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31 January 2013

Necron Super Phalanx Vs Blood Angels

Nick speaking,

So here we go, this is my first game with my updated and name changed 'Scythe Veil' list, which now features my Necron Defence Line

Necron Super Phalanx (v1)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

7 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (219)
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5 x Necron Warriors (65)
18 x Necron Warriors (234)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1x Aegis Defence Line/Quad Gun (100) 

1748 points

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28 January 2013

How to Magnetise an Eldar Support Weapon

Nick speaking,

A quick and easy magnetising tutorial for the current Eldar Support Weapon...

After gluing the set together except for the guns and the top section to the base. First, drill a 2mm hole where the gun sits with a pin vice and insert one 2x1mm magnet, super gluing it into place. You may find it beneficial to put a very small piece of green stuff in the hole first to help it bond...

After checking the polarities to get the magnets the correct way round, super glue a 3x1mm magnet where the gun sits onto the platform on each of the guns. There is no need to counter sink these, as there is enough room for them when the gun sits into place...

For storage and painting purposes, I also magnetised my platform. You don't have to do this, but if you do, it works in the same way really. Just drill a 2mm hole in the bottom of the base and insert a couple of the 2x1mm magnets. I used more than one magnet for this to give it some extra strength. I then glued a 5x1mm magnet to the top section...

Here are the three gun options all magnetised up. I have left the operator off the platform and the other dudes head off, to make the painting side of it easier. I have to say I am really looking forward to painting this up, so much so, that I think I will have to get another one or two of these before I start painting...

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25 January 2013

Tyranid 'Loc List' Update with Defence Line

Nick speaking,

Even though my Defence Line is Necron themed, I plan on trying it out with some of my other armies as well. I figured that if my Nids were using a Necron looking Defence Line, it wouldn't look that odd, as the rest of my gaming board is based on Necron terrain anyway. So until I get myself a pukka Nid Defence Line, they will have to use a Necron one that they found on a the battlefield instead.

The list I want to have the Defence Line in is my 'Loc List'. The list has worked well so far, but I think it could really benefit from some cover saves on the Hive Guard, Tervigon and Termagant blob. Now, I don't own a real Tervigon, as my one is converted up, but judging from what I can see with the sizes of the new Tervigon model and the Defence Line, they will be 25% in cover behind the line? If any of my fellow Nid players could confirm that for me please, that would be great.

Here is my original 'Loc List' which after a few comments from my followers, was due for some changes anyway...

Stinger Loc List v1

1 x Winged Hive Tyrant/Devourers/Adversary/Swap powers for Biomancy (285)

1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
15 x Termagants/Devourers/Mycetic Spore (190)
19 x Termagants (95)

3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)
3x Hive Guard (150)

1 x Mawloc (170)
1 x Mawloc (170) 

One comment was for the inclusion of Hive Commander on the Tyrant, and I like this idea. It will allow me to reserve the two Mawlocs if they find themselves in danger of being taken out turn one. I won't have to worry about burrowing them from the off, as it will almost guarantee they will come out on turn two from reserve, bar rolling ones. It will also get my unit of Devil Gants and other reserves out nice and early as well. To make way for the Defence Line, I will be dropping a unit of Hive Guard and reducing the other two units down to two in each. I think two units of two will be ample enough to do what they need to do and it leaves me an Elites slot open for DoM. The rest of the tweaks were just a few Gants here and there and Death Spitters for the pods, which I have previously found to be quite useful and was an easy way to spend the last few points. 

Here is my new 'Loc List' after all the tweaks, battle reports to follow...

Stinger Loc List v2

1 x Winged Hive Tyrant/Devourers/Adversary/Hive Commander/Swap powers for Biomancy (310)

1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
1 x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
17 x Termagants/Devourers/Mycetic Spore/Death Spitter (220)
20 x Termagants (100)

2x Hive Guard (100)
2x Hive Guard (100)
1x Doom of Malan'tai/Mycetic Spore/Death Spitter (140)

1 x Mawloc (170)
1 x Mawloc (170)

1x Aegis Defence Line (50) 

Points 1750
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23 January 2013

Necron Base Topper Review

Nick speaking,

Next on my list of Laser Cut Card products that I wanted to try out, were the 'Cyborg' Base Topper sets. There is a large range of different Glyph shapes, which is perfect for giving you a way to distinguish your units, but with them all matching up as well. Each pack contains twelve 24mm toppers, all made to the same high standard as the 'Cyborg' Defence Line and and Obelisk sets I have previously posted about.

All the shapes are pre-cut, except for a very small section that holds them all together. Once you have removed them all, you will notice that you have the added bonus of loads of leftover glyphs, which you could use in a so many ways. How about using them on your Night Scythes, Monoliths, terrain and other bases, the possibilities are endless...

As for the Toppers, simply super glue them onto your bases, let them dry and paint them up in your desired colour scheme. I was very interested to see how both metal and plastic models glued to the bases, so I experimented with a couple of old legs I had to see how they would glue up. I used super glue on both sets of legs and they both glued onto the card base with no trouble at all. Once they were dried, I wiggled them around to find that both the plastic and metal legs were very securely glued...

