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31 January 2014

Mechdar Messing Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Here is a battle report after my Mechdar list messing...

1 x Autarch/Jetbike/Fusion Gun/Blaze/Mantle (135)
2 x Warlock/2x Jetbike/1x Singing spear (105)

6 x Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
6 x Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
10 x Dire Avengers/Exarch - Power Weapon + Shimmershield (150)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)
10 x Storm Guardians/2x Flamer (100)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)

5 x Fire Dragons (110)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)

7 x Warp Spiders (133)
6 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch (106)

1 x Fire Prism/Holofields/Spirit stone(150)
1 x Fire Prism/Holofields/Spirit stone(150)
3 x War Walkers/Star Cannon/Scatter Laser (210)

Points 1998


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29 January 2014

HELP for HEROES 'Salamanders' SPOTLIGHT! Highlen Terrain

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the lovely terrain set that we have for our HELP for HEROES charity raffle. Tickets are now on sale at only £1.50 a ticket, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning this awesome looking terrain, along with all the other amazing units that will be in the army...

Rocky Terrain set by Highlen Terrain  

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27 January 2014

Space Marine Chapter Collection

Nick speaking,

Here is my entry into the Space Marine Chapter Collection that is being run by my buddy Stephen, at Quantum Studios. The idea behind the project is to bring the community together and end up with a Space Marine from each Chapter all painted up. I was lucky enough to get in quick and put my hand up to do a 13th Company Space Wolf. This is a great project for me, as I plan on using the mini I made below as a test model for my army colour scheme, which will be pre-heresy Space Wolves grey with Emperors Children and Black Legion Chaos armour plates. There are still a few Chapters left to allocate so if you feel like joining in, just click here for more info...

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24 January 2014

Tyranids - What do we think?

Nick speaking,

So, after two weeks with the new Codex, what do we think? Well, that was supposed to be the title of this post when I scheduled it a few weeks back, but I have to be honest, and say that I had no idea back then of the shock and horror, that the new Codex was going to bring. So instead, this post is just going to be a little update to where I am at with Nids...

I don't really want to get into the actual Codex too much, lets face it, there has been so many talks and reviews of this latest book already. Mostly bad of course, but there are a few die hard players that want and will make the Codex work and I hope to be one of them. From my stand point at the moment, I have read the book and have been very disappointed with all the changes we now face. Not only that, but all my favourite units and styles of play that I found so much fun are now no more. From what I can tell so far, I seem to be looking at a totally different set of minis to make the Codex work.

I currently have a lot of Eldar hobby projects going on, including painting my Wraithknight, and this release has done nothing to spark any interest in getting my Nids out, if anything, it has done the opposite, even with the new cool minis that have come with the release, for the very first time ever, I am going to shelf an army, at least for a couple of weeks anyway.

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21 January 2014

HELP for HEROES 'Salamanders' SPOTLIGHT! MonkeyJoe Whirlwind!

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the lovely Whirlwind that we have for our HELP for HEROES charity raffle. Tickets are now on sale at only £1.50 a ticket, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning this awesome looking tank, along with all the other amazing units that will be in the army...

Whirlwind by MonkeyJoe

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19 January 2014

How to Magnetise Eldar Wraithguard/Wraithblades

Nick speaking,

Welcome to this tutorial on how to magnetise Eldar Wraithguard/Wraithblades, making them totally interchangeable with all weapon options. I hope it is useful to you, just leave a comment if you have any questions...

As pictured above, I built the majority of the minis first, except for the arms and heads. I will glue the heads on, but I want to see the poses with the magnetised arms before I do so. I used bitz from both the Guard and Blade minis for mine (Blade Tabards and Guard Heads) as they were the bitz I liked best. It also means that when I switch from one mini to the next, I will have attributes from each. I then drilled out a 2mm hole in the armpit of the bodies and placed a N52 2mm x 1mm magnet into it, I used some green stuff and super glue to do this to give me a nice strong bond...

Next I started work on the left arms as they are the easiest to do. I continued to drill out 2mm holes into the shoulders of the shield arms and the left sword arms. You will have to be a little careful here not to drill to deep, but if you take your time, it won't be a problem. On a side note, the swords that join the left arms have a very small area to glue them together, and in the end, I actually pinned mine on after I did the magnets, so that I could see the poses before gluing...

Next is to drill holes into all the other shoulder joints and fix them up with the 2mmx1mm magnets. Don't forget to check the polarities before you glue them in though...

Now onto the right arm that needs to be interchangeable from a sword to an axe. Sadly the magnets we were using are a little big for this job, so we will have to bring in some 1mm x 1mm magnets. The ones I used were N42, and to get the best from them, I decided to use two in each hole, this will make the fixing stronger. Just drill a small hole into the wrist sections of the swords and axes, and glue in the two magnets. Make sure the hole is big enough so that when you are dry fitting the magnets to make sure the hole is deep enough, they won't get stuck!

Once done, just repeat this on the right arm that holds the swords and axes, I also did the same for the left arms that hold the guns at this stage too...

Lastly, I went in and repeated the process in the wrists of the hands on the guns with the 1mm x 1mm magnets...

I then went in and glued all the heads on to finish off the poses...

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17 January 2014

HELP for HEROES 'Salamanders' SPOTLIGHT! White Metal Hunter/Stalker and ADL

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the fantastic interchangeable Hunter/Stalker and ADL that White Metal Games did for our HELP for HEROES charity raffle. Tickets are now on sale at only £1.50 a ticket, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning these awesome items, along with all the other amazing units that will be in the army...

Striker/Hunter Tank and ADL by White Metal Games

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15 January 2014

Mechdar List Messing!

Nick speaking,

It's fair to say that I haven't really got a lot of games in with the new Eldar Codex yet, I suppose that is one of the perils of having too many armies! Anyhow, I have been messing around with my Mechdar army list and seeing what I can do with it. It's probably going to need a few tweaks, but first I want to get some games in with it and see how it runs...

1 x Autarch/Jetbike/Fusion Gun/Blaze/Mantle (135)
2 x Warlock/2x Jetbike/1x Singing spear (105)

6 x Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
6 x Jetbikes/2x Shuriken Cannon (122)
10 x Dire Avengers/Exarch - Power Weapon + Shimmershield (150)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)
10 x Storm Guardians/2x Flamer (100)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)

5 x Fire Dragons (110)
     1 x Wave Serpent/Scatter Laser/Holofields (135)

7 x Warp Spiders (133)
6 x Swooping Hawks/Exarch (106)

1 x Fire Prism/Holofields/Spirit stone(150)
1 x Fire Prism/Holofields/Spirit stone(150)
3 x War Walkers/Star Cannon/Scatter Laser (210)

Points 1998

Battle report to follow...
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13 January 2014

HELP for HEROES 'Salamanders' SPOTLIGHT! Aussie Ork Rhino

Nick speaking,

The next show case mini for our HELP for HEROES charity raffle was done by my good buddy Aussie Ork, he has only been in the community for a short while, but his new found skills on this Rhino shows how well he is doing. Please check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning this great Rhino, along with all the other fantastic units that will be in the army...

Rhino by Aussie Ork

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11 January 2014

Magnetised Eldar Wraithguard/Wraithblades Built

Nick speaking,

Here are my magnetised Wraithkguard/Wraithblades all finished up, they are totally interchangeable with all the weapon options using magnets. I will have a how to magnetise tutorial for you coming up soon...

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