Nick speaking,
I don't know about you, but I really think I haven't put enough thought into my Warlord traits so far in 6th Edition. I started off just randomly choosing one of the three categories in my first few games, sometimes I got a useful one, but mostly they were doing nothing. From then on, I got it into my mind that Personal Traits were the best ones for me and just stuck to using them! Now that I am more familiar with how 6th is running, I think it's time for me to really assess the Traits to make sure I am getting the most I can out of them!
First, I want to examine all the traits as a whole to find which category is generally the best one to choose. I want to be in a position where if I am pressed for time and need to quickly choose one, I know which category to run with without having to read them all. After that I am going to have a look at the traits from my specific army's point of view (Necrons, Tyranids, Space Wolves and Eldar) to see if I can find a trait category that will suit them even better.
So let's have a look at the traits and see which category is generally best...
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
Pretty good unless your army has the same
leadership value all round
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
Could be very useful
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
Very useful for units that don't have it already
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
Useful, especially if you have a foot army that
needs to move quickly
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
Very useful
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
Could make a difference
Pretty much a 6/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Only good if your Warlord is defensive and stays
in your deployment zone
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
Only good if your Warlord is active and likes to
attack in your enemies deployment zone
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
I wouldn't recommend anyone changing their army
tactics last minute for this one
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
Always good
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
Always good
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
Generally very good when the mission requires
scoring units
An average 3 to 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins, of
which you can see before you roll your trait
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Useful, but only if you plan to flank
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
Very useful, as most of us will reserve at least
one thing
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
Very useful, as most of us will reserve at least
one thing
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced by it. Could
be ok under the right circumstances
A average 3/6, but could be a solid 5/6 depending on
So after all that, I was choosing the weakest
category out of the three, with Command traits coming out on top, Strategic
Traits second and my Personal Traits coming in last. Well, from a general point of
view anyway! Next then, I want to have a look at the categories for my specific armies...
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
Useless, as everything is leadership ten anyway
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
A nice 5/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Useful, unless my Overlord is in a Command Barge!
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
Could be useful if I had a Destroyer Lord with Wraiths charging forward!
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Maybe, but probably not
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
An average 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Useless, I don't flank
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
An average 3/6, but could be 4/6 depending on
It is a close one, depending on circumstances, but the Command Traits for Necrons seems to be the best option overall.
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
Useless, as you probably will be within Synapse if you are within 12" anyway
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
Useless, as most have it anyway
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
Most Nids have fleet anyway
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
An average 3/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Maybe, although unlikely
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
Furious charge on Nids is always good, unless you've purchased it already
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Nids no longer flank in protest to 6th edition
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
An solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Nids no longer flank in protest to 6th edition
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
A solid 3/6, but could be 4/6 depending on
Again it is close, but my original Personal Traits seem to win for the Nid as the best overall category.
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
An amazing 6/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Useless, I have it anyway
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
Could be good for a Thunderwolf based Lord
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Can't see it myself
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Useless, I have it already
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
I don't really reserve my Wolves
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
An average 3/6 in usefulness!
It is pretty obvious that Command Traits is the way forward for the Wolves
ELDAR (Saim-Hann)
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
Useless, as the JetSeer will be pushing forward out of range
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
I won't be running
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
I don't charge much with my Saim-Hann
A solid 3/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Useless, The JetSeer will not be hanging back
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Can't see it myself
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Useless, I won't be flanking
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
An average 3/6 in usefulness!
Nothing here that stand out as amazing, but the Personal Traits seem to have the edge over the others for quantity of usefulness
ELDAR (Footdar)
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
An amazing 6/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
I doubt I will be there much
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Can't see it myself
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
Useful for the War Walkers
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
All three are solid, but the Command Traits win easily.
ELDAR (Mechdar)
1 - Friendly units within 12" of the
Warlord can use his leadership
Maybe, but only after all the tanks have been destroyed
2 - Enemy units within 12" of the
Warlord must use their lowest leadership
3 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" have move through cover
4 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" roll an extra dice when they run and use the highest
I won't be running much
5 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" re-roll ones to hit when shooting units 3" from objectives
6 - Warlord and all friendly units within
12" add one to the charge distance result
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Warlord and his unit have counter attack
whilst in their deployment zone
Useful if my bikes get assaulted
2 - Warlord and his unit have furious charge
whilst in enemy deployment zone
3 - Warlord and the unit he joins when
deployed have outflank
Can't see it myself
4 - Your army gains one victory point for
each enemy character slain in a challenge
5 - Warlord and his unit gain feel no pain
whilst within 3" of an objective
6 - Warlord is a scoring unit even if he is a
A solid 4/6 in usefulness!
1 - Your units have move through cover and
stealth when using ruins
Could be useful if there are any ruins
2 - Can choose to have night fight for the
first turn without rolling
Always a good option to have
3 - All flanking units have acute senses
whilst your Warlord is alive
I won't be flanking
4 - Can re-roll any reserve rolls whilst your
Warlord is alive
5 - Enemy has a minus one modifier to their
reserve roll whilst your Warlord is alive
6 - Redeploy one unit 3D6" or three
units D6" of their current position within deployment zone
Sounds useful, but I am not convinced
An solid 4/6 in usefulness!
So it's neck and neck for my Mechdar, although on the face of it, I think the best traits within the categories for them are the Command Traits.
Right, well that was a lot of work, but I think it was worthwhile. I now have a very clear vision of what trait tables I will be rolling on for each of my armies. Hopefully I will be giving myself the best chance of getting something useful, without having to think about it when it's time to choose the table at the beginning of a game.
Here is the list of my final conclusions
Necrons: Command Traits
Tyranids: Personal Traits
Space Wolves: Command Traits
Eldar (Saim-Hann): Personal Traits
Eldar (Foot and Mech): Command Traits
So what do you think? Have I missed anything? Is there something about the Strategic Traits I haven't taken into account? Am I going about this the right way? Is it worth planning like this? How do you choose your traits?
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6 days ago
Pretty much spot on mate! I have been thinking of doing something similar for my armies. I, like you, would just randomly choose before each game.. I think it's time I sat down and worked out which one is best for me.
ReplyDeleteCheers mate, just copy and paste my trait list and write your own answers in ;D
ReplyDeleteThink I might just do that! :)
ReplyDeleteSolid article, and good thoughts. I've been starting to try to be more systematic myself with the traits, assessing my list and seeing which chart is most likely to be useful.
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy, it certainly has to be worth it, even if you still get a duff one, at least you are giving yourself the best chances of rolling something useful :D
ReplyDeleteMate this looks really interesting I think I am going to have to re read it again as I think this is well worth a second look great post!
ReplyDeleteCheers mate, glad it was useful :D
ReplyDeleteSome notes I'd like to toss in for Necrons and personal traits:
ReplyDeleteResult 3 - Don't underestimate this one. A Destroyer Lord with Wraiths in the backfield will mow down those flimsy long range units your opponent thinks are safe, and that unit is tough enough to handle a round of shooting. Outflanking also forces your opponent to turn his army around and deal with a problem depending on its severity and toughness. Either way, a special weapon hiding in a unit or the back armor of a vehicle will be exposed to you somewhere.
And for result 4, keep in mind that enemies that kill themselves via Mindshackle Scarabs don't yield Victory Points as I read it.