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9 April 2012

Eldar Harlequins Vs Blood Angels Battle Report (not video)

Nick speaking,

Here is a battle report of a game I played against my buddies Terminator Blood Angels army. I hope you enjoy the report, any comments about the game or the write up are most welcome...


1 x Eldrad

10 x Harlequins/1x Shadowseer/1x Death Jester/2x Fusion Pistols/9x kisses
10 x Harlequins/1x Shadowseer/1x Death Jester/2x Fusion Pistols/9x kisses
10 x Harlequins/1x Shadowseer/1x Death Jester/2x Fusion Pistols/9x kisses

5 x Pathfinder Rangers
5 x Pathfinder Rangers

1 x Wraithlord/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher/2x Flamers
1 x Wraithlord/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher/2x Flamers
1 x Wraithlord/Bright Lance/Missile Launcher/2x Flamers

Blood Angels list was something like this...

1 x Terminator Librarian with Fear of Darkness
10 x Terminators/5x Claws/5x TH/SS
1 x Sanguinary Priest

10 x Terminators/2x Assault Cannon/8x Power fists?
1 x Sanguinary Priest

10 x Jump Marines/2x Plasma gun/1x Power fist?
10 x Jump Marines/2x Plasma gun/1x Power fist?


We roll off and get Seize ground with three objectives and Dawn of War deployment. I win the roll to place two of the three objectives and we end up with all three objective in a mirror formation in a central position, great, as I need the objectives together for my small army. I also won the roll off for first turn and chose to go second...


Blood Angels reserve the two jump troops to combat down and deep strike, they then declare to walk on the rest of the army turn one. I deploy Eldrad and a unit of Pathfinders in a bunker next to the objective on my side of the table, with the rest of the army also coming on turn one, except for reserving the second unit of Pathfinders.


Both units of Terminators come on the board edge and start coming towards me, running six inches each, I thought I was playing against his Ork army for a minute! I bring on two Wraithlords and two Harlie groups to the right of Eldrad, they are there to move forward as a blob. The other Lord and Harlies went to the left and behind Eldrad as the support/counter unit for the Pathfinders. I get lucky with the Pathfinders and pass night fight with them, rolling four sixes and a five to hit, killing two storm shield termies


Two five man jump units come down from reserve behind some rocks on my left flank, Librarian unit moves and runs forward, whilst the unit with the Assault Cannons shoot my left Wraithlord, failing to wound. My reserves don't come on and I move forward with the right side blob. I shoot almost everything at the Librarian unit killing two more Termies and putting a wound on the Librarian. I of course am using doom, guide and fortune as much as the Librarians hood will let me. I take a couple of shots at the troops on the left, but they get the benefits of the rocks with cover saves


Blood Angels turn three and the other two units of five jump guys come in, they also try to deploy behind the rocks to the left, but even with decent of Angels, mishap both units for me to place them anywhere on the board! I think about placing them in the corner on his side, but he will only need two turns to be on the objectives! I decide to take a bit of a gamble and I put them right behind my line next to my Harlequins! I know he will take a few of them out, but if I have a few standing I should be able to take them out in my turn.

He is forced into a corner and brings the other two groups on the left out, so he can max out on wounds on the Harlies. The Librarian tries to Fear of Darkness Eldrads unit, but take a Perils and dies. Unlucky for BA, but perfect for me as I can now use my three Psychic powers freely. I lose four Harlies in both back units from shooting, which was a bit of a result after some reasonable saves on my part.

I then use the usual doom and fortune sending the left Harlies and Wraithlord out to meet the guys by the rocks, they kill them all accept the Wraithlord who stays in combat with one Marine. I shot everything I had into the two units behind me to soften them up, forcing one unit to run with three men in and wiping out the other unit in the assault. My Pathfinders also came on from reserve behind Eldrads unit


The running Marines are within six inches of my Wraithlord and continue to run. BA have no choice now, they have to get the Terminators into my Pathfinders to go for a draw! The termies run forward and I finish of the last guy that's in assault with the Wraithlord on the left. In my turn, I fortune my Harlies and doom one of his units, I then use Mindwar to take out one of the feel no pain Priests. Wraithlords shoot out the last three running troops, and the Harlies shoot and assault both units of Terminators, killing every last one of them. Game over, I tabled his army and only lost eight of my Harlequins!


