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28 November 2011

New Necrons - The Next Stage

Nick speaking,

My first new Necron Codex list went up against a nice and friendly Tau army. It was just a fun game where we got to see some of the new rules in action. In case you didn't get to see the battle report, we played Capture and Control, where I put my Stormlord, Lychgaurd and six units of Immortals and Warriors on my objective, sent out my Scarabs and Spyders up the middle, with Wraiths a C'tan on either flank. Tau ended up shooting at the stuff coming towards him, whilst I took out his fast stuff that could tank shock me off my objective. I ended up holding my objective and contesting his.

So, what did I learn and what is next for my list, remembering that I am in no hurry to start spamming everything for the most 'competitive' list around. I still want to try and win, of course, but I am quite happy to just play test the units and have some fun whilst doing so.

OK, so onto the list and the HQ slot. My list is based around the ever popular Imotekh the Stormlord. In my game against Tau I managed to hit three units with a six for the lighting attacks which was great, but sadly I rolled a one for the Storm to fail to continue on turn two. His storm ability is a bit random, which is fun, but also means that a Solor Pulse Cryptek is going to be mandatory, so that you can keep the Night fight rule in play if it fails, or indeed, if you have the correct opportunity, to turn the night fight off for you to start shooting.

It is pretty obvious that Crypteks are going to be the bread and butter of most Necron armies, and with the Eldrich Lance/Solar pulse ability, the Harbringer of Destruction was now in mine. It also became pretty apparent to me, that if I get an opponent that is in my face quickly, my foot troops are going to go down quite easily, even with Night fight. At this stage I am staying away from transports as I am just using the models I have, don't worry, I have my Christmas list done, but until then I am going to have to settle for the good old Veil of Darkness to get me around. Harbringer of Despair with Veil, now in my list!

My first list had five Lychgaurd in it and they did absolutely nothing! They literally just stood there in front of my troops the whole of the game! Although I will give them a try again at some point, it was evident that they do have a big lack of fire power. I originally took them as a sort of Pariah roll, but with no shooting attack they don't work that way. So what to have instead for the 225pts? Obvious choices for me in my Necron case would be either a Monolith or a unit of Destroyers, both of which have taken a big whack from the GW Nerf bat, but still...

I have the models, so I want to use them! Destroyers are no longer the unit they used to be, no need for me to go on anymore about why, however, what is needed with Destroyers, is to start thinking about them as a totally new unit. They do have AP3 guns, which is not to be stiffed at, and up to three of them can be upgraded to Heavy Destroyers. OK, AP3 isn't a great benefit with everyone getting cover saves, but that's why I have the C'tan in my list. Give him Writhing Worldscape to try and force your enemy in the open, and give him Stealth so he can sit behind the Destroyers for a 3+ cover save.

I had a unit of Wraiths and a unit of Scarabs in my first list, of which I am going to stick with. I am certain I will probably end up with two units of Scarabs in the future as it would definitely be a benefit to have a unit on each side of the board advancing forward, but at the moment I am just loving Wraiths too much to drop them. It's obvious that the Fast Attack slot is where it is in the Dex, Scarabs and Wraiths being the key units of choice, and I can see that spam type lists could have an issue over this slot.

Spyders will back up the Scarabs as in the previous list, and my Monolith will have to wait until next time to come out and play. As for Troops, without the Lychgaurd I opted for a bigger unit of Gauss Blaster Immortals for the Stormlord to join, with two five man Telsa units for the two Crypteks to join. Warriors have been relegated to a small five man unit to be reserved and come on for objectives.

Now my list looks like this:   

1 x Imotekh the Stormlord (225)
1 x Cryptek Harbringer of Destruction/ Eldridge Lance/Solar Pulse (55)
1 x Cryptek Harbringer of Despair/Abyssal Staff /Veil of Darkness (60)

1 x C’Tan Shard/Spirit Dust/Writhing Worldscape (240)

10 x Immortals (170)
5 x Immortals Tesla Carbines (85)
5 x Immortals Tesla Carbines (85)
5 x Warriors (65)

6 x Canoptek Wraiths/2x Particle Caster/4x Whip coils (260)
10 x Canoptek Scarabs (150)
5x Necron Destroyers/3x Gauss Cannon/2x Heavy Gauss Cannon (240)

2 x Canoptek Spyders/1x Gloom Prism (115)

Points 1750

Battle report to follow
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25 November 2011

Bringing the broods to life - Even More Genestealears

Nick speaking,

As promised, even more Genestealers painted and ready to go...

OK, that gives me thirty Genestealers in total so far...

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22 November 2011

New Necron Codex - First Battle Report

Nick speaking,

Here is the first game that I played with my first New Necron Codex list. It was just a fun game to get some of the new rules under way, I really enjoyed playing with the new Codex and I think I am going to have alot more fun with my resurrected Necrons in the future...

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19 November 2011

Free New Necron Codex Army List Editor

Nick speaking,

I have previously said that the Internet is full of some very talented and generous people, and one of my fellow YouTubers matteo311GameMovies is exactly one of those people. Matt has now updated his Free Necron army list editor for the new Codex, and I have to say a big thank you to him for all his hard work on it. I have been using it and I think it's amazing.

All you have to do is download it, click the options and enable the content, then press run. You will notice the two finished advanced Necron and Eldar editors at the top, but wait, there's more. You will also notice he has added some simple, work in progress editors for many other armies that he is working on as well.
Please feel free to download the programme here, and don't forget to check out, subscribe and give feedback to Matt over on his YouTube channel, where you will be able to see his fantastic illuminated Necron terrain as well.

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16 November 2011

Necrons - Making my first new Codex list!

