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30 June 2015

4k Subscribers Giveaway!

Nick speaking,

Just a little bit of self promotion to say that I am fast approaching four thousand subscribers over on my YouTube Channel! If your not subbed to me yet, then I would really appreciate you pressing the subscribe button and helping me get there. I will have a little Giveaway once I hit the magic number!

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27 June 2015

No More Necron Decurion? Bino List!

Nick speaking,

So yeah, I have been really enjoying the Necron Codex and making lists with the Decurion Detachment. My sucess has been great and my different army lists within the Decurion have been performing very well indeed. So much so, that I am now thinking I would like to move away from the Decorion Detachment cheese and start to inject some fun into my lists and maybe even up the battlefield with my friends, who lets face it, must be getting annoyed with the resilience of the new Necrons!

Now, originally I was just going to make a list without using the Decurion, but what the hell, how about making a list randomly, you know, let the dice gods decide what units I take! I want to keep the army bound, so will start by rolling for my HQ and two Troops, including their transports, and then roll for the rest of the army from there, Bingo style! I will post a video of me doing the random draw, just in case your interested, or don't believe me lol

Bingo Crons 2k

1 x Nemesor Zahnrekh (150)
1 x Illuminor Szeras (110)

10 x Warriors/Ghost Ark (235)
10 x Immortals (170) 
10 x Immortals (170) 

9 x Lychguards (225)
1 x Nightbringer Shard (240)
1 x Deceiver Shard (240)

Fast Attack
1 x Heavy Destroyer (50)

Heavy Support
1 x Doomsday Ark (170)
1 x Annihilation Barge (120)
1 x Annihilation Barge (120)

2000 Points

Really looking forward to play this army, a few units I haven't used yet with the new Codex, so it should be fun. Battle reports to follow soon.

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24 June 2015

The Year of the Wolf (5)

Nick speaking,

Just another quick update to show you how the second unit of Grey Hunters are coming along. Base coats and washes are done and I have got the metal and gold highlights down. Lots and lots more to do, but I am really liking how these guys are starting to look...

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21 June 2015

Painting Challenge Battle Report!

Nick speaking,

Here is a battle report with the painting challenge Nid list I talked about in the last post, I had a lot of fun with this list, and it was great to try out a few new things and test my skills without the go to Nid units at hand! I am also trying a new format with my battle reports, trying to give them a little more atmosphere than usual, I hope you enjoy it...

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18 June 2015

Painting Challenge Nid List

Nick speaking,

As I am sure you are aware, I have been hard at work painting a few Nid units recently, so once again I have 'finished' my Nid army, for now, anyway! I managed to get a lot done in just under a month, and I thought it would be pretty cool to make an army list to include all the latest finished units, this includes, Old One Eye, ten Genestealers, two Broodlords, three Hive Guard, a Harpy and a Toxicrene...

I also completed three Tyrannocyte conversions just before the challenge, so I thought it would be good to get them in the list too! Lots of restrictions I know, but it's going to be fun and maybe a test of my gaming skills!

OK, so here is the list I came up with, lots of deep striking fun with some core unit behind a defense line to hold the fort until they get there. Hopefully that will be on turn two with the comms relay!

Painting Challenge List                                                           

1 x Old One Eye/Pod/Venom Cannons (320)

1 x Tervigon (195)
30 x Termagants (120)
10 x Genestealers/Broodlord (200)
10 x Genestealers/Broodlord (200)

3 x Hive Guard/Impaler Cannon (165)
3 x Zoanthropes/Neurothrope/Pod/Venom Cannons (275)
1 x Venomthropes (45)

1 x Harpy/Cluster Spines (150)

1 x Toxicrene/Pod/Venom Cannons (260)

1 x Aegis Defence Line/Comms Relay (70)

2000 Points

Battle report to follow!

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15 June 2015

Tyranid Hive Guard Showcase

Nick speaking,

Here is my last Stinger Hive Fleet showcase post, and this is my three Hive Guard conversions, I really hope you like them. Now to get all the newly painted minis on the table for some action!

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12 June 2015

Tyranid Old One Eye Showcase

Nick speaking,

Here is the next Stinger Hive Fleet showcase post, my Old One Eye Carnifex...


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9 June 2015

Tyranid Broodlords and Stealer Showcase

Nick speaking,

Here is the next Stinger Hive Fleet showcase post, two Broodlords and ten Genestealers...

Broodlord One... 

Broodlord Two...

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