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31 January 2015

Triple Mawloc List!

Nick speaking,

As many of you know, I am a big fan of the Mawloc model, and I have had a double Mawloc Loc List for some time now. Having recently painted my third and final Mawloc, and with Drop Pods back in, I thought it was time to redo my list and update it to a Triple Loc List for 7th Edition.

First of all, in an ideal world, I would like to swap out the Hive Guard for a Hive Crone, but I still have to build and paint mine, so for now the Hive Guard is in. They will sit behind or beside the ADL along with the Tervigon, Gants and Venomthropes Blob. The two Flyrants will move on up and then the three Locs will hit. This list is built for fun and to get three of my favourite minis on the table, but please let me know what you think and all suggestion are most welcome...

1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)
1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)

1 x Tervigon/Regeneration (225)
30 x Termagants (120)
20 x Termagants/14x Devourers/6x  Fleshborer/Pod/Strangler (236)
19 x Termagants/14x Devourer/5x  Fleshborer/Pod/Strangler (232)

2 x Venomthropes (90)
3x Hive Guard (165)

1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)

1 x Aegis Defence Line (50)

1998 points

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28 January 2015

7th Edition Blood Angels Vs Necron Flayed Crons

Nick speaking,

I got my Flayed One Army out for my first game against the new Blood Angels Codex. This was more of a test game for my buddy with the new Dex, but it was a great game and a lot of fun, we even had time to stop for tea and biscuits in the middle of the table!

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25 January 2015

Plague Zombie Showcase

Nick speaking,

Just a little showcase of a mini I painted up for a buddy of mine from Pink Eye Productions. He is doing a massive Plague Marine Zombie army with one hundred and seventy five Zombies! The wargaming community is helping him out and painting a few of them up for him, which is really great to see. I had this banner guy, so I decided to freehand on a Nurgled up Pink Eye logo for him... 

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22 January 2015

The Year of the Wolf (part 2)

Nick speaking,

With the Year of the Wolf in place for 2015, I have been painting my first unit of ten Grey Hunters in my 13th Company Space Wolves army. I have to say I am really enjoying these guys, and being 13th Company Wolves, I have modelled them all with different parts of Chaos armour. The Space Wolves armour is the Pre Heresy grey, and I have chosen Black Legion and Emperors Children for the Chaos armour sections. So far I have just put down the base coats, so washes and highlights are still to come, pretty happy how they're looking so far though...

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20 January 2015

Transcendent C'tan Cron List

Nick speaking,

I am sure there is no Necron player that isn't a little bit tempted to play this bad boy at some point, and I am no exception! Yes, it is time to get my recently converted Transcendent C'tan into an army list and start having some fun! This will be in no way my standard go to Necron list, as I think my buddies will not play with me for too long if I keep pulling him out of the bag. We don't normally bring Super Heavy type units to the table, but even so, it has to be done...

So yeah, I haven't equipped him with apocalyptic/D weapons, as they are not going to be needed for what I am up against, but even so, he has a lot of destroying power. The rest of the army is all meched up, with two small units of Warriors in Ghost Arks, a couple of Crypteks and an Overlord. Of course, The Veiltek will go into the Night Scythe with the Deathmarks, and the Monolith will deep strike in just in case I need to get the C'tan across the board a little quicker. Here is the final list, let me know what you think...

Transcendent Crons

1x Transcendent C’tan/Transliminal Stride/Seismic Assault/ Cosmic Fire (800)

1x Necron Overlord/Warscythe/Weave/MSS/Phylactery/Labby/Phase (210)
1x Despairtek/Abyssal Staff (30)
1x Stormtek (25)

5x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)
5x Necron Warriors/Ghost Ark (180)

5x Deathmarks/Night Scythe (195)

1x Necron Monolith (200)
1x Annihilation Barge (90)
1x Annihilation Barge (90)

2000 points

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18 January 2015

Necron Codex Cryptek Edition!

Nick speaking,

I have to admit, this looks pretty cool, sadly it will be too expensive for me to buy...

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16 January 2015

The State of 40k!

Rob speaking,

So its been a while since my last post for Nick, life has been busy, moving house and setting up working from home. I have however still been playing 40k, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. Today I'm wanting to ask a general question, what do you think of the current state of 40k?

With all the Dataslates, Formations, Combined Arms, Detachments and Allies. It's a lot to get your head around, not including Forge World, Lords of War and Super Heavies that are regularly part of the game now.

I cast my mind back to 4th/5th Edition with a release every three to six months or so, nothing in between the big releases, things got a little stale, Grey Knights were all over the tournament scene and many people were wishing for quicker releases. But has today's GW release schedule got to much? The competitive player in me says yes, I'm not going to lie, I'm struggling with all the reading as I prepare for Caledoninian 2015 (the biggest 40k event in the UK currently at one hundred and eighty players sold out). I'm just about through reading the Blood Angels book now, but, in reality I'm still trying to work out the Tyranid releases and how they will play and with Necrons due out soon. Tough for the competitive player (or any player) to play an all comers list that has answers to every list in the game.

But the hobbiest and casual gamer in me says this is a super cool period for us 40k players, all these new models, new rules and formations, it's exciting. I mean, I'm looking at the Harlequin rumours, they will be released in the next four to six weeks and I'm wishing this to be true! Something the 4th/5th Editions players wanted, myself included. I think this also coincides with the balanced nature of all the books/releases (bar Ad Lance campaign book) which to me, is making the game very enjoyable.

I'm really enjoying the current state of 40k, I think 7th Edition has been the most fun to date edition for me (played since 3rd Edition, but mainly 4th onwards) and I really enjoy the challenge of learning new Codexes and working out how to beat them with my Eldar/Inquisition force!

But what's your take?


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13 January 2015

HELP for HEROES 'Ultramarines' Spotlight - Brian's Land Raider!

Nick speaking,

Time to spotlight the fantastic Land Raider that we have had done for us by Brian Fischer, for the HELP for HEROES charity raffle. Tickets are now on sale at only £2.00 a ticket, so go and check out the official homepage to buy your tickets and to have a chance of winning this awesome tanks, along with the rest of the army...

Land Raider by Brian Fischer
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10 January 2015

The Year of the Wolf (part 1)

Nick speaking,

OK, so what is The Year of the Wolf all about? Well, it's been a long time coming, about twelve years in fact, but I have finally got around to start painting my Space Wolves 13th Company army! So, why has it taken me so long then? The truth is, I did actually start painting this army back in 2008, in actual fact, I was raring to go. I painted my thirty Fenrisian Wolves, and was just about to start my next unit, and then it happened, a new Codex hit, and my army from the old Eye of Terror supplement was made defunct!

To be fair, it took me a while to get over it, but I did, and I started to come up with new ideas for the army, but in the mean time, painting wise, I switched over to a new army, Eldar. Painting the wolves got shelved once again. Now though, with both my Necrons and Tyranid armies all painted, and my Eldar well on the way, I am ready to get stuck in to the Wolves, and I plan on doing it in a big way, dedicating this year to painting them, and I hope to paint them up to the same standard as my test model I did a while back...

First up is a squad of Grey Hunters. I have had to magnetise up the arms for a few different weapon options, as I built this army way before I new about magnets. I also had Wolf Claws on the Pack Leader, so I had to magnetise them as well so that I could get myself some weapon option for him in the future, for now though, lets get these bad boys painted!

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