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26 August 2013

New Necron Sentinal Built and Reviewed

Nick speaking,

Following on from my previous post where I received my brand new Laser Cut Card 'Cyborg' Sentinal, with its awesome new plastic Crystal, it's now time to get it built and reviewed. The first thing to note, is how fantastic both the price and service of Laser Cut Card is, I have never had a problem with the product being damaged in the post, and it only takes a week to arrive from South Africa to the UK, which is great. Once you open the packet, this is what you will have...

All the shapes are cut all the way through, except for a small tab that hold them in place, just remove the tab and the pieces pop out. The instructions for making the products can all be found on the Laser Cut Card Website. Follow the building instructions as described, gluing all the pieces together with super glue. My top tips here are to have a hair dryer handy, once you have the piece in place with the glue, just zap it with the hair dryer to speed up the drying process, and to not glue in the Crystal at this stage, as you will want to paint all the cardboard first.

The Sentinal comes with two tops, the Crystal and a flat top for you to choose between. Personally, I wanted to magnetise my top, always good to be able to change things around, plus I can then use the new Crystal on my Laser Cut Grand Obelisk. I glued two 5x1mm magnets to the underside of the unit before I glued it all together, then I cut two small holes underneath the crystal top to glue two more magnets. As the flat top has some glyph to add, I just cut up a cereal box to give me a place to glue the glyph, and then added the magnets...

I then glued the main section together and added the struts at the top that hold the crystal in place. Very easy to build, very strong, and looks awesome. Next is to paint it up...

Don't forget that all comments entered on this post will qualify for my 500th Post, Laser Cut Card Voucher Giveaway! Click here for more details...


  1. that looks epic really like the laser cut card idea might have to give it a try myself or winning the comp would be good too

  2. It is awesome mate, keep commenting and you will have every chance of winning, good luck :)

  3. done one better than that buddy i liked the post and the laser cut card i did a blog post about it for you

    for the cheeky 5 entries lol i really want win this competition lol

  4. Excellent, thanks for that, I have added your five entires in :D I am now following your Blog and added your Blog to my Blog roll :D Nick

  5. thanks for that i added yours to mine yesterday keep up the good work

  6. Pretty nifty! Nice to include a plastic crystal with the card stuff.

  7. The crystal is a fantastic edition to this mate, love it

  8. Laser cut card really has some great models! Cheers for the review on this one Nick. Plastic crystal is fantastic! Really adds so much to "just" a card model.

  9. adamduncombe197826 August 2013 at 21:23

    These are great mate! I love this stuff I think the crystal makes this piece

  10. My pleasure, I lobve this cyborg stuff so much, it's great


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