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30 April 2011

Tyranid Four Way Fun!

Nick speaking,

Continuing on with some four way Space Junk fun games, this time I took my 750pts of Tyranids up against Tau, Blood Angels and Ultramarines!

This was my list:

1 x Tyranid Prime
1 x Tervigon
20 x Termagants
20 x Hormagaunts (poisoned)
20 x Hormagaunts
1x DoM/Mycetic Spore

Let the fun begin...

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27 April 2011

Most Fun Gun?

Nick speaking,

What is the most fun gun in 40k? And when I say most fun, I mean most fun and not most powerful!

For me it's the flamer, just being able to make a burning noise as you lay down the template is fun enough (yes, sad I know). Add in auto hits with no cover saves for extra fun! Of course the strength five heavy flamer is even better, let alone the strength six AP three versions that are about, but they all make the same noise...

Burn baby burn!

So what is your favourite gun in 40k and why?
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24 April 2011

Tournament Trygon?

Nick speaking,

So you go out and buy yourself a Trygon/Mawloc kit, and what a great kit it is, all the bitz to make either the Trygon Prime, Trygon or Mawloc! It has to be said for sure that GW are doing a great job with all the new kits coming though, but why don't they take it one stage further!

When I got my first Trygon kit I had visions of making it in a way that I could change it around between the three versions, but this proved more difficult than I had originally thought! I am sure people have done it, but It does seem to be very difficult to make an interchangeable, magnetised model from just one kit. If only GW had given us the option to easily change the heads around at the very least!

In the end I settled on making the Trygon Prime as a base model, at least I would be able to double him up as a normal Trygon if needed, and as usual I know that my buddies would let me use it as a Mawclaw if I wanted to as well, but how about in a Tournament?

The question I have for you guy's is how does this model work in tournaments your way? Do you have to model it up exactly as a Trygon or Trygon Prime? Or can you switch it around? Could you even say it's a Mawclaw? How about if you made one model out of all the different bitz! Would you be able to take it to a tournament as either one of the three models?

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21 April 2011

Capstone Necrons FTW?

Nick speaking,

After losing the roll off to place the objectives and to see who goes first, it seemed like my Necrons were going to struggle in this seize ground mission against Orks, but after the three objectives went down exactly how I wanted them too, and I was giving the advantage I wanted by being passed first turn, was this going to be the game where I got a win for my old Necrons?

With one objective in the middle of the table, one to the left just in front of my pitched deployment zone and one on the right side of the board, I set up my capstone. Going first meant I could use the Deceivers grand illusion ability, so I deployed a lonely set of Destroyers in the open on the right side of the board as bait. I know my opponent always runs with Commandos, so I leave one unit of Warriors in reserve and castle up the rest of the army on the left. I leave the Nightmare Lord and Scarabs in the middle ready to move over to the right when the game begins...

The lonely Destroyers get some attention and a biker squad is deployed opposite them, five Koptas deploy opposite my castle with some Rocket Boyz, Lootas and a Big Mek with his 'funny' gun. about thirty Gretchin deploy mid table and three units of twenty boyz go into reserve with the Commandos. Before I do my illusions the Koptas do their scout move and end up about two inches in front of my Warriors! I redeploy the lonely Destroyers into my Capstone and we are ready for turn one...

I advance forward with the plan being to contest the right objective with the Nightmare Lord unit, Hold my objective with the Warriors backed by destroyers and Deceiver and then to contest/hold the centre objective with the Monolith. I keep one unit of Warriors spread on the rear board edge to try and push Snikrots flanking Commandos to the side of my phalanx. I then gun down the Koptas forcing them to run away at half strength. Ork turn one, and with an extra six inch movement the Rocket Boyz fly across the board getting into assault with my Destroyers, wiping out one hole unit, whilst the Lootas shoot out two Warriors...

On turn two, three Destroyers get up and join the other unit of four making one big unit that I shoot at the Lootas, killing only one because of cover saves. The Deceiver assaults the Rocket Boyz as my reserved Warriors come on, again trying to stop the Commandos from being able to multi assault when they arrive. Orks turbo boost the bikes to the centre next to my Monolith, and the Lootas fail to shoot anything. One unit of Boyz come on opposite my capstone from reserve, and the Commandos wipe out one unit of Warriors on my table edge. I use misdirect and pull the C'tan out from the Rocket Boyz assault...

In turn three I tank shock the bikes with the Monolith making them run, whilst I shoot the Monolith and Warriors at the Rocket Boyz taking them down to three. I then had to decide what to do with my twenty one, strength six Destroyer shots! Finish off the three Rockets or go for the Lootas? I go for the Lootas, killing eight of them, but they don't run away. I then assault the Commandos with the Deceiver forcing them to run. Orks target my Destroyer with the big mech and roll a double five for his 'funny' gun, taking him across the board into assault with them! Rocket Boyz join in and assault the Destroyers as well, wiping them all out with a full rack of power fist attacks, whilst more Ork Boyz come on from reserve in a Central position!

