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18 October 2010

Necron Tomb Stalker - First Battle Report

Nick speaking,

After waiting so long for something new for Necrons, playing my first test game with the Necron Tomb Stalker was pretty exciting. So exciting in fact, that it seemed to have an effect on my gaming ability...

The Tomb stalker does exactly what you would expect it to do on the table, as long as you accept that in most games it will die! It does make a fantastic distraction unit that also can do some damage, giving your other units (Warriors) some breathing space. Necrons now have a nice new toy to play with, and I am looking forward to a few more games with it sometime soon...


  1. Not a bad game over all just need to keep your head in the game a bit more. Also I think a little more terrain may help your battles a bit, that wide open of a table is a gun lines dream.

  2. Yeah man, try a cityfight with the stalker, then you will rip some mortals to shreds, i promise.

  3. Im going to try not to be a troll. So please dont just disreagrd my comments at least try my recommendations. drop the C'tan in an all comers list he dies hard as DE and SW have enough fire power to kill them. Second necrons suck, no good anti tank in 5th ed makes them sad pandas. dosnt mean u cant win just at a good competition they die. but if u want to run them more power to you! I love them favorite army, just waiting for the codex. Ok first try bubble wrapping. Immortals excel at this so take 3 units of 5, a destroyer lord ws (res orb if u wnat less scarabs), 3 10 man warrior units. 2 4x destroyers, 10 scarabs (best thing in our book) 2 x2 heavies and 2 tomb spyders for s nice counter attack and can spread out the phalanx. and 3x 10 warriors, becuase we have too :(. so
    2000 Pts - Necrons Roster

    Total Roster Cost: 1990

    HQ: Lord (1#, 140 pts)
    1 Lord, 150 pts = (base cost 100 + WarScythe 10 + Destroyer Body 30)

    Elite: Immortals (5#, 140 pts)
    5 Immortals, 140 pts = 5 * 28

    Elite: Immortals (5#, 140 pts)
    5 Immortals, 140 pts = 5 * 28

    Elite: Immortals (5#, 140 pts)
    5 Immortals, 140 pts = 5 * 28

    Troops: Warriors (10#, 180 pts)
    10 Warriors, 180 pts = 10 * 18

    Troops: Warriors (10#, 180 pts)
    10 Warriors, 180 pts = 10 * 18

    Troops: Warriors (10#, 180 pts)
    10 Warriors, 180 pts = 10 * 18

    Fast Attack: Scarab Swarms (10#, 120 pts)
    10 Scarab Swarms, 120 pts = 10 * 12

    Fast Attack: Destroyers (4#, 200 pts)
    4 Destroyers, 200 pts = 4 * 50

    Fast Attack: Destroyers (4#, 200 pts)
    4 Destroyers, 200 pts = 4 * 50

    Heavy Support: Heavy Destroyers (2#, 130 pts)
    2 Heavy Destroyers, 130 pts = 2 * 65

    Heavy Support: Heavy Destroyers (2#, 130 pts)
    2 Heavy Destroyers, 130 pts = 2 * 65

    Heavy Support: Tomb Spyder (2#, 110 pts)
    2 Tomb Spyder, 110 pts = 2 * 55

    1 warior squad advance with the destroyers scarabs and immortals against most shooty armies depending how much cc they have. Assault armies. CASTLE, immortal walls anf have the scarabs ready to go wrap around and hold. I in no way claim to be god of necrons but after playing them for multiple years my list isn't bad still not really completion but more so than normal necrons. Im trying to give my opinion not be a troll sorry if it comes off that way. (notice lack of monolith)

  4. Hi CowMan,

    Thanks for the comments and views, I am always up for hear other peoples ideas thanks. Your list looks interesting, how would go go about dropping it down to 1750pts?



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