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12 April 2012

Necron Scarab Farm - 63 Scarab Bases Done!

Nick speaking,

Been very busy with the Scarab making, here are my three units of twenty one Scarab bases, ten to start on the table, and eleven for spawning. I have one unit of original GW Scarabs, and the other two rock and rubble units are all made from my single green stuff cast...

Now for the Tomb Spyders


  1. Release the scarabs!

    Simply Awesome!

    ...and I was feeling bad ass with my set of 38 scarabs!

    Biggest spawn type army I have seen on the 'net so far!

  2.  wow... thats a lot of Scarabs!! Good going mate!

  3.  Cheers buddy, the question is, how many more should I make? lol

  4. adamduncombe197813 April 2012 at 17:50

    Hi mate starting to figure my way around the blog! hoping this gets on there, great post by the way been poppin a few comments on Rons page as well! mate the swarm of scarabs are EPIC!! how many totally going to crush people with these bad boys!! you thought about entering throne of Skulls? Cheers Dunk

  5.  I think you're competing with GW's production at the moment mate, so why stop here? How many could you actually produce in a game if everything goes to plan? I think that should be the number to aim for ;-p

  6. lol. Well, if I start off with three units of ten, and then have six Spyders who spawn out one base each, for lets say four turns, that's 54 bases, so I am covered there. Of course, if I go all out with nine Spyders who spawn one each for lets say five turns, I will need 75 bases, that would be 675pts worth of free models ;) So maybe another ten needed just in case lol!

  7. 3x3 unit of spyders can make 63 bases over a 7 turn game so 93 is the most possible if none die and,spyders spawn every turn without poop failure

  8. Hi Dunk, that's brilliant mate, well done. Glad you like the Scarabs :D. I Probably won't be doing the Thrones mate, are you thinking of going? Talking of Blogs, please go and have a look at my buddies Blog Embolden 40k (He has some cool Eldar stuff) He's a really great guy who would love some support if you fancied following him (link is on my Blog to the left). Also, please check out my other buddies Blog Imperious Dominatus (link on the left as The UK Bloggers Group), again, a great guy with lots of interesting stuff to say. Cheers for the support buddy ;D

  9.  There ya go another 10 is needed! ;) as you add to each unit you could have a unit of 85bases of scarabs, that reduce the armour of a tank moving 12" by roughly 35pts, you could multicharge 3 landraiders and still have a good chance of reducing them all to basically dead!

    I've not heard much of scarab farming, mainly just the term, but is it a viable tactic?

  10. Sounds like great fun doesn't it :D

  11.  Cheers for the endorsement mate, although I have been concentrating on my Paladins lately, I've never forgotten my Eldar! :)

  12.  Not if you're running the trip-landraider list and go in reserve for some reason, giving you the chance to get those 85 scarabs lol. Wound be awesome to see a table totally flooded by Scarabs, similar to the tomb in the mummy.

  13.  Your welcome mate, keep up the great work

  14. Also if you bored you can always make you bases like these: 


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