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3 September 2011

MSU Boredom?

Nick speaking,

Just something I have recently decided...

Muliple units of five Grey Hunters in a Razorback is BORING!

A few less units of eight to ten Grey Hunters in Rhino's are FUN...

OK, I know it's not rocket science, but when I first started rewriting my 13th Company fluff so that they could have tanks, I fell straight into the trap of MSU, after all everyone else seemed to be doing it and with Wolves being an 'auto win' army, why not?

I played a fair few games with various Razorback based lists, not too spammy either, as I don't own that many Razors anyway. As I played more and more games, I got more and more bored, even with Thunderwolves in the list. I just ended up feeling like there had to be more to my Wolves than making a Lascannon tank scoring?

It wasn't until a few games ago though, that I realised how some other armies do MSU better than my Wolves! My Blood Angels opponent mainly plays with Razorbacks, but I didn't realise how cheap his Razors are before? I don't know what the rule is exactly, but apparently if you do (or don't) take something you get the Razorback for thirty five points cheaper, or something like that anyway? I always wondered how he managed to get extra armour and Hurricane Missiles on his Razors, and then have Powerfists and stuff on the five guy's inside, and then have enough points left over for all the other toys in his army!

Maybe I should have known this already, but I am not the type of person that buys and reads all of the Codex's. Finding this out though, made me re-evaluate my Wolves and made me make the switch from Razors to Rhino's. With bigger units of Grey Hunters all geared up, and a Wolf Guard to boot, now I actually feel like a Space Wolves player, lots of wolf brothers charging forward to get into the thick of things. After the switch, I am finding I'm still enjoying a good amount of success, but more importantly, I am having a lot more fun!

 MSU does work, and I am not debating weather or not MSU is competitive or not, all I am saying is that I have personally found them boring to play, give me the Rhino rush any day! I would go as far as to say that I have now been thinking about going back to my 13th Company routes and fielding an army without tanks at all, maybe it's time for my Fenrisian Wolves to be unleashed again?



  1. Michael Hogan(Xethik)3 September 2011 at 17:48

    Blood Angel Assault Squads can drop their jump packs for 35 points off a transport. I don't remember if Space Marine Assault Squads can do this for Rhinos/Razorbacks, but they can for Drop Pods I think.

  2. Yes, thanks, that sounds like the rule!


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