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7 April 2013

Mech Grey Knight Tournament Report (day 2)

Rob speaking,

So, with two wins from day one, I was feeling very happy with the first days work, but if I wanted to finish in a good position at the end, I needed to win at least one game from two...

Game 4, Scouring Hammer and Anvil Deployment

I would be facing off against Blood Angels with Imperial Guard Allies, Reclusiarch Jump Pack and Power Maul, 10x Death Company with Bolters in Landraider Crusader, 2x 5 Assault marines meltaguns in Razorback with las/plas, and a Vindicator, Company Command with 2x Flamers, Platoon Command 2x Flamers, Chimera, Vendetta, 2x Platoons with Autocannons and a Manticore. The objectives where split pretty even, 3 on my side and 3 on my opponents. I won the roll for first turn and took it, upon revealing the objectives I have a 4,3,2 while my opponent has a 1,2,3.

The highlights of the game, basically all my rending shots did nothing turn 1 and 2, but I did take out a Razorback and the Vindicator turn 1 and 2, but a Strike squad was all but taken out (down to 2 guys) as was both Chimeras and a Razorback, the Manticore was bouncing everything off passing about 4 or 5 5+ cover saves from the Dreadnoughts. In the end I managed to immobilise the Landraider full of Death Company, then whittled them down to about 6, but then charged and took out the other 10 man Strike squad, but the Characters and reserves came in for the kill, finishing the Death company and Chaplain. In the meantime the Dreadknight came down and took out an infantry platoon with its flamer. In the end my opponent held his 3 objectives and I held my 3, despite a last ditch effort for the Vendetta which was shot down in my deployment zone.

30-1 win!

Game 5 Kill Points and Dawn of War Deployment

With no pressure last game, I had my 3 wins so was satisfied no matter the result, I was never going to win this game as my list has 18 KP's. I would be facing off against Dark Angels with Imperial Guard, Azreal, Libby on bike, Primaris psyker, 50x Blob with Autocannons, Power Axes and meltabombs, 2x 3 Bikes with 1x 2 Plasma, 1x 2 Melta, 5x Bikes with 2x Plasma, 1x 3 Bike Command with Banner of Dakka. 9 Kp's, I have 18 and most of them are squishy tanks/MSU infantry units.

Highlights of the game... Well I lost firstblood and the game went downhill from then on as my opponent hid all his bikes behind a massive hill in the centre, which left me with precious little to kill.. In the end the game was a none event as it was never close, after being about 4 KP's down after turn 1 and about 7 KP's after turn 2. The blob took out a tank per turn, then my infantry squads in combat with a LONG charge through cover (11”) turn 7. I lost 11/6 on KP's in the end. But the game was never close or even a contest really.

1-30 Loss! 

In the end I finished 25th out of 60, so dropped a good number of places last game, which was a shame, but I’m happy to have finished in the top half, with only 1 practice game before the tournament with the list and in my mind, it goes some way to show that mech lists can certainly compete at a top event.

My two loses were also against European Team Champion players (some of the best players in the country) and I certainly feel with a couple of tweaks to the list (dropping the 5 Strikes to make a 10 man Interceptor squad) I will have a list I’m FINALLY happy with after many, many months of playing and changing lists, trying to find that balanced list. As for my next tournament, I’m looking at 1 or 2 in May, June and July, so watch this space.  

Much more to come!

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