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19 August 2014

Necron Flayed One 7th Edition Army

Nick speaking,

Time to look at my sixty strong Flayed One themed army for 7th Edition!

So first, lets have a look at my old list, and I have to say that I have been very happy with how my list has performed, to the point that I have never lost a game with it. It's interesting to note that none of my games have made full use of all sixty Flayed ones, with at least one of the units pretty much doing nothing on the table every game except looking pretty, well, pretty mean, but that is part of how the list works with so many big targets in your face...

Flayed Crons (6th Ed)

1x Imotekh (225)
1x Destroyer Lord/MSS/Weave/Orb (190)

5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)

20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)

6x Wraiths/4x Coils/1x Caster (255)
8x Scarabs (120)
7x Scarabs (105)

2000 points

Just to re-cap on the tactics, the three Flayed One units infiltrate and the fast moving Wraiths and Scarabs are there to move up with them turn one. I try to take first turn, which with Imotekh is fairly easy, and he stays at the back with the troops. The Destroyer Lord is the wild card of the list and works with the Wraiths and the beginning of the game and moves to the Flayed Ones or splits off as and when it is needed.

Now, I always wanted to have the Scarab units maxed out and whip coils on all the Wraiths, but the odd Wraith Wargear and smaller Scarab units, were the best I could do to give me the points for all the troops that were needed in 6th! Of course, things are different now, and although troops have great advantages for scoring, the fact that the rest of my army can now score, even the Scarabs, means that I feel I can reduce the blob of Warriors down and still make the list work.


With reference to an unbound army, I am thinking that I will take the Flayed Ones in this direction at some point, but for now, I just want to go with the standard set up until I get a few games of 7th under my belt with the army. So, with that said, my starting point is going to be the Scarabs, and beefing up the units to ten is going to be really great for the army. They work really well with this assault based list, along with the Flayed Ones and Wraiths, which will now have Whip Coils on all of them.

Right, now to sort the Warrior Blob out, and with a reduction in troop units, I think it might be wise to put Imotekh in with some Immortals for the 3+ saves, with a couple of small Warrior 'body guard' units either side of him for a bit of protection. Imotekh is still currently in the list, Night fight is nice, and his Lightening attacks is great fun, plus I still have the option to safely deep strike and unit of Flayed Ones if I want, so for now he is staying...

Flayed Crons (7th Ed)

1x Imotekh (225)
1x Destroyer Lord/MSS/Weave/Orb (190)

6x Immortals (102)
5x Warriors (65)
5x Warriors (65)

20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)
20x Flayed Ones (260)

6x Wraiths/Coils (270)
10x Scarabs (150)

10x Scarabs (150)

1997 points

I will have a battle report coming soon for you with this list in action, but please feel free to make any suggestions or if you have any ideas for how an unbound Flayed One army would look, I would be very interested to hear them in the comments section below. 


  1. Hey Nick,
    I'm always impressed by your flayed army (both cause it looks great and because you are using units most of the net downplays).

    My suggestion to you? (and you probably aren't going to like it).

    Drop Imotekh. Though he's fun, his lighting is really just "ok" and generally doesn't do much. Instead, take a normal overlord, and a royal court. Use the royal court to sprinkle normal lords with res orbs into the flayed ones packs. Drop the res orb off the destroyer lord (unless you are using it just for him).

    Now you'll have flayed ones with 4+ reanimation. And all their wounds will protect the normal lords, and allow them to get mindshackle/warsycthes off to deal with any tougher targets that try to tarpit them.

    As an alternate, you can continue to use imotekh, and just a royal court with him. (you'd need to adjust points somewhere else though)

  2. Hi mate,

    You know, your thoughts are exactly how I would run the army, and was my original idea for it. Then I checked the Royal Court entry and saw that the Court cannot join Flayed Ones :(

    I defo have considered dropping Stormlord, as he doesn't really do a lot, but, he is there for other reasons. I REALLY need first turn for the army, and his 4+ seize in invaluable, plus having night fight is perfect for my army as I do not shoot with it early game, and yes, his lighting is fun :D I am actually thinking of giving him a Cronotek to help keep night fight up.

    The Lord is my wild card in the list. He will deploy with
    the Wraiths and quickly join the Flayed Ones turn one. Preferred Enemy
    Flayed ones with a Resurrection Orb is very nice. If I did drop Stormlord I think I would go for more Destroyer Lords with Orbs, three Destroyer Lords and go unbound?

  3. What? The court can't join flayed ones? UG. That really stinks!!!!!! I hope they fix that in the rework.

    So the destroyer lord can join the flayed ones no problem, but not the royal court? (I don't play necrons directly...just always vs them).

    Have you thought about a CAD + allied force (allying with yourself is allowed in most tournaments now). That would snag you another destroyer lord possibly to join the flayed ones. (and keep you battle forged)

    Hopefully your codex revamp will have a flayed one formation (I'm guessing it will, since most people never take them), which will give you more flexibility in how you build your list.

  4. Yeah I know, gutted. Still, I have been able to make the army work well, and you never know what the future will bring with a new Codex etc. :D We will see


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