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18 August 2013

Codex Supplements! Where will it stop?

Nick speaking,

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...well, a few years ago anyway, the Eldar Codex had a supplement for each of the Eldar Craftworlds, as did many other armies. Supplements back then were pretty normal and I remember needing three rule books to play my 13th Co. Space Wolves (Eye of Terror, Space Marines and Space Wolves), which to be honest was a right pain in the back side!

Then GW got sensible and started putting all the units and rules together in one Codex. Like the previous Eldar Codex. You could still play a fluffy Saim-Hann army if you wanted, but then you had the option to take whatever units you wanted as well. Although not everyone liked this method, no one can deny that it's a lot easier to flick through one Codex than two or three!

Judging from the recent release activity, it's pretty obvious that GW has gone back to supplements! Now, I can see how this is a good thing, injecting some excitement into our armies and bringing new things to old Codex's. I for one would love to have a Genestealer Cult supplement that sorts out the current Genestealer rules, and I can see a lot of potential for supplements from that point of view....

BUT, why are the suppliment the same price as the original Codex? I don't do the download thing, so what I buy will have to be the paper version. Do they really have to make the supplements hardback covered? Surely a £20 soft back book would be fine for a supplement?

We all know that GW could have easily put all the Craftworld rules and extra fluff into a single Codex, but lets give them credit for not doing that, so that they can help out older Codex's and make a few extra pennies at the same time, but why are the supplements so expensive?

I don't actually own one of the new supplements, so maybe I am missing something here, maybe they are worth the money. Maybe I am just looking it from my point of view, where I have painted my Eldar army in my own colours so that I can pick and choose from any themed Craftworld I want. Sadly though, if I want to do that now and get the best from the rules, I will need to buy a Codex for each Craftworld?

What do you think of Supplements? Where will it stop?



  1. My memory is playing tricks with me. There was an Eldar suppliment for Saim-Hann, Iyanden, Alaitoc, Ulthwe and Biel-tan? I remember only one Eldar Suppliment, 3rd ed, that was named Craftworld Eldar. Do you have cover pics of the other ones?

  2. No mate, seems like my memory was playing tricks on me lol You are correct. there was only one suppliment. I wasn't playing Eldar back then, and for some reason I thought it was for each Craftworld. I will amend the post :)

  3. So far my objection has been that it is VERY expensive for the two pages of actual rules... I think they have priced a lot of us out of the market... I no longer buy every codex... just the ones I play. Not THAT helpful I have too many armies, but...

  4. Well yeah, that also leaves another issue, it is going to be a lot harder to keep track of your opponents rules, if we can't afford or be bothered to buy all the supplements!

  5. It's not about the rules. It's about the fluff. I was absolutely enthralled by the writing in the Farsight Enclaves book.

  6. Havent even looked at any of the supplements mate.....i wouldnt even know if Orks have any.

  7. Don't worry mate, they haven't! Not surprised are you! lol

  8. To be honest not really LOL

  9. Supplements are great when they go by their original names.

    White Dwarf Articles.

  10. Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation18 August 2013 at 15:44

    I am a Chaos Space Marine player but won't be buying this supplement. If it was £20 I could get it for £16 from a discount retailer and I'd be tempted then for the fluff. Its just too expensive at £30 and the rules seem poorly thought out. I'll read it for the fluff if I can get a dodgy download but the fluff has been rubbish lately so I don't have high hopes that its even worth a free download!

  11. Totally get where you are coming from there buddy :)

  12. No need to amend the post. You seriously had me going there. Was about to go on a ebay hunt for those supplements.

  13. I also think doing a core book like "Space Marines" And for all 40k factions followed by other chapters, craft worlds etc. Adding supplements is a good idea, but I am not a person who would be willing to download these extras. I need to have a hard copy On a side note: I feel badly for those Space Wolves who haven't been up dated since 3rd or 4th edition? I think G.W. doesn't know its right from left. C'mon G.W. get back to he basics!

  14. Well, something is better than nothing I suppose

  15. As someone running a small local tournament next month, that is a concern for me... Fortunately the locals by and large are more "friendly" players than hyper competitive... Still, a lot more potential for nasty surprises or let's call them "unique interpretations" of rules and how they work in combinations... The fluff is all well and good, my basement library is full of oddities like the ancient Ork books, Realms of Chaos, etc... Neat, but not really necessary for game play. I tend to scan in things to take them on my tablet as I ride a motorcycle to play... Space is limited :-)...

  16. I wish they where cheaper too but at the same time I know that if the time comes I will be throwing my wallet at GW to get another 13th company update.

  17. Now that IS a supplement I would like to see :D With WULVEN too :D


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