Overall, I thought these Toppers were fantastic, and I would recommend them to anyone who was thinking about getting them. Laser Cut Card also produce some Chaos Base Toppers, which look to be just as amazing as the 'Cyborg' ones, including leaving you with loads of Chaos left over pieces that you might also find useful...

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21 January 2013

Guard Tournament List

Rob speaking,

So, after my intro post the other day, I briefly talked about what army I’m currently using, Guard with Allied Space Wolves for those who missed it. This list has evolved quite a bit since it’s inception, I was originally running Space Wolves with Guard allies, but I have enjoyed using the guard way too much, so much so, they became the primary army.

I have been play testing a whole heap of lists for a good couple of months now in preparation for Caledonian Uprising 2013, Caledonian is a tournament I’m attending this January, last year Caledonian was my first tournament since coming back to playing 40k in late 2011, I had a real laugh and met people I now consider friends. So I have to say, anyone who’s not been to a tournament or is put off by the reputation of “tournament players”, I say give it a go! I’ve had nothing but fun, yet challenging games, win or lose!

So what is the army I hear you ask?

Primary Detachment: Imperial Guard

HQ1: Lord Commissar (70) Power Axe (10) [80]
HQ2: Company Command Squad (50) [50]
Troop1: Veteran Squad (70) Lascannon (20) [90]
Troop2a: Platoon Command (30) [30]
Troop2b: Infantry squad (50) Power Axe (10) Meltabomb (5) [65]
Troop2c: Infantry squad (50) Power Axe (10) Meltabomb (5) [65]
Troop2d: Infantry squad (50) Power Axe (10) Meltabomb (5) [65]
Troop2e: Infantry squad (50) Power Axe (10) [60]
Troop2f: Infantry squad (50) [50]
Fast1: Vendetta (130) Heavy Bolters (10) [140]
Fast2: Vendetta (130) Heavy Bolters (10) [140]
Fast3: Vendetta (130) [130]

Allied Detachment: Space Wolves
HQ1: Rune Priest (100) Master of Runes (50) Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Living Lightening (0) [150]
HQ2: Rune Priest (100) Storm Caller (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0) [100]
Elite1: 3 Wolf Guard (54) 2 Terminator Armour (2x15) 2 Power Fists (2x10) 1 Bike (35) [139]
Troop1: 10 Grey Hunters (150) 2 Plasmaguns (1x10, 1xfree) [160]
Troop2: 10 Grey Hunters (150) 2 Plasmaguns (1x10, 1xfree) [160]
Fast1: 3 Hyperios Air Defence Battery (3x35) [105]

As you can see it’s a pretty blunt list, the guard will run, yes, run at the enemy until in rapid fire range, where they will remove basically any Infantry unit in the game! By moving so aggressively I hope to take control of the midfield, backed up by the 20 Grey Hunters they make a formidable foe. My anti-tank/flyer comes from 4 things, the Hyperios Battery and 3 Vendettas which are made much more reliable from the Comms relay, which will usually be manned by the Veteran squad or the either the Platoon or Company command squads.

Allowing the Guard to do as they please, they are boosted by the Rune Priests psychic powers, the Priests will usually be taking the Divination or Biomancy powers of which most of these will be vital to the success of this list. Buffing the Guard makes them super tough and/or super killy. 

The round 1 draw has been made and I’ll be facing Dave Williamson and his Tyranids, from the looks of things it’s a fairly straight forward list, 2 Hive Tyrants 1 flying, 1 on foot, Doom in pod, 3 Hive Guard, 2 Zoanthropes, Termagaunts, Tervigon, 3 Warriors with shooting and combat load outs, 30 Hormaguants, 20 Gargoyles, 2x1 Biovores.  To me, this looks like a mix of shooting and combat, which is not something you typically see in a Nid list, usually it's either one of the other.

So expectations, well I finished 50th out of 110 last year, this year there are only about 90 people signed up, so to beat last year I will have to come 45 or better, But I'm looking to finish in the top 30! So, here goes!

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19 January 2013

Necron Defence Line list

Nick speaking,

Now that I have my Laser Cut Card Necron Defence Line finished, I suppose it's about time I incorporated it into one of my army lists. The main list I have been using lately is my Scythe Veil list, which so far has been performing really well, but has also seen a few areas where I think I can improve it further. The list currently looks like this...

Necron Scythe Veil list (v2)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

8 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (236)
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219) 
8 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (219)
16 x Necron Warriors (208)

5x Deathmarks (95)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1747 points

The idea of the list is to deploy the Wraiths up front with the Overlord and his Warriors behind them. The two Ghost Arks will then follow up behind them to help regenerate any loses on the Warrior blob. The two Annihilation Barges will support from the best positions they can find and the whole group pushes forward, with the Night Scythe and Deathmarks in reserve.

