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28 June 2013

Eldar Turd! (part 1)

Nick speaking,

This is a picture of a Falcon that I was given a while back after I had dismantled it. I was very grateful to have received it, but it was in a bad state. It had glue everywhere, was badly painted and also had some bits broken...

I started this revival project, aptly named the Eldar Turd, a while back. Then, I decided to put the project on hold, as all the gossip of a new Eldar Codex started. After all, who new what goodies were going to be coming our way. I was even thinking of converting it into a flyer! Obviously, the new flyer model looks too awesome to start making my own one out of plasticard, so what else to make it into?

Well, it's a no brainier really...

More to come...
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25 June 2013

Nids Vs Grey Knights Vs Blood Angels (Battle Of The Camp) Battle Report

Nick speaking,

One of my favourite three way games is the old Battle At The Camp mission, three HQ's in the middle meeting for tea and biscuits, with the rest of the armies in their camps eating marsh mellows around the camp fire! Then all hell breaks loose as the commanders disagree and start to fight...

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22 June 2013

2 Flyrants at 2k!

Nick speaking,

So lets talk two Flyrants at 2,000 points! After my buddies and I decided to move our games up to 2k, I got straight onto a second Flyrant conversion. One Flyrant has been a real blast to play and has been working really well for me, so I can imagine how two of them are going to do, double the fun! I figured I would go one choppy and one shooty, with the shooty one being the Warlord, as he won't be landing so often...

I think the best place to start my 2k list, is to build on my 1750pt 'Loc List', which gives me a nice 250 point Flyrant as an add on. Overall my 'Loc List' has performed really well, with the initial concept being built around having two Mawlocs in the list. In all honesty, the Mawlocs haven't really done much for me, the two S6 AP2 large blasts, sound really good, but I find most of the time I am scattering and hitting nothing, then they are just stuck there with no guns and pretty average assault capabilities. By the time it is my next turn, they are either dead or very badly wounded!

I tried regeneration on the Locs a few times, and whilst it is fun and does work sometimes, it's just a bit too random for the points, so I dropped that idea. Of course the Locs aren't all about killing, when your enemy has to deal with them, along with other stuff like Doom and Devilgants, it really does take a lot of focus away from the Spawning Tervigons! 

The question is, if I drop the two Locs, which would mean dropping the list name and concept, what do I take in their place? Two dakkafexes maybe? At least they can shoot even if their pod scatters, but then when they are down, they are down, no burrowing! No, I don't think so, regardless of how much the Locs kill, I still think they sit in the list well, after all, my enemy is going to have two Flyrants, two Mawlocs, Doom and a bunch of Devilgants in their face on turn two, well, as long as I don't roll any ones for the reserve rolls, and that is going to be tough to deal with...

Stinger Loc List v2

1x Winged Hive Tyrant/Devourers/Adversary/Hive Commander/Swap powers for Biomancy (310)
1x Winged Hive Tyrant/2x Talons/Implant/Miasma (260)

1x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
1x Tervigon/Catalyst/Adrenal glands/Toxin sacs (195)
16 x Termagants/Devourers/Mycetic Spore/Death Spitter (210)
20 x Termagants (100)

2x Hive Guard (100)
2x Hive Guard (100)
1x Doom of Malan'tai/Mycetic Spore/Death Spitter (140)

1x Mawloc (170)
1x Mawloc (170)

1x Aegis Defence Line (50) 

Points 2000

Please let me know if you have any ideas for the list 
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20 June 2013

Fritz 40k - The Warmaster Forum

Nick speaking,

My long time Blog followers and YouTube subscribers will probably already know this, but without Fritz 40k, there would be no IDICBeer! Fritz was the inspiration and motivation to start my own YouTube Channel, and then after that, with some solid advice and inspiration, he helped me get this Blog up and running, so a massive thank you to Fritz for that. To show my appreciation, I would like to give Fritz some support back on his latest project, The Warmaster Forum! Yes, Fritz's brand new forum has recently gone live, and it's the head line and concept behind the forum that is going to set it apart from the rest!

The Warmaster  'Civilized Discussion In The Warhammer Gaming Universe'

If you are interesting in having civilised discussions about our hobby, both to learn and share knowledge, then I urge you to join. Becoming a member is very easy to do, so why not click the link and sign up right now and I will see you over there...
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19 June 2013

Out House Terrain Piece

Nick speaking,

I have got a little fun thing to show you today, a very well made out house! I got this little piece of terrain from two YouTube pals of mine, Courage and Honour. They have some amazing videos on their Channel, showing the awesome work they can do with a few little sticks, so please check them out. Here is the Out House they made for me, thanks guys, I love it...

