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3 August 2013

500th Post Giveaway!

Nick speaking,

That's right folks, I have just hit 500 posts on the Blog and am having a Giveway!
The Giveaway prize will be a £30.00 Laser Cut Card gift voucher, where you will be able to order any of the many fantastic products that are available on the Laser Cut Card Website, which includes some of the amazing stuff pictured below and the products I have reviewed in the past on my Blog.

The Rules:

1) You must be a public follower of this Blog.
2) Every comment on this post and any posts after this date will count as one entry.
3) Only one entry per post regardless of how many times you comment on a single post.
4) Gain five entries by sharing my giveaway in a Blog post (let me know when it's done).
5) The giveaway will end on 31st August 2013 and the winner will be chosen randomly.
6) You will have two weeks to claim your prize or I will select a new winner. 


  1. Good job man. Just found your blog now so will have to do so reading to catch up :)

  2. COURAGEandHONOUR3 August 2013 at 10:33

    Well done Nick!!

  3. Nice one mate......500 Posts....awesome stuff

  4. Nick, I have been reading your stuff for some time as you know but I didnt realise I could follow the your blog! I'm such a n00b lol. However I'm following now! Cheers BeeJ

  5. Nick, I have been following your blog for some time as you know from the Warmaster, however I didnt realise I could subscribe to it! What a n00B. However I am now all signed up! Cheers BeeJ

  6. Nice, didn't know there was a blog too... Congrats on the achievement

  7. LOL I didn't even know you had a blog..Not that I pay enough attention to those sort of thing.

  8. Nice blog Nick very professional looking

  9. Thanks Tom, I appreciate that:D

  10. That's some killer cardstock!

  11. Awesome prize.
    I'm definitely in on this one.
    Congrats on reaching 500.(hell I'm not even at 50 yet :p)

  12. It is awesome stuff mate, good luck :)

  13. Thanks mate, appreciate the support :D

  14. Congrats and here's to another 500 posts! Will share on my blog in a sec/when I get round to it :)

  15. i dont have a blog so i shared on face book dose that count for the 5?

  16. Hi Greg, thanks for that mate, I appreciate the share but sadly fb doesn't count for the five extra, keep commenting on future posts though for more entries

    Cheers mate, Nick

  17. I have the containers and they are awesome. I really like the chaos aegis and the Ork gun. Nice idea Nick.

  18. Thanks mate, I have loved all the stuff I have had from them, really awesome stuff

  19. Some awesome looking models

  20. Great blog I have been a follower. For awhile and like your post. I hope to read the 1000th post.

  21. Love the blog dude.

    Those Laser Cut Card products are nice!

  22. thanks for the awesome giveaways :)

  23. Thanks you sir, no plan to give up yet, so hopefully that will happen :D

  24. Grats man :) I +1 your vid on G+

  25. I realy like " give aways "

  26. Its amazing what they can do with mdf now, some of it doesn't even look like card. Can't imagine what stuff will look like in a few years. I would really like to have a small laser cutter, a 3d printer when they come down in price and the 3d printers get better resolution at a lower cost. It would be awesome to just print up new terrain and stuff in the garage, with combining the 2 you could really make some awesome stuff.

    Thanks for the contest =)

  27. Indead it is my friend, lots of imagination goes into these products to get them to look as good as they do, I couldn't believe how good the 'blue print' was for the defence line, it's awesome :)

  28. Very cool! I'm very impressed by with Laser Cut Card is doing.

  29. Me also and I can see big thing happening with it too

  30. That APC looks amazing :-) But commanded a M-113 for a few years when I played Army a long time ago, so guessing I'm biased...

  31. lol maybe, athough it is pretty cool :)

  32. Great looking laser cut work. Congrats on the post milestone!

  33. Thanks, glad you like the prize, good luck

  34. Damn i have got to get acess to a laser cutter :)

  35. I am shamelessly posting to try and win something I can't afford. That being said, good to see another decent blog/channel.

  36. Fair play to that, glad you like what you see :)

  37. Love your work Nick. Keep it up mate!

  38. Thanks mate, nice to hear that :)

  39. I have blog post this to my blog

  40. Cheers mate, do you have a link for it please:D

  41. Don't worry, it just came up on my Blog Lovin list :D, Cheers mate, five entries just added ;)

  42. Here is a link .I hope that it works

  43. Awesome mate, thanks for that, Nick

  44. Unrelated to the competition I love your Purple and White Eldar, I was thinking only yesterday that that colour scheme would be great. Is this a particular craft world or your own scheme? If your own, any chance you could share colours used? Cheers in advance

  45. Thanks mate, yes it is my own craftworld, called the IDIC Eldar, here is the paint scheme...

    IDIC Craftworld Paint Scheme


    White Sections:
    Astronomical Grey in all recesses only for shadows then Skull White (at least two coats)

    Black Sections:
    Chaos Black arm ties and guns etc with Codex Grey

    Gold Sections:
    Shinning gold with wash of Ogryn Flesh highlighted with 2x Shinning gold/1x Methril Silver

    Blue Sections:
    Chaos Black Base, Regal Blue, Enchanted blue, Ice Blue

    Iyanden Yellow, 2x Iyanden 1xSunburst, 1xIyanden 1xSunburst, Sunburst, 1x Sunburst 1x White

    Purple sections:
    Hormagaunt purple base, Liche purple, 2x Warlock 1x Liche, Warlock, 1x Warlock bit of Dheneb Stone

    Scorched brown, bestial brown, snakebite leather, bleached bone

  46. It's great - just found your Void Dragon as well. A cracking colour scheme all round IMO


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