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23 June 2011

First Freehand Work!

Nick speaking,

When I first put my Farseers Jetbike platform together, I always knew I wanted my Craftworld logo on the front plate. I had previously thought about having the logo on the front of all my Jetbikes and Tanks, but in the end I decided I would save my first piece of freehand work for my Sexy Farseer

The project seemed a bit daunting at first, and to be honest I thought I would fail, and end up just having the section painted plain purple instead!. Before I attempted the logo, I had a look at one of my favourite painting blogs From the Warp for some inspiration. I was not disappointed and found several great freehand painting posts like this one, that gave me the confidence to get going.

So with the base coats all done on the rest of my platform, it was time for me to have a go. First I drew a cross with a pencil to give me a guide to where the logo would be...

Next I pencilled in the actual logo...

I then painted the outline of the logo with black...

Next was to paint in the purple sections...

Then all I had to do was tidy it all up...

All in all, I was very pleased with the results for my first freehand piece, and when viewed with the naked eye it is very difficult to see the imperfections. So once again, many thanks to Ron, and his fantastic painting articles. I am going to continue to keep having a go at freehand, and can only inspire to be as good Rons work one day!


  1. dfgfdgudg dkhsghnftg23 June 2011 at 10:08

    Nice, I am incapable at freehanding, so I often have to resort to cheating with decals and such.  
    Looked a bit clumsy at first  but the final product is very nice

  2. I think it looks great. It's nice to know that some of the "cheats" I use daily helped you out as well.
    Next thing you know, you'll be doing murals on the sides of your tanks.

    The idea of penciling on the simple cross to keep things lined up is a nice one. It's little tricks like that, that can really make a difference. I think the previous comment of looking clumsy might be more of a way of saying it doesn't look perfectly refined like a decal might. And freehand won't most of the time. It's a bit more "organic" than decals are and that brings a whole new feeling to the model as opposed to using decals.

    In some ways, freehanding designs on fits better with the look of the model for that very reason. If you use decals, they are generally so sharp and crisp that they stand out against the painting of the model and look a bit out of place. By drawing them, you add the subtle inconsistencies to them that is in the painting and they blend in perfectly.

    Ron, From the Warp

  3. Thank you Ron, and thank you for all your hard work that I know helps and inspires so many people like myself


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