After playing a fair few games with the list, I have found the Warrior blob and Arks have come into conflicting roles, when I find myself with an objective in my deployment zone! I want to push them forward as described, but then I need to hold something back for the objective. I feel I need an extra unit of Warriors to hold back for this job and with the Defence Line worked into the list, this is where they will sit.

I plan to make room for the Defence Line by dropping the Deathmarks! I know Deathmarks are all the rage, but I have found that five of them don't really do much except to offer a distraction. Ten of them however are fantastic, but that will have to be for a different list. I have taken Mercer's advice and dropped my Ghost Ark Warriors down to five, to give me a few extra points for the additional Warrior unit I need. I started my Arks with ten Warriors and the dropped them down to eight, and that made no difference, so I am interested to see if the concept of the list works as well with just five Warriors in the Arks.

One less Immortal on the Scythe and a couple of extra Warriors on the blob clears up the last few odd points and I am ready to go. The list is centred more around the main Phalanx than the Night Scythe itself like it did when it first started off, so I feel a name change is also in order...

Necron Super Phalanx (v1)

1 x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/MSS/Weave/Labyrinth/Orb/Phase (225)
Royal Court:
1 x Cryptek/Abyssal Staff/Veil of Darkness (60)
1 x Cryptek/Voltaic Staff/Lighting Field (35)

7 x Necron Immortals/Gauss/Night Scythe (219)
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180
5 x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5 x Necron Warriors (65)
18 x Necron Warriors (234)

6 x Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270)

1 x Annihilation Barge (90)
1 x Annihilation Barge (90)

1x Aegis Defence Line/Quad Gun (100) 

1748 points
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17 January 2013

Eldar Doom or Eldar Doomed?

Nick speaking,

Oh dear, the new FAQ updates are now out and it looks like it's going to have to be Footdar all the way from now on. Please GW, leave us alone or give us a new Codex!

Q: The Farseer Psychic Powers rules state that they do not require the
Eldar Psyker to have line of sight to the target. Does this mean that they
can be used by an Eldar psyker embarked on a Transport? (p28)
A: No.

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16 January 2013

Necron Bling! Yes or No?

Nick speaking,

Some of you may have noticed the Necron Glyphs I had on the bases of my Tomb Blades/Destroyers in my last post. Well, they were blinged up from the off cuts I had from my Laser Cut Card Obelisks and Defence line, which is just another added bonus of these great products, and the possibilities of what you could do with these off cuts seems endless...

Now the question is, should I extend that bling to my Necron Tomb? My Tomb was copied from the picture in the previous Codex and I am very happy with how it came out, but do you think it would look better with some bling on it? Or will it lose it's 'Classic' look? The smaller Tomb I made is just the centre section of the bigger Tomb, so whatever I do with the large tomb would be duplicated on the small one...

Any Thoughts?
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15 January 2013

New Night Scythe Rules out

Nick speaking,

Here is the latest news from Natfka. Necron units embarked in a Night Scythe that is destroyed, take no damage. This update has appeared in the digital version of the codex! Below is a copy of the digital entry that has changed for Necrons. This is how I have been playing it anyway and how I think it should be, so well done GW...

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14 January 2013

Tomb Blades/Destroyers Painted

Nick speaking,

Here are the Necron Destroyers that I got off eBay recently all finished up.  I am really loving these old minis and I plan on using them as Tomb Blades to start with. I was actually quite surprised to see that they are not actually that much smaller than the current Destroyer models, so I don't have any qualms about using them as Destroyers in the future either...

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12 January 2013

Rules Help! Tyranids and Quad Guns?

Nick speaking,

OK, so can Tyranids fire a Quad/Icarus Gun in a Defence Line?

The Tyranid FAQ's ruling for Nids means they are forbidden to manually fire 'Emplaced Weapons' in buildings, but there is no mention of 'Gun Emplacements', which seem to have their own distinct rules! So I am correct in saying that Nids CAN manually fire 'Gun Emplacements' (which are free standing) but NOT 'Emplaced Weapons' (guns in buildings)?

I have done a reasonable amount of searching to try and find out about this, but there seems to be a lack of a definite answer. Some say yes, some say no, I even went into my local GW store, who said you can't, but as you have purchased it for your army, you can, but only shooting it at BS2! This seems totally odd to me, and is obviously something they have just made up! So, what is the answer? Can I fire the gun with my Nids or not?

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10 January 2013

Necron Obelisks Painted

Nick speaking,

Here are my finished 'Cyborg' Obelisks that I got from Laser Cut Card, After building the first two, I decided I wanted to go all out with these and got myself four more. I am really happy with how they came out and I would recommend these to anyone who has, or is thinking about doing, a Necron themed gaming board...

I plan on using a D6 each game to determine how many Obelisks there will be when they get deployed, which should help randomise the terrain a bit and make it look different each game...

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8 January 2013

Tomb Blades/Destroyers Prepared

Nick speaking,

I have managed to find some time to get my three old Necron Destroyers stripped and magnetised ready for painting, which I am really looking forward to. There is just something about these old models that I really like, so much so, that I think I want to get myself some more!

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