless' models. Also, having the Fear Special Rule does not make you immune to fear yourself.

All attacks except any 'Hammer and Wrath' attacks are AP2, unless they are already AP1. You are able to choose a Smash attack, which means you half the number of attacks, but double your strength (to a max of ten). This attack also lets you choose to re-roll the armour penetration roll against vehicles, but you must accept the second roll.

Flying Monstrous Creatures

Flying MC must declare if they are Sweeping or Gliding when they move. If they are deployed on the table they starting in glide mode. If you reserve them you can declare either one when they arrive. Gliding MC move like Jump MC. Swooping MC must move between 12"-24". You may pivot your model and then move it in a straight line and it does not take dangerous terrain tests. If they run, they continue forward in a straight line 2D6". Swooping MC cannot charge or be charged. Both Gliding and Sweeping flights will let you shoot two of their weapons if you don't run, and can shoot all round like other non-vehicle models.

A Swooping MC is hard to hit and can only be hit like 'Snap Shot', unless you have the 'Skyfire' Special Rule. Templates, Blast and Large blasts cannot hit Swooping models. If a Swooping model leaves the board via a board edge by choice or not, it is said to be leaving combat airspace. If this happens it will then go into 'Ongoing Reserve' and is unable to change it's flight mode.

A Swooping model may 'Dive' after an enemy model has rolled to hit and wound it. Before you roll your saving throws, declare that you will Dive. You will then gain the 'Jinks' Special Rule until the end of its next turn, however, it can only shoot 'Snap shots' until the end of it's next turn!

If a Swooping model takes one or more hits from a units shooting attacks, it must take a grounded test immediately after the hits have been resolved. Roll a D6, on a 3+ the model is fine, on a 1-2 it comes crashing down to the ground. It will suffer a single strength nine hit with no armour or cover saves allowed, and becomes grounded. A grounded model can be charged in the following assault phase and loses the 'Jinks' Special Rule, if it had it. It is able to move normally the next turn and will regain the 'Jinks' Special Rule if it Dives again later in the game.

Flying monstrous creatures gain the Fear, Hammer and Wrath, Move Through Cover, Relentless, Smash and Vectored Strike Special Rules...

Vectored Strike:
When Swooping, at the end of the movement phase, nominate one enemy unit the model has moves over that turn, even Flyers. The unit takes D3+1 hits, resolved at the attackers unmodified strength at AP3. Resolve hits against vehicles side armour. This attack counts as already shooting one weapon when it comes to the shooting phase, but if you want to shoot a second weapon, you can shoot at a different target

Models with the 'Skyfire' Special rule or a weapon with the Special Rule, uses its normal ballistic skill when shooting at Flyers, Flying MC and Skimmers. Unless it also has the 'Interceptor' Special Rule, it can only fire at other targets using 'Snap Shot'

At the end of the enemy movement phase, a model with the Interceptor Special Rule may fire at any one unit that is in range and has line of sight after it has deep striked. The weapon that shot cannot be shot again in the next turn, but a different one can be. A weapon with the 'Skyfire' and 'Interceptor' Special Rules can fire at any unit at its normal ballistic skill, unless shooting 'Snap shots'

Ongoing Reserve:
If a model such as a Flyer enters reserve part way through a game it will re-enter play at the start of the next owning players turn, but otherwise uses the normal reserve rules. If it is still in reserve when the game ends, victory points are awarded as if it was destroyed.


Beasts now move 12" and are not slowed by difficult terrain, even on the charge. They have the 'Fleet' and 'Move Through Cover' Special Rules.


Cavalry move the same as Beasts, they are not slowed by terrain, BUT they count it as dangerous. They have the 'Fleet' and 'Hammer and Wrath' Special rules.

That's everything except for Artillery, which I am going to skip as I have never had a reason to use the rule.

Previous Posts:
6th Edition Rule Book Unboxing
Reading 6th Edition - The first few pages
Reading 6th Edition - The movement phase
Reading 6th Edition - The shooting phase
Reading 6th Edition - The assault phase
Reading 6th Edition - Universal Special Rules
Reading 6th Edition - Independent Character

Next up, weapons...

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