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28 June 2012

6th Edition Rule Book Unboxing!

Nick speaking,

You have probably noticed that I have been posting more than usual recently, this was mainly because I had some 5th edition stuff in my scheduled list that I needed to clear through before the new book arrived. Well today is 6th edition day for me, as I have managed to get my grubby hands on the new rule book! Below is an unboxing video and to be honest, I am feeling very happy that I did my best to ignore all the rumours that floated about over the last year or so. I am really looking forward to reading my copy of the new 40k rules with no expectations of what might, or might not be happening to all of my armies.

On the Blog front, with no scheduled posts in the system, it's almost like a fresh start for that as well. I would like thank everyone for all the support I have received with the Blog so far. I have made many new friends, including Embolden 40k and all the great guys over at UK Bloggers Group. I appreciate every comment, email, link, feed, blogroll etc. that I have had, and I can only hope that you have enjoyed my 5th Edition journey as much as I have. I am sure the new rulebook with not only bring GW a bucket load more money, but will really stimulate the 40k community and gaming groups everywhere. So lets celebrate this together as we move forward into a brand new era of 6th Edition, where there is only war...


  1. to bad we most likely have one build now, namely footdar with some bike elements

  2. I think there is going to a bit of a shake up, that's for sure

  3. Happy to add support, mate. Btw has the UK Bloggers Group increased traffic?

    Also, how do you do these cool youtube vids? I would like to do video battle reports or something like that.

  4. Thanks Mark. Yes, I am getting some extra traffic from the group, not huge but it all helps. As for video's, just set up a YouTube account, take some footage of your opponents sweating by the radiator and then upload them. Simples :D

  5. What do you use to take vids? My phone can record videos fine, I might give them a try.
    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: IDICBeer 40k: 6th Edition Rule Book Unboxing!

  6. I use a compact digital camera with HD movie mode, but your Samsung should do the job well enough, and if you didn't want to edit it, you should be able to upload the video direct from the phone. Failing that, windows live movie maker is pretty easy to use

  7. Thanks for the info. I'll try doing some recording from my phone, and then play with windows movie maker.
    Subject: [idicbeer] Re: IDICBeer 40k: 6th Edition Rule Book Unboxing!

  8. Cheers for the big up mate! :D and I echo Marks comment of I'm happy to support! it's a pleasure tbh.

    Now onto that rulebook! Damn I'm jealous!! :(

  9. Cheers mate, no problem, more people need to see the great stuff you do on your Blog

  10. Man they should staple this guide to the new rulebook it would save so many questions lol. good job!


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