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4 October 2012

Space Wolves as Allies for Blood Angels

Nick speaking,

The one thing I really do like about Allies is the ability to get more people playing in a single game! I very often end up in a position where we have three players who want to play on a gaming night. Usually one player ends up watching, or joining forces with one of the armies. This is fine, but sometimes it is difficult to work out the best way to keep things fair regarding the Force Organisation Chart etc. Now though, we are able to use the Allies part of 6th Edition to get a fairer or more official way of playing with three players, as long as your armies can Ally of course. So the other day I was in this position and thought I would try it out.

We arranged a game of Blood Angels taking on another army, I elected for my Space Wolves to be the Allied detachment for the Blood Angels and we agreed on 750pts for me and 1000pts for the Blood Angels. It was the very first game of 6th Edition for our opponent, so we were really just there for a bit of fun and a chance to roll some dice. Having been inspired by Embolden 40k and his post about Space Wolves as Allies, I went about making my detachment. I know the Blood Angels love to get up close and personal, usually deep striking in with Dante or some other nasty dude, so I told my buddy I would make a long range fire support list to back his Angels up...

Embolden suggested...

Rune Priest - Jaws, Living Lightening (or two new powers) - 100pts
Dreadnought - Autocannons x2 - 125pts
5 Grey Hunters - flamer - 75pts
Rhino - 35pts
5 Grey Hunters - flamer - 75pts
Razorback - Lascannon/Twin linked Plasma gun - 75pts
6 Long Fangs - 5 missile launchers - 140
Razorback - Lascannon/Twin linked Plasma gun - 75pts

It was pointed out in the comments section of his post, that a chooser marker for the Priest would be very useful and I think that was a good comment, so that was going to be my starting point. I then opted for a Plasma Gun and Mark of Wulven on the Hunters to go with the Priest in the Rhino and the Razorback would have another five Hunters, but this time with a Melta gun and Mark of Wulven, as I am not a fan of Flamers on these units.

Six Long Fangs would sport two more Lascannons and three Missiles Launchers backed up by another Razorback for the Fangs. I know there was a bit of a debate regarding the Long Fang Razorback not being worth the points, but I kinda like the idea myself. I will use the empty Razorback as mobile terrain for the Hunter vehicles and it adds another long shot to the list. I can see that it may not be worth the points in a full Space Wolves list, but I think it is perfect for the limited Force Organisation Chart that Allies brings.

Believe it or not, I don't actually own a Dreadnought, so the Dread is out of my list. That means for the last section of the list I have gone for a Lone Wolf in Terminator armour with a Storm shield, Frost Axe and Fenrisian Wolf. I thought the Lone Wolf would make a good distraction unit pushing forward whilst I wait for the Blood Angels to deep strike in.

Here is my final list...

The Wulvenkind Allied Detachment (750pts)

1 x Rune Priest/Lightning/Jaws/Chooser (110)

5 x Grey Hunters/Plasma Gun/Mark of Wulven (100)
1 x Rhino (35)

5 x Grey Hunters/Mark of wulven/Meltagun (90)
1 x Razorback/LasPlas (75)

6 x Long Fangs/2x Las/3x Missiles/Pack Leader (170)
1 x Razorback/LasPlas (75)

1 x Lone Wolf/Terminator/Shield/Frost Axe/Fenrisian Wolf (90)

750 pts

Now to turn up on the night and see what is in the Blood Angels list and who we are playing against? Battle report to follow...

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