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16 June 2013

Flyrant (take two) Painted

Nick speaking,

Here is my second Winged Hive Tyrant conversion all painted up. The wings on this one, as well as the arms, are all magnetised, so that he is fully interchangeable...

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14 June 2013

New Eldar 1500pts List and Battle Report

Nick speaking,

So after picking the bones out of the New Eldar Codex, it's time for some more play testing...

IDIC Eldar (test list)

1 x IDIC Autarch/Jetbike/Lance/Fusion Gun/Laughing God (145)
2 x IDIC Warlock/Jetbike (100)

6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes/2x Cannon (122)
6 x IDIC Guardian Jetbikes/2x Cannon (122)
10 x Dire Avengers/Exarch/Power Weapon - Shimmershield (150)
1 x IDIC Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)

10 x Warp Spiders/Exarch (200)
5 x Shining Spears/Exarch/Lance (145) 
3 x IDIC Vypers/Shuriken Cannons/Scatter Lasers/Holofields (240) 

1 x IDIC Fire Prism/Holofields (140) 

Points 1499

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12 June 2013

Flyrant Conversion (take two)

Nick speaking,

With the move to 2k point games that my buddies and I are taking, I feel it is time I started to use two Flyrants in my army. I currently have two old OOP Tyrants, one with wings attached that I converted and a walking one, so I need to get another conversion going!

First I got myself some wings from eBay the same as my other Flyrant...

Then I started work on his back, beefing up the carapace to take the wings and embedding some magnets. I didn't want to cover the magnets totally to maintain their strength, so I decided to make four magnet toppers to hide the magnets out of adrenal glands...

Then I worked on the wing joints with green stuff (grey stuff, but it is the same) and embedded the magnets into them as well. I took that step a bit further and added in some magnets to the other side of the wings, so that I had somewhere to put the adrenal glans when they weren't needed...

Both of the Tyrants already have magnetised arms for interchangeable Talons and Devourers, so now all I have to do is paint it up...

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10 June 2013

Nids Vs Marines Battle Report with a Twist

Nick speaking,

Believe it or not, I have recently uploaded my 400th video on my YouTube Channel! To celebrate, I organised a game against my son with a little twist to the mission. We set up my Necron terrain to get it to look as cool as we could and I played a 1500pt version of my Loc List against his Space Marines. For this game we went all out with the terrain and we used my large Necron Tomb, but would the Necrons awaken during the battle of Nids Vs Space Marines?

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8 June 2013

New Eldar Toys, but not what you think!

Nick speaking,

Not sure where to start here really, except to say that I am one very lucky guy! As some of my long time readers will know, I have always had a bit of a bug for Battlefleet Gothic, especially the Eldar and Tyranid fleets, with Necrons following close behind. Now that GW are discontinuing the Specialist Games, that just makes me want to get a few fleets together even more!

So why am I so lucky?

Well, I have recently been chatting to one of my fellow Legion of Gamza members, Lew, from 40kWarPaint, on our facebook page. I have known Lew for a few years now, and as we exchange comments and emails via YouTube, it is really easy to tell that he is a great guy. How was I to know that he had a couple of Eldar fleets that needed a good home! To my amazement, Lew very generously sent me all his Eldar fleets, rule books and all the the stuff that goes with them for absolutely nothing. What an awesome guy you are Lew, thank you so much mate, you are a superstar!

Here are some pictures of all my new toys that Lew sent me, please go and check out his Channel and subscribe to this awesome guy. Let the fun begin...

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6 June 2013

Community Cryptek Project - Kikumiku7

Nick speaking,

Time for another Cryptek! This fine example of a converted and amazingly painted mini, was sent to me by Kris, over on his YouTube Channel, Kikumiku7. I have been following Kris's Channel for some time now and he has been doing some fantastic looking paint jobs on his minis, so I was very happy and excited when I received my Necron Cryptek. He has gone for a Wolverine themed Tek, check out his open mouth and the guts on his claws...

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4 June 2013

New Eldar Codex Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Not too much to say about my initial thoughts of the new Eldar Codex that hasn't been said everywhere else already. I have really enjoyed reading the new book, and overall, I am happy with the rules except for a few things here and there. As only play testing will give us a real feel for the Codex, here is a report of my very first game with a few units I wanted to try out. It was just a fun game with my buddies, where we turned up with 1200 points each and rolled to see who would team up with who. I ended up with Grey Knights on my side and we were up against Orks and Ultra Marines...

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2 June 2013

90 Second Terrain!

Nick speaking,

One piece of carboard packaging and ninety seconds to make this piece of terrain! It's not amazing, but it shows that you don't need much effort to bring a gaming board to life! See me make this piece in ninety seconds in the video below.

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