Now that the dust has settled on the recently released Dark Eldar Codex, some strange things have been happening! I have noticed a small warp portal opening up around The IDIC Harlequins, it seems like the dark side is calling them...
Well I do have thirty Harlequin models already, so going over to the dark side and trying out a Dark Harlequin army, isn't going to be too difficult. As you can see from the picture above, some of my Harlequins are old school models that I picked up cheap from my local hobby shop. They are just making up the numbers until sometime in the future, when I will get myself some more of the new models.
All the units in my Harlequin army work together so well. You can't target the Harlies at a distance from Veil of tears, so you are left shooting at the Pathfinders with their 2+ cover save, or the three strong toughness eight Wraithlords, and then throwing in Eldard with all the re-rolls from guide, fortune and doom to finish up. When the time is right it's fairly easy to get the Harlequins across the table by ignoring terrain from their flip belts, and then using their hit and run ability.
Now, how to make my thirty Harlequins have as much success with the Dark Eldar Codex as I have had with the Eldar Codex?
Can it be done?