Nick Speaking,
Following on from my first post, one of the major differences in 5th edition compared to previous editions is the single vehicle damage chart, and this is where the Necron Gauss Weapon took a big hit. Gauss Weapons get an auto Glancing hit regardless of the armour, but with the new vehicle damage chart that only equates to an immobilised result at best, if you get a lucky roll of a six.
To be fair, that is not bad even in this new world of heavy mech! After all a Glancing hit guarantees that your opponent will not be able to fire next turn and with so many guns around Necrons should be Glancing alot! Also If you are lucky enough to immobilise a vehicle, then that's pretty much your job done. But, it's nothing like how I remember the Gauss Weapon? Lining up for that first turn attack against that IG player....oh that's five tanks I took out on turn one! Ok, that only happened once, but I still remember it :-)
So how should the Gauss Weapon rule look in the new Codex? I have given this a lot of thought and come up with a simple answer! Keep Gauss Weapons the same as they are but throw in a "Plus One" to the Damage Chart rule? Now If we get a lucky six we can Wreck a vehicle!
Add this to some synergy from a new Codex and would this bring Necrons back to where they should be?
Next up, Flayed Ones..