Obviously, the turning point was his mishapped Marines, which probably should never have happened with only one D6 for the scatter. I can see what he was up to trying to put all four groups behind the rocks to my left flank. I think I would have been tempted to put at least one unit somewhere at the back to keep out of trouble and grab an objective at the end, but if all four units where sitting behind those rocks ready to pounce at the end of the game, who knows what would of happened?


  1. I totally agree with your assessment of the game, another mistake, which is quite a picky one I must admit, was having the Terminators in cover, which slows them down massively, now I'm not sure how much they moved each turn against you this game, but in future games it might be costly. Against your army it's just not worth being in cover as you only have 3 bright lances at range, and 6 fusion pistols. I've been learning this the hard way as I'm used to being in cover with them...

  2. Thanks for the comment, your right about the cover, and he did side step a bit to get into it, I can see why after I got a round of five AP1 shots in from the Pathfinders on turn one and killed off some storm shields. That's the thing with the Harlie list though, it can take a turn or two to work out how to deal with them, and by then it's too late :)

  3.  5 Ap1 shots, impressive mate! I'm sure your opponent learnt a lot in this game, especially how key movement can be, especially against such a fast, hard hitting army like yours.

  4. Always good to see Eldar win against Blood Angels, I hate Blood Angels so much lol

    Good batrep, really enjoyed it :)

  5.  Ha ha, yeah Blood Angels have been my archenemy for years! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the comment :D

  6. Nice to see eldar massacre someone for once! Great write up - I swear you'd finished painting your whole eldar army? or am I missing something?

  7.  Thanks buddy, I finished painting my Saim-Hann themed list, but still got plenty more other Eldar stuff to paint lol

  8. I can't really see the objectives, though you said in the centre, so why did you keep half of your two troop choices in reserve, which are static units? I would have put them with Eldrad in the bunker (did you use 3+ cover?) and perhaps kept them fortuned and used sniper fire and then run out in the latter turns.

    Not sure why Terminators are in terrain when they have a 3+ invulnerable. It only benefits them to be in terrain to possibly stop assaulting units reaching them. 
    The Blood Angels army could have been a whole lot better. I am not sure if you don't knwo wargear, though the Librarian has only got one power and should have two. Walking Terminators across the table is just plain wrong, even derp strike would have been better and could have combat squad them to get the whole unit in at once. Plasma guns and power fists are the wrong combo plus choice on Assault Marines, well plasma guns are, Assault Marines want to assault (clue is in the title ;)) and they cannot assault when they have rapid fire guns. The fist is also not a defensive weapon.

    A little advice on the report, use paragraphs between each players turn ;) easier to read the, particularly if you wanted to just follow one army only. 

  9. The three objectives are the purple bases midfield, my plan was to hold my objective and contest the other two with the Wraithlord and Harliequins, Harlies are very fast moving believe it or not, move, fleet, assault and then hit and run at the end of my opponents turn. I reserved the second unit of Pathfinders to keep them safe from his deep striking units, would hate to lose both units early game from something stupid like multi assault or that horrible Fear of Darkness! I was using the Pathfinders fortuned, 2+ cover save ;D

    He was in terrain at one point because I rolled four sixes and a five first turn with the Pathfinders, giving me five AP1 hits, I took out a few Storm shield guys, so he headed for cover! It was just a fun game, and my buddy was just experimenting with something a bit different. I am sure he must have had a second power on the Librarian, but he probably didn't get a chance to use it, so I don't know what it was.

    Good advice on the paragraphs mate, I will try that next time :D, thanks for reading.

  10. generalanvilpants12 April 2012 at 03:17

     Even with the AP1 shots the decision to move into cover on his part makes no #!$damn sense.

    Cover provides a 4++ save.
    Storm shields give a 3++ save.

    AP1 makes no difference. They're both fixed saves.

    The only reason TH/SS Terms should ever be in cover is if they're expecting to be assaulted by hordes without Frag grenades equivalents (maxed out Orks or Hormagaunts).


  11. I think it was just an in the heat of the moment error, although he did only have two shields left at the time

  12.  I think we've all hadthem moments!


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