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11 August 2013

Army List Clinic - Death Company List Help

Rob speaking,

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their army lists to our Clinic. In today's post we will have a look at a Blood Angles, Death Company themed list, as submitted by one of our readers.
Email in:

IDICBeer Team,

I'm looking to make a Death Company Themed list.

What I came up with:

12 Death Co. (CCW + Pistol) + Lemartes + Land Raider Cusader w/ MultiMelta
10 Death Co. (CCW and Pistol)+ Astorath + Land Radier Reedemer w/ MultiMelta
10 Death Co. (Boltguns) + Rhino + Powerfist + Rhino
10 Tacticals + MeltaGun + Multi-Melta + MeltaBomb + Rhino
1 Furioso Dreadnought, Librarian (Shield + Wings)

The General Idea is that the 2 Rhino's and Librarian take the midfield and objectives, while the Land Raiders either rush forward to disgorge Mayhem. 

The tactical team combat squads as soon as the Rhino goes poof . The Boltgun Death Co. acts as a counter attack or does a flat out move on the enemies flank with the Furioso 

I've gone around and around in my head with the various idea's as well:

I've been debating taking God Hammer's instead of the Crusader/Redeemer, for the TL LasCannon Anti-Air Fire Support, but I'm not sure 8 Death Company will make it through those mean Tau/IG/Flamer over watches.

Of course, I could drop the Land Raiders altogether and just Rhino spam, and add in a vindicator or two. (this would be a long term solution as I don't have that many Rhino's or Vindicators bought yet)

I also thought about dropping two of Death Company in the Rhino and the Furioso, then adding a standard Librarian and Sang. Priest into those two empty seats to beef up that tactical squad.

Finally, I thought about adding in just a big crew of Scouts with cloaks and putting in them in cover, but with so many ignore cover weapons out there they seemed a little frail.

Ideally I'd like to cram as many Death Company as I can, obviously, but I find that when I do pure DC since they can't score everyone just sits back and shoots since they don't have to worry about objectives. Then again, maybe just one unit isn't enough...
Thanks for the help!


Thanks for taking the time to email the list clinic.

Your list is quite an extreme one and to win the game you’re basically looking at wiping out your opponent or at least dealing with all their troops, as Death Company cannot claim objectives.

I would stick with the Redeemer as it’s great at taking out infantry hordes/MEQs, while the Crusader is a little meh. Like you, I would like to see a God Hammer, which is great against Vehicles and Monstrous Creatures. It will only take a handful of Death Company to deal with IG/Tau (pretty much anything) in assault, against Tau you’re looking at assaulting an isolated target each time, this can mean trying to take out units within the 6” bubble of support, or tank shocking units out of support range.

I’ve tried Rhino/Razorback spam, which works to a degree, but falls down against armies with lots of STR7 shooting or fast combat units, which is most of the armies that are popular at the moment (Chaos, Tau, Eldar and IG). Landraiders are fantastic on the other hand, because AV14 is great against the Meta that 6th edition seems to bring.

I would like to see something like:

Astorath – 220
10 Death Company – Power Fist, Landraider Redeemer, Multimelta, extra armour – 490
10 Death Company – Power Fist, Landraider, Multimelta, extra armour – 500
10 Death Company – 10 Jump packs, 2 Power Fists – 400
5 Assault Marines – Razorback – Lascannon – 155
5 Assault Marines – Razorback – Lascannon – 155

This leaves you with a few free points to spend where you like (Priest).

In this list you keep the scoring units up and the vehicle count, but your scoring units will be a little more secure with the Razorbacks lurking towards your board edge away from the 30 Death Company charging into your opponents face for fun!

Its a fast aggressive list that I certainly wouldn’t like to face!

Please feel free to comment with your thoughts on a Death Company themed list, and if you want to submit one of your army lists to us, you can do so here


  1. bloodofthefallen111 August 2013 at 08:27

    I thought you could only field one death company per army. I could be wrong lol. Very aggressive list. I like it :-)

  2. bloodofthefallen111 August 2013 at 08:32

    Just checked. Your only allowed one per army.

  3. LOL, oh dear, seems like both Rob and our list submitter missed that! Good spot mate. Still, it's always nice to have a what if list I suppose =)

  4. bloodofthefallen111 August 2013 at 10:02

    To be fair If you want to play a themed game with friends I don't think they'd mind. After all its a bout having fun :-)

  5. astorath removes the restriction

  6. Thank you for clearing that up :D

  7. Death Company are a fun army to play, but I ran into a lot of issues in 6th edition, and my local meta. I like the list presented by IDICBeer, with a couple of exceptions.

    First, I'd take las/plas on the Razorbacks- you can't beat two weapons for the price of one.

    I would avoid spending points on jump packs for your DC. 30-something points per model is a lot when they don't even get an invuln save ;(. If you don't like the idea of tucking Astorath behind your Land Raiders, there is always the Stormraven (which can carry jump pack units).

    Instead of a Furioso dread, why not field a Death Company Dreadnought? It is fleet, has furious charge, and ignores crew shaken and crew stunned results. Equip it with talons and toss it in a drop pod. There may be times when you don't want your DC Dread dropping onto the board turn one: Take a third unit of Death Company in a drop pod will give you options.

    I made a list that used IDICBeers list as a foundation, with the suggested changes;

    2000 Pts - Blood Angels Roster

    Astorath the Grim

    Sanguinary Priest

    Death Company
    9 Death Company, bolters
    1 Death Company, bolter, power fist
    1 Land Raider, multi-melta

    Death Company
    9 Death Company, bolters
    1 Death Company, bolter, power fist
    1 Land Raider Redeemer, multi-melta

    Assault Squad
    3 Assault Squad
    1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
    1 Sergeant, melta bomb
    1 Razorback, Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

    Assault Squad
    3 Assault Squad
    1 Assault Marine with Meltagun
    1 Sergeant, melta bomb
    1 Razorback, Lascannon and TL Plasmagun

    Death Company
    9 Death Company, bolters
    1 Death Company, bolter, power fist
    1 Drop Pod

    Death Company Dreadnought
    1 Death Company Dreadnought, (Melta, Heavy Flamer, Talons)
    1 Drop Pod

    I prefer to equip my Death Company units with bolters. The weapon slows down wound generation in assault, allowing me to hide my units from enemy ranged attacks longer. Bolters double a DC units ranged threat radius, and Death Company's relentless special rule allows them to assault in the same turn that a rapid-fire weapon is used.

  8. I play my Fleshtearers pretty much like this... The Land Raiders with their ability to Deep Strike in and follow up say, a Drop Pods Beacon after the Pod drops off the Sternguard... I am also a HUGE fan of the Death Company DN... Not sure why you'd not have at least one with all of the DC, but that might be just something I do :-)... The Storm Raven loaded out with Jump Pack equipped DC and the DN make for an amazing delivery system, though playing a Berserker army, you have to know that for the most part you are playing for secondary objectives and trying to wipe the enemy off the field for the most part

  9. Great response comment thanks, always good to get peoples thoughts and experiences like this :D

  10. Not sure I would want to face your list, sounds nasty :)


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