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9 December 2012

First Footdar Game Vs Orks

Nick speaking,

My first ever YouTube video I did was a battle report for my Eldar, and I got slaughtered. So it only seems right that my 300th video on YouTube has to be a battle report with my Eldar also, and hopefully this time I will turn it around. I was up against Orks and I had my new foot list ready to go into battle for the first time...

IDIC Footdar V1

1 x IDIC Eldrad (210)
1 x IDIC Farseer/Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Mind war/Runes of witnessing/Stones (183)
8 x IDIC Warlocks/4x Spears/5x Destructor/2x Embolden/1x Enhance (297)

8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon/Shimmershield/Bladestorm (138)
8 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Dual Cats/Bladestorm (128)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)
10 x IDIC Guardians/Scatter Laser (95)

8 x Fire Dragons (128)
8 x Fire Dragons (128)

5 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch/Skyleap (132)

1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC Support Weapon/Shadow Weaver (30)
1 x IDIC War Walkers/Scatter Laser (60)



  1. Congrats on the win! Looked pretty comprehensive! Also congrats on getting to such a milestone, 300 Vids, VERY impressive!

  2. Thanks buddy, I was happy with how it went, especially impressed with the Dire Avenger and his Power Weapon/Shimmer Shield combo, I usually just take dual cats. Those Flash Gitz were a bit scary for my Eldar though, ignore cover saves, ouch!

  3. Besides the win, how'd it go?

  4. We were playing the two objective mission, I decided to ignore his objective and try to win with secondary objectives as standard. I went first, fortuned the lines with night fight turn one and got first blood killing his rocket boyz with my scatter lasers, from then on it was just a case of me holding onto my objective as I gradually sacrificed units as the Orks came in. In the end he conceded on turn six with a few guys left on his objective and a couple of Lootas. I won with all three secondary objectives to his zero. (Hawkes had Line Breaker). We did roll for turn seven, but I had my Council ready to sweep his objective at that point anyway :D

    It was a great night and we both had fun, I really liked the list and the Shadow Weavers were awesome :D

  5. Looks like this fella's Orks aren't doing well atm. Would you say Orks are meh in 6th ed or just the way things are going?
    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: First Footdar Game Vs Orks

  6. Maybe he just need time to find his feet with them, but they do look a little meh at the moment

  7. When looking at them today they seem to have limited builds. Nob bikers and bikers are silly points; battlewagon isn't enough for what you get; kan wall has problems and greentide seems the only true viable build. I maybe wrong though.
    What's his list?

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2


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