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21 May 2011

Defending Defender Guardians!

Nick speaking,

As I walked home from work one hot summers day, and passed a local charity shop, that's when it happened! Sitting in the front window was an Eldar Farseer and some boxes of Eldar Guardians, for pretty much next to nothing. Next thing I know I am walking home with a bag of Eldar goodies! Then after a trip to my local Hobby Shop for the Eldar Codex, the IDIC Eldar were born...

To be fair, I knew very little about Eldar at that time, I had never seen them on the battlefield before, and had only known that they were "fast and fragile", as told to me by a friend. I built up my Guardians and purchased some Striking Scorpions next, to go with my Farseer, for some small fun games.

Although I found the Scorpions to be great in those small games, It didn't take me long to discover that Guardians were one of the worst units in the Eldar Codex. On a side note as I write this, why did I stop using Striking Scorpions? They were fun to play and did the job in the assault, oh yes, I then got some howling Banshees and the Scorps went out of the window, but still, maybe I should get them out again for some infiltrating/flanking fun!

Anyway, with twenty of my thirty Guardians converted into Storm Guardians, I now only have ten Defender Guardians left. I kept these guy's as they were the bench mark for my IDIC Eldar paint scheme, and I would love to see them on the table at some point, but sadly these days, they hardly ever make it out of the case...

I know that there is a potential for a foot slogging list that is based around mass defender guardians and the Avatar etc, but is it viable to fit just ten guardians in a list and make them work?

Needless to say, I have been struggling to fit them in any sort of list apart from when I am playing Cities of Death. This has lead me to start thinking about using the models for something else totally, maybe having the platform controller guy's as doom, fortune and guide markers just to get them out on the table. Not ideal I know, but how else am I going to get them out of the case? Is there anyone out there prepared to defend the defender Guardian?


  1. Unfortunately the best I can think to  say about them is they make a wave serpent scoring and can a) throw out mariginally more fire power at 12" than a 5 man DA unit for 25 points more - whih is not a glowing recommendation I know - I'd go for storms every time.

  2. I think that if Guardian Defenders could take the heavy support platforms (vibrocannon, d-cannon, shadow weaver) instead of just the current ones, it would go a long way to fixing both units.  Guardians with a vibro cannon or a mobile d-cannon?  Guardians out of LOS holding an objective plinking away with a shadow weaver?  I think it would work well.


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