On turn four I move the left unit of Warriors towards the objective and keep within six inches of the running Commandos, whilst teleporting the other unit of Warriors to the middle of the board behind the Monolith, I then turbo boost the Lords unit in front of the Warriors for protection. At this stage I am thinking that I need to clear out the Gretchin on the middle objective, with my Destroyers gone I may not be able to hold the one on the left, and I will need the one in the middle. I shoot out the Rocket boyz with the left Warriors and assault the Big Mech with Golden boy to clear the decks around me. Orks last twenty boyz come on from reserve toward the right objective and the bikes regroup at long last. An abysmal Waagh sees the greenskins only moving a couple of extra inches each, but the group on the left make it into assault with my Deceiver before I misdirect out!

On turn five, the Deceiver manages to pin the group of boyz closest to my objective and the Lord and Scarabs assault the Gretchin after the Warriors soften them up from shooting, wiping them out in the sweeping advance. At this stage I have two objectives as I hold the one on the left and the one in the middle, with the objective on the far right being empty. For some reason, all of a sudden I feel like I'm playing my Eldar as I wait for the Ork turn five and hopefully the game end! Orks Turbo boost the bikes to contest the middle objective and fail to get close enough with the other two groups of Boyz to hold anything. One objective to me and none to the Orks, but the game goes on...

With the Deceiver in assault with the Boyz on the left, I am stretched a bit thin and start to have a few problems. The far right Boyz are within touching range of the right objective, so I turbo boost the Lord away from the Scarabs to the back of the objective within three inches of it, whilst the Scarabs turbo boost to the front of the objective making a wall. Orks can only assault the Scarabs, so my Lord will be there to contest it. I teleport the middle Warriors through the Monolith to try and rapid fire on the last remaining problem, twenty Boyz within reach of my objective. I do well and kill half of them with no cover saves. With  my Warriors off the middle objective the bikes are free to contest, but it was either that or a group of twenty Boyz, and at this stage, if the game ends I was betting on a draw anyway!

The remaining Boyz move towards my objective and assault my Warriors that are holding it, I lose the assault by two and all I have to do is throw an eight or less to stay contesting the objective, sadly I throw a double five and end up running out of the three inches. My last minute back up plan, is to misdirect with the deceiver and contest it with him, all I need is about eight inches with the three dice. I throw a one, two and three! Six inches, and I am out of range. Now its one objective to the Orks and the other two are contested...

Game ends on turn six with a roll of a one!

Conclusions? There is only one! I figured I would hold up enough in the assault with the last three Rocket Boyz against my Destroyers. I planned on teleporting them out and shooting them down with Warriors the next turn. I should have killed the last three Rocket Boyz with my Destroyers when I had the chance, even if twenty one, strength six shots was a bit overkill! Lesson learnt.

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18 April 2011

More Genestealers!

Nick speaking,

More progress on my Stinger Hive Fleet with a second brood of Genestealers completed. I painted the backs slightly different than the first brood and added rocks to the base to make it easier to distinguish between the two broods...

First brood...

Next up, even more Genestealers...
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15 April 2011

IDIC Eldar Vs Sisters, Orks and Daemons!

Nick speaking,

I have previously spoke about my buddies and I playing a few four way games for fun. We usually like to play the old Rescue and Battle of the Camp missions from way back. Recently though, after seeing fellow blogger Matt Black play a Conflict GT mission called Space Junk, where there's just one objective that Scatters around the board, I thought this mission, coupled with random player turns, would make an excellent four way game for us to play...

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12 April 2011

Magnetic Rocks!

Nick speaking,

When I was browsing through my modelling box the other day, I came across some Magnetic rocks that I had purchased a few years back from my local Hawkins Bazzar store. They were very cheap and I remember seeing these on the shelf of the shop and thinking to myself that these would be really useful for something 40k one day....

I spent a while thinking about how I could use them, and then packed them away in my box, forgotten about until now! After having a quick look at the shops website, It seems like these rocks are now discontinued and are no longer available, but the question still remains, how can I use them?

The obvious one would be using them on a base somehow! Maybe to magnitise something that could indicate a piece of wargear that you don't want to be permanently stuck on the model or something? I also thought about magnetising an actual model onto the rocks so that it can come off the base for storage purposes, but where the rocks are shaped differently, it seems difficult to get the magnetising points in the right place for that idea?

So what do you think, Any suggestions?
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9 April 2011

IDIC Hann Eldar List Tweaks

Nick speaking,

It's been a while since I gave an update on my current Saim Hann styled army list which has gradually been evolving as it's being painted. Looking back, the last time I posted my IDIC Hann list was a year ago, when I was just putting it together...

