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6 October 2011

Best Overall Space Wolves list!

Nick speaking,

I have had a lot of inspiration from many great Space Wolves related posts recently, my favourites being from, Best Overall, who is doing a great job with his Loganwing series, Kirby from 3++ with his fantastic armies in 5th Space Wolves posts, and of course, the Space Wolves Blog itself, with it's wealth of knowledge and advice that's in it's archives.

Long time readers will know of my Space Wolves progress, and how I have been playing around with the Wolves. With so much inspiration available, I have recently been working on a few lists including a couple of 'Real' 13th Company lists, a sort of Loganwing based one, and another Thunderwolf/Fenrisian Wolf based version. Another recent experiment was with an Arjac Drop Pod List, that was very interesting indeed, it performed well and was a lot of fun to play with, plus it wasn't a MSU based list, which was what I was trying to get away from! Having said that, a recent post called A Response to Stelek over on Best Overall, got me thinking about looking at a Mech list again...

At this moment in time I only have four Razors/Rhinos, so I wanted to come up with a list based around the above Response list, but working it down to 1750pts, as that is the points level I generally play at. Looking at my end list, I think I have got most of the original elements that were needed, and it does make good use of maxing out on the Elites, Fast and Heavy slots. I ended up putting a couple of Lascannon's in with the Long Fangs to make up for not having Las Razorbacks! Here is the list I came up with, what do you think?

1 x Rune Priest/Living Lightning/Tempest Wrath/Chooser of the Slain (110)

5 x Wolf Scouts/Meltagun (85)
5 x Wolf Scouts/Meltagun (85)
6x Wolf Guard, 4x Combi-Melta/Power Fist (Grey Hunters) (172)
                        2x Combi-Melta/Wolf Claw (Scouts) (76)

8 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino (170)
7 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino (155)
7 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino (155)
7 x Grey Hunters/Meltagun/Wolf Standard/Rhino (155)

1 x Land Speeder/Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer (70)
1 x Land Speeder/Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer (70)
1 x Land Speeder/Multi-Melta/Heavy Flamer (70)

5 x Long Fangs/3x Missile Launcher/1 Lascannon/Pack Leader (130)
5 x Long Fangs/3x Missile Launcher/1 Lascannon/Pack Leader (130)
5 x Long Fangs/4x Missile Launcher/Pack Leader (115)

Points 1748


  1. I agree. Mobile ranged firepower is really important. I try to provide that in my list with a few Cyclones and a few Las/Plas, which combined I think provide "enough." YMMV. Thanks for the email and the link dude!

  2. Thanks for the comment and all the inspiration buddy

  3. Hi Kirby, Thanks for reading and commenting, I really appreciate hearing your ideas and will take them onboard. I hope to get a couple more Rhino/Razors at some point as yes, four is a bit limiting :-)

  4. Within the restriction of not having more than 4 Rhino chassis, it works though a few things.

    Your ranged firepower is all static - this is where the LasPlas come in handy so if you ever get more of these, grab some.
    Wolf Claws on the Scouts Guard make them scarier to melee but less capable of dropping tanks in combat - consider PFists. 
    Also your GH don't have any combat weapons outside of the Wolf Guard and Mark of the Wulfen can really help them out. I'd look to find the points for these if possible such as dropping a Speeder and when (or if) you get more Rhino chassis, probably downgrade one of the Grey Hunters to a 5-man flamer unit where the Priest sits, drop a Speeder and grab some LaspLas.


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