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28 July 2013

Eldar Saim-Hann at 2k

Nick speaking,

During the period of 6th Edition dropping and the new Eldar Codex being released, my Saim-Hann army didn't really see the light of day. I found it hard to get motivated to put those Vypers and Falcon on the table, and so I turned towards my full Mechdar and Footdar lists instead. So with the new Codex dust all settled down, I want to take a look at my old Saim-Hann list and see if I can get it going again...

Ok, so here is my old 5th Edition Saim-Hann list, I had a lot of success with it back in the day, mainly because the Falcon was scoring and the tanks were very survivable, along with the all reserve/turn five concept that used to be...

IDIC Hann 1750 pts, 5th edition list...

1 x IDIC Farseer Jetbike with Spear/Doom/Fortune/Guide/Warding/Witnessing/Stones (208)
4 x IDIC Warlock Jetbikes with Spear/Destructor (232)
1 x IDIC Warlock Jetbike with Witchblade/Embolden (50)

6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (152)
5 x IDIC Dire Avengers (60)
1 x IDIC Falcon with Missile Launcher/Shur Cannon/Stone/Vectored Engines/Star Engines/Holofield (225)

2x IDIC Vypers with Star Cannon/Shuriken Cannon (160)
2x IDIC Vypers with Scatter Lasers/Shuriken Cannon (140)

1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Shur Cannon/Stone/Star Engines/Holofield (185)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism with Shur Cannon/Stone/Star Engines/Holofield (185)

1749 points

My first port of call, was to translate this list unit by unit from the new Codex, to see how it would look. Whilst I was doing this, I made a few tweaks, like a Dire Avenger Exarch with a Shimmershield for the Falcon, as that unit will need to disembark to be able to score, and the 5++ will help a little. Interestingly, the new 'copy and paste' list is 203 points cheaper than it was before, and that is with the more expensive Dire Avengers and Vypers, due to holofields...

IDIC Hann, 1750 pts, 'copy and paste' list

1 x IDIC Farseer/Jetbike/Spear/Witnessing (135)
5 x IDIC Warlock/Jetbikes (250)

6 x IDIC Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon-Shimmershield (108)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)

2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)
2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)

1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Falcon/SL/Cannon/Stone/Holofield (170)

1547 points!!

So, with that and the move up to 2k points that my buddies and I have made, I now have 453pts left to spend, bonus! I don't want to mess around with the list too much at this moment in time, as I want to get a good feel of the changes and go from there. At the moment the list only has three troop choices, so first of all I want to address that. More bikes are my first thoughts, but I only own twelve bikes at the moment, so that rules that out for now. Next stop has to be troops in a Wave Serpent, maybe Guardians or Storm Guardians, but I think I want to stick with ten Dire Avengers, the longer ranged guns and 5++ Shimershield does it for me.

Now I know that I could drop the Falcon and have two Serpents with eight Dire Avengers in each, but the Falcon has always been a favourite of mine, and now that it hits on three's instead of four's, I want to give it a fair outing before I ditch it for a second Serpent.

Next is the Seer Council, I will keep the council as it is, but I am planning for the Council to have a different role on the battlefield. With the random powers it now has, nothing is going to be set in stone, it will either be as good as or even better than it was in the old days, or it could end up just being an expensive jetbike squad that can't score. So, with that said, I don't want the Farseer in that unit to be my Warlord, just in case the dice gods don't favour me! No, the Warlord role is going to have to go to the faithful Jetbike Autarch with Mantle.

I know it's not a perfect list, but I think it's a good starting point to get the Saim-Hann back on the table, which I am very much looking forward to. Battle reports to follow... 

IDIC Hann 2k v1

1 x IDIC Autarch/Jetbike/Fusion/Blaze/Mask/Mantle (168)
5 x IDIC Warlock/Jetbikes (250)
1 x IDIC Farseer/Jetbike/Spear/Witnessing (135)

10 x IDIC Dire Avengers/Exarch/PW-Shimmershield/Serpent/SL/Stone//Holofield (285)
6 x IDIC Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon-Shimmershield (108)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes with 2x Shuriken Cannon (122)

2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)
2x IDIC Vypers/SL/Shuriken Cannon/Holofields (170)

1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Stone/Holofield (150)
1 x IDIC Falcon/SL/Cannon/Stone/Holofield (170)

2000 points

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