Here is my original list with an update on where I have gone with it...

1 x IDIC Farseer Jetbike with Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Warding/Witnessing/Stones (208)
5 x IDIC Warlock Jetbikes with Spear/Destructor (290)
The Farseer has stayed the same, but I have tweaked the Warlocks a bit due to the unit running of the board once! I now have one Warlock with Embolden and a Witchblade, dropping the Spear to stay under points as I ended up two points over at the end.

6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes 1x Shuriken Cannon (142)
I noted in the original post that I wanted to have an extra Suriken Cannon on the Jetbikes, and I have now fitted that in. I have thought about going for three Jetbike units, but having a troops tank option seems to be a bit better, giving me protection and the ability to tank shock anyone off objectives. 

10 x IDIC Guardians with Shuriken Cannon (85)
1 x IDIC Wave Serpent with Scatter Laser/Stone/Vectored Engines/Star Engines (160)
I originally had Guardians in a Serpent, because I had my Guardians painted, but I knew It wasn't ideal and that I would eventually go with Storm Guardians instead. Although I will end up with a version of my list with a Wave Serpent, I have currently exchange the Serpent for a Falcon with five basic Dire Avengers in it. I chose the Falcon because a) It's already painted b) It's difficult to damage with the it's Holofields. I armed it with a Missile launcher and Shuriken Cannon.

2x IDIC Vypers with Star Cannon/Shuriken Cannon (160)
2x IDIC Vypers with Star Cannon/Shuriken Cannon (160)
Star Cannons are nice but expensive, and with so many cover saves around Scatter Lasers seem to be the better option! However at the moment I am running one unit with Scatter Lasers and one with Star Cannons to mix things up a bit. The Shuriken Cannon at the front stays for sure.

1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Stone/Vectored Engines/Star Engines/Holofield (195)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Stone/Vectored Engines/Star Engines/Holofield (195)
With all the list tweaks I have now managed to fit a Shuriken Cannon on each of my Fire Prisms so that they can still shoot if the Prism Cannon gets blown off! I have also dropped the Vectored engines as I feel they are just too expensive and don't earn their points back.

My list now looks like this:

1 x IDIC Farseer Jetbike with Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Warding/Witnessing/Stones (208)
4 x IDIC Warlock Jetbikes with Spear/Destructor (232)
1 x IDIC Warlock Jetbike with Witchblade/Embolden (50)

6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
5 x IDIC Dire Avengers (60)
1 x IDIC Falcon with Missile Launcher/Shur Cannon/Stone/Vectored Engines/Star Engines/Holofield (225)

2x IDIC Vypers with Star Cannon/Shuriken Cannon (160)
2x IDIC Vypers with Scatter Lasers/Shuriken Cannon (140)

1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Shur Cannon/Stone/Star Engines/Holofield (185)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Shur Cannon/Stone/Star Engines/Holofield (185)

1749 points

Just the Seer Council and Dire Avengers to paint before this list is totally painted and I can get to work on my Night Spinner turrets!

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6 April 2011

IDICBeer Logo and thanks to Fritz and all!

Nick speaking,

This post was originally designed to let everyone know, that I now have the IDICBeer logo available to anyone who would like to support me by adding it on their Blog. Before that though, I would like to use this opportunity to first thank a few people for the great support I have received so far...

Thank you Fritz for your inspiration to do a blog in the first place, and for your invaluable advice that took out a massive section of the Blog learning curve. Thank you to Ron from From the Warp for his help in the guest post he kindly did for me. Thank you to House of Paincakes for their outstanding work in making a very fun blog and for doing several link back posts for me. Thank you to Kirby from 3++ is the new black for a recent linked article he did and for his inspiration to do an IDICBeer logo myself. Thank you to everyone that has already added my Blog to their Blog roll, if you are not on mine then let me know and I will add it. Thank you to all my readers and followers for your comments and continued support. Thank you to all the other inspirational blogs that are out there including BoLS, Black Matt and Space Wolves, and of course, a big thank you to anyone who is willing to put my logo on their Blog for me.

With that done and hopefully I haven't missed anyone! If you would like to put my Logo on your Blog I would really appreciate it. Just in case you are unsure of how to do it, all you need to do is follow these four simple steps...

1) Right click on the image below and click 'Save Image As' to save it to your desktop
2) Go to 'Design' in Blogger and click 'Add a Gadget/Widget' and select add a 'Picture'
3) Browse for the IDICBeer logo on your desktop and add it
4) Add this link '' in the link section

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3 April 2011

Painted Eldar Jetbikes Battle Report

Nick speaking,

With my newly painted Jetbikes finished it was time to put them on the battlefield for some action. Only my Seer Council (aka Beer Council) and Dire Avengers left to paint for this list to be complete...

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