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1 March 2012

Eldar Fire Prism Cannons Repainted!

Nick speaking,

It's been a while since I painted my two Fire Prisms, but I always knew I would revisit them one day to repaint the Prism Cannons. I was never really happy with my original paint job of the Cannons, as ideally I wanted them blended from light to dark blue. At the time though, after spending a lot of time on the tanks, I sort of ran out of steam on them. I tried blending them, but ended up hashing them up and got a bit frustrated with it. In the end I ended up just doing some extreme layers, knowing that one day I would go back and redo them...

I am no blending expert, but I have been able to do both wet and dry blends on a selection of small areas before. I think it may have been the size of the Cannon that gave me problems the first time round. This time though, with a nice fresh mind and some new found confidence I was sure I could improve them. here is a close up of my embarrassing original first paint job...

I thought long and hard about how I wanted my Cannons to look, I never really did like the 'lightning' effect that most people do that much, it looks fine, but it's just not for me. I wanted them to blend from light to dark blue! A few hours later and without any hitches, I had some results that I was happy with. Not perfect, but a lot better...

Pictures of my finished Saim-Hann themed army coming soon!


  1. Wow they looks great! The re-paint really worked well! The blending it pretty much seamless! Great stuff! :)

  2. Thanks mate, really happy to have finally finished painting my 1750pt list, now I need to paint my three Wave Serpents =)

  3.  Ouch, I really hate bulk painting, its going to kill me painting 17 Terminators and a Dreadnought :p

  4. Liking the purple paint job you've gone for here, Nick. I did purple on my old Eldar army, though I had gold gems instead.

  5.  Thanks mate. Yeah, purple rocks, or is that purple rains lol

  6. Prince say pruple rains ;)

    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: Eldar Fire Prism Cannons Repainted!

  7. What a great job nick!! Looks great. Would you King sharing your yellow gem recipe those look amazing!!

    Pooling forward to the full army shot, with your interchangeable displayboard.

    1. Thanks mate, glad you like them, I will have pictures of the full army coming up soon :-)

      This is how I paint the yellow spirit/gem stones...

      Base coat of Iyanden Yellow, I then paint the following layers leaving a section from the first layer showing from one corner to the other, 2:1 Iyanden/Sunburst, 1:1 Iyanden/Sunburst, Sunburst, 1:1 Sunburst/White. I then put a white dot in the dark section to finish it off.

  8. Haha seems autocorrection needs an errata

    King = mind

    Pooling= looking

    P.s. love purple aswell working on my purple eldar aswell.

    P.s.s. looking forward to your next eldar battle report, been following your YouTube channel for some time great vids!

    1. Ha ha, Yeah purple Eldar are sweet, hope I can check out yours when it's done! Glad your enjoying my Channel mate, that's great to hear.

      Not sure why, but your comments are not coming up on my main Blog page, maybe something to do with Google Bounce? Whatever that is?


  9. I like the re-paint. Well done.


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