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11 March 2014

Tyranid 'Loc List' is back!

Nick speaking,

So now that my Wraithknight is all done and dusted, I am ready to start work on the Nids. Shelving the bugs was always just going to be temporary, and I am now very excited to play with the little critters again. First though, I needed to come up with an army list, something that I can play test with and get a feel for the new rules...

Flyrants seem very feasible still, and a bit cheaper to run, so I will carry on using dual Flyrants in the HQ slot. Hive Commander seems to be an auto include now, Flanking Gants will at least give a little of what was lost with the now defunct pods. Talking of Gants, and the Devilgant also seems to stack up well, so that will be my main Troop choices, along with some Warriors for Synapse and some jacked up Hormagaunts to see how they perform. I am actually like the idea of Spinefist Rippers now, I know they are not scoring, have gone up in points and can be instant deathed, but deep striking them in could be a nice little distraction unit that we are potentially lacking now...

It seems pretty obvious that Venomthropes are now essential in any Nid list, and Zoanthropes look pretty good to me also, with their usual 3++ and Synapse abilities. Plus, I have to use my Doom of Malan'tai model somehow! I am also liking the dual Mawloc theme, better and worse at the same time, but at least they are cheap now, and it means I can call this first army the same name as before...

Stinger Hive Fleet 'Loc List' v1

1 x Hive Tyrant/2x Devourers/Hive Commander/Wings (250)
1 x Hive Tyrant/2x Devourers/Wings (230)

5 x Warriors/4x Deathspitter/1x Venom Cannon (185)
20 x Termagants/20x Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/20x Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/15x Devourer (140)
20 x Hormagaunts/Toxin sacs/Adrenal glands (200)
9 x Ripper swarm/Spinefist (153)

2 x Venomthropes (90)
3 x Zoanthropes (150)

1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)

Points 1998 

Battle reports to follow...


  1. I'd highly suggest running your broods as;

    20x Gants 14x Devourers
    20x Gants 14x Devourers
    20x Gants 15x Devourers

    They'll inevitably take casualties before getting in range anyways, so you might as well lose cheaper models, and it frees you up exactly enough points to add an extra Zoanthrope and run them as two broods of two, which makes them more durable, gives you another roll for getting a useful buff power and lets you spread your Synapse farther across the board. Brings you up to 2,000 even (unless your area is playing 1,999pt games to avoid dual FOC?)

  2. Thanks for the suggestion dude, we only play single foc, but it seems like sound advice :) Sadly, I only have three zoaps at the mo, but I want to get more :D


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