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26 June 2012

Lukas Mega Bomb list and BatRep Vs Grey Knights

Nick speaking,

A few posts ago I talked about some tactical ideas on using Lukas the Trickster for my Space Wolves, and my 13th Company Trickster that was painted up by PaintingXoan. For my first game with him, I wanted to run what I call, the Lukas Mega Bomb. Basically, it's a full unit of Blood Claws with Lukas and a Wolf Priest, all charging forward in a Landraider Crusader.

Now that unit comes to 820 points, so in a 1750 point list, that's a massive whack! Still, Lukas is all about fun, so I am happy to run with it and see what list I can come up with. First up we will need some supporting Troops. Two Rhinos with Grey Hunters and a Wolf Guard in each to follow up the Crusader charge, and one Razor back to sit back on any objectives. That leaves me with enough points for two packs of missile Long Fangs and a flanking unit of Scouts with another Wolf Guard.

With my limited play of Space Wolves, I still find it amazing how cheap everything is in the Codex, compared to my original Eye of Terror army, where missile Long Fangs were 188 points! Anyway, I ended up with a few points left over, so I purchsed a couple of Hunter Killer Missiles. After my first game, I realised I should have bought some much needed Dozer Blades instead! With just a few tanks on the table rather than a bucket load, the last thing you want to do is immobilise yourself on terrain!

So here is the list I played, and a battle report of a friendly game I had against Grey Knights with it. The next time I use the list, I will drop a Hunter Killer Missile and both Rhinos will have Dozer Blades...   

Lukas Mega Bomb                                                                                                         

1 x Wolf Priest/Runic Armour/Tooth Necklace/Hunter (140)
14 x Blood Claws/2x Meltagun/1x Power Fist (240)
1 x Lukas the Trickster (155)
1 x Land Raider Crusader/Storm Bolter/HKM/Extra Armour (285)

7 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino  (155)
1 x Wolf Guard/Combi-Melta/Power Fist (43)

7 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino  (155)
1 x Wolf Guard/Combi-Melta/Power Fist (43)

5 x Grey Hunters/Power Weapon/Meltagun/Razorback-LasPlas-HKM (180)

5 x Wolf Scout Pack/Meltagun (85)
1 x Wolf Guard Pack/Combi-Melta/Wolf Claw (38)

5 x Long Fangs/4 x Missile/Pack Leader (115)
5 x Long Fangs/4 x Missile/Pack Leader (115)

1749 points


  1. I was quite surprised the Purifiers where beaten so easily in combat! That Death star looks pretty impressive! Well done on a very convincing win!

  2. Thanks mate, I was lucky the first two turns, I was up against five Lascannons, and they totally missed everything, but it was nice to get a win on those pesky Knights lol

  3. What's the low down for those who cannot watch the video, lol.

    What was the G.K list?

  4. lol

    GK had 3x Rhino's with 10x Purifiers in each and 4x Chimera's with various
    henchmen and Cortez, sorry not sure exactly what was in them, but he had five
    Lascannons/or equiv. guns?

    We played seize ground with four objectives and spearhead, I was passed second
    turn and deployed all except the Scouts and tried to seize the initiative,
    failing on a one lol GK shooting was really unlucky at the beginning and I
    spent turn one and two de-meching, and shooting the guys who got out. I lost
    one Rhino before the Scouts came in late and took out a Chimera with troops in,
    at the end of the game and I had to get my Wolves out of foot because I immobilised
    one Rhino and the Crusader on terrain! The Blood Claws chomped through a few
    units and I took advantage of second turn to hold two objectives to nil when
    the game ended on turn five.

  5. wooooooooooooooooooo!

    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: IDICBeer 40k: Lukas Mega Bomb list and BatRep Vs Grey Knights


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