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4 June 2014

Reading 7th Edition - Universal Special Rules

Nick speaking,

Right, so lets take a look at the Universal Special Rules and see what changes there are. I will only note rules that have not been totally copy and pasted, and the first rule change is to the faithful Space Marines...

'And They Shall Know No Fear' The unit no longer gets to regroup the 3" as well as all the other bonuses they have.

Assault vehicles have a listing saying passengers cannot assault the turn the vehicle arrives from reserve.

Armourbane is now an addition D6 for armour penetration instead of 2D6

Barrage Weapons are no longer pinning

Feel No Pain is confirmed that it is not a saving throw and thus can be used even against weapons that say 'no saving throws of any kind allowed' or perils of the warp attacks!

Independent Characters have an extra line saying that they cannot infiltrate with an infiltrating unit unless they have the infiltrate special rule, which was previously in the infiltrate section.

Infiltrate now states that a unit inside a vehicle can infiltrate with their vehicle. It also confirms that infiltrating units cannot charge in their first turn!

Intercept no longer lets you shoot at ground units with Skyfire weapons at normal ballistic skill.

Jink has changed as previously discussed.

Missile Lock now lists that once use only weapons can re-roll failed to hit rolls if not a blast.

Move Through Cover is the same except you are now not slowed down when assaulting through terrain.

Rending against vehicles are no longer AP2, but just use the attackers weapon AP instead

Smash attacks are just a single attack!

Sniper is no longer Pinning or Rending, they are however AP2 on a roll of a six and are now strength four against vehicles.

Split Fire no longer needs you to take a leadership test to do it.

Strike Down attacks can now affect Monstrous Creatures

Supersonic no longer says you cannot hover!

Template Weapons inflict D6 wounds on units embarked in an open topped vehicle or inside a building if they hit the vehicle or fire hatches.

Vectored Strike is now AP2, but is only one attack unless it is against Zooming or Swooping units, where it is D3 attacks. These attacks have the ignores cover special rule.

Zealot units have gone up in the world, they no longer have fearless and hatred special rules, but they automatically pass Pinning, Fear, Morale and regrouping tests. They cannot go to grounds (sounds like fearless to me). They also get to re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the first round of each close combat.

Next up, weapons...


  1. thanks for the review

  2. Intercept can now be done against units out of sight (SMS on Broadsides), previously it stated units arriving in LoS. Overall I like the changes.

  3. The Intercepter rule says it needs line of sight mate!

  4. Ah so it does!! That teaches me to read the book so fast!!

  5. lol
    Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2


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