Nick speaking,
I am sure you may remember me posting about The 3k Game I had with my buddy Aceface. It was an epic game with my Necrons taking on his Hive Fleet. We rolled the Relic, which I grabbed with my Wraiths turn one and held on for dear life until the game ended. I got a win, but was probably quite lucky with the mission, if you consider all the nastiness that he had on the table!
Since then, Aceface has been working on a new Tau army, and not only does it look fantastic, he is having a lot of success with his list on the table. Check out the link here if you want to find out more on that. Of course, I am writing this post to let you know that we have another game scheduled, and although I don't know for sure, I am suspecting the Tau to make an appearance. The only things I do know, is that we will play 2500 points and will have a go at the Maelstrom missions.
Ace has seen both my Eldar and Necrons in action, so I suppose it's about time I got out my Nids for him to see. Going up against a very experienced Nid player with my Nids, as he commands a very Strong Tau army doesn't sound too promising to me, so I need to come up with something different to counter both of these disadvantages!
I already know the way Ace likes to play, lots of big nasty units and guns, and that is how he plays his Nids. I have played a few Nidzilla games recently myself, but this time I am going all out swarm. I figure I am not going to win a shooting match against his three Riptides and other nasty guns, so why bother to compete there? Oh no, I am thinking flood the board with as many little bugs as I can and see how he copes!
As we are playing a Maelstrom mission, that will help me too, lots and lots of units to grab points at the start of the game, and from then on to just stay alive until the game ends. Minimum unit sizes will make him waste a lot of his over powered guns on killing just five bugs, so hopefully I will have a chance to survive. I can't go without my three Mawlocs, my favourite Nid unit in both looks and fun, plus they will help add a little distraction as the Swarm advances!
Using the Endless Swarm formation to boost my numbers as I die, this is the final list for the game. It's going to be very interesting and a lot of fun, even if Ace doesn't bring his Tau...
Endless Swarm 2500k
Primary Detachment (1330pts)
1 x Death Leaper (130)
3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
1x Venomthropes (45)
1x Venomthropes (45)
3 x Shrike Brood (90)
10x Gargoyles (60)
10x Gargoyles (60)
1x Mawloc (140)
1x Mawloc (140)
1x Mawloc (140)
Secondary Detachment (710pts)
1 x Tyranid Prime/Whip/Boneswords (140)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
5 x Genestealers (70)
1x Zoanthropes (50)
1x Zoanthropes (50)
1x Zoanthropes (50)
Endless Swarm Formation (460pts)
3 x Warriors/Barbed Strangler (100)
10 x Hormagaunts/Toxin sacs (80)
10 x Hormagaunts/Toxin sacs (80)
10 x Hormagaunts/Toxin sacs (80)
10 x Termagants (40)
10 x Termagants (40)
10 x Termagants (40)
2500 points
Battle report to follow soon...
Książnicowe warsztaty malowania figurek vol.7
But time flies... The seventh Toruń workshop at the City Library in Toruń
is already behind us. I invite you to a short report.
*Ale ten czas leci... Sió...
6 days ago
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