Nick speaking,

I was on holiday when the new Necron Codex came out, so by the time I read, re-read and pondered on what I had read, every man and his blog had already done some sort of Codex/Unit reviews, with their own take on what is good, bad and ugly in the latest non Space Marine GW release. There are already lots of potentially competitive lists and list ideas about, and although this is another Necron list post, I am going to take a different approach to building my first list...

Forget the most competitive, I am going to look at it from the point of view of someone who has been playing Necrons for the last ten years, and wants to have some fun trying out the new rules. I also want to get a game in as soon as I can with the models I already have. I still want a fighting chance of winning of course, especially as I have never won a game with Necrons since 5th edition came out! I had many draws as it was easy to draw, but it was much more difficult to win lol.

So, I started work on my first Necron list...

First up, the HQ choice that really took my fancy was Imotekh the Stormlord, he really does look like fun with his ability to steal the initiative on 4+, with his Storm of the Lord shenanigans. What better way to start my first game with Necrons than stealing first turn, turning on Night fight and then hitting some of my opponents army with some S8 hits. Oh yes, and then telling him it may last the whole game! I am sure there will be many lists built around this guy, and when coupled with one or two Solar Pulses and some decent shooting ability, you can see why. Of course there are many other viable HQ choices, and I think the lords that unlock the Royal Court are going to be the bread and butter part of any good Necron list.

So what other fun stuff to take? mmm Scarab Swarms  Cenoptek Scarabs seem like they will be a must for most armies, and with the Entropik Strike rule being as it is, I think I will give them a try. I am sort of thinking that two units of Scarabs backed up with the obligatory Tomb Cenoptek Spyders would compliment the Stormlord and his night fight ability nicely, but like I said, I am only going for a fun list and just want to try out a few units, so I will just opt for ten Scarabs and a unit of three Spyders kitted out for wound allocation.

Next is Troops, and forgetting the disappointment that Flayed Ones are not Troops or cannot be unlocked as Troops, we have the choice of Warriors and Immortals. Talking of Flayed Ones, why bother bringing out new models, which imo are worse than the old ones, for a unit that no one is going to use because they suck, unless they really are designed for the rumoured 6th edition?

So, Immortals or Warriors? Well, I am still holding back my judgement on this, but I think there could be a place for a mix of both of them. What is for sure is that I can now take units of five and they are cheap! Just because I can, I am going to take them in fives! Two units of five Warriors and four units of five Immortals, two with Gauss Blasters and two with Tesla Carbines (why does Tesla Carbines sound like a Tau weapon!). I can't decide if Guass Blasters or Telsa Carbines are best, but something tells me that GW will want me to buy more models, and the Tesla's will be better than the Blasters that I currently have on all my models!

Next up are Canoptek Wraiths! I think I can see these guys in my army most of the time. Six in a unit, 3++ save, two wounds with wound allocation and the ability to strike first, unlike the rest of the army. These guys are either going to support my back ranks or go out to support my Scarabs depending on the enemy/mission.

Talking of support, and because they are still in the Codex (I was holding my breath with the rumour that they wouldn't be), the C'tan. Most of my previous lists had the Deceiver in, but with the way they have done the C'tan now, I can use either my Deceiver or the Nightbringer as the model on the table. Hell, I could even convert up one of the lost Star Gods if I wanted! For now though, I will continue to use old Golden boy. I gave him Writhing Worldscape as his first power, which surely is the best power he has and Pyreshards as his second. Keeping with the fun side, picking up eight dice when he shoots should be worth the look on my opponents face, even if they are only strength four.

After all this I had about 200pts left over, ideal for a Monolith, and I nearly look it. In the end though, I went for Lychguard, I've seen some people deeming these as one of the worse units in the Dex, but as there are no direct Pariah's in the Codex, these guy's seem to fit the Pariah slot nicely. So like I said, just for fun, five Lychguard won the day!

Here is my first final list:

1 x Imotekh the Stormlord (225) 

5 x Lychguards Hyperphase Swords & Dispersion Shields (225)
1 x C’Tan Shard/Pyreshards/Writhing Worldscape (235) 

5 x Warriors (65) 
5 x Warriors (65)
5 x Immortals (85)
5 x Immortals (85)
5 x Immortals Telsa Carbines (85)
5 x Immortals Telsa Carbines (85) 

6 x Canoptek Wraiths/6x Whip coils (270) 
10 x Canoptek Scarabs (150) 

3 x Canoptek Spyders/1x Gloom Prism/Claw (175)

1750 points

First battle report to follow...

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13 November 2011

Dire Avenger Paint Scheme Decided

Nick speaking,

Now that I have finished painting my Seer Council in my IDIC Eldar colour scheme, I am ready to move on to my first Aspect Warriors to be painted. The first Aspects I want to paint are my Dire Avengers, and if you remember way back on a previous post when I was asking for your thoughts on what colours to use for Aspects, I have now made my decision...

With help from some of the comments I had, and a bit of research that I did whilst I recently painted my next unit of Genestealers, here are the results. First and foremost, I am going to stay with the Dire Avenger blue as the main colour. I like the idea of Aspects having their original colours, and I like the idea of having different colours to paint, so blue it was. Then there was the gun...

The Codex shows a black and gold gun, which looks OK, but I found another older picture of some Dire Avengers with a white and gold gun that really took my fancy. I think the white would match my 'IDIC' purple and white colour scheme quite nicely and generally looks better...

These seem to be a slightly older DA using what now would be a Guardian body! Just to make sure I would like the white gun in real life, I roughly painted up an old Guardian gun in the white colours to have look at it. Whilst I was there I did a second test gun with a black clip as well, but I think the white one is better. I am not sure about the Scope on the top of the gun at the moment, but on these two test pieces I added a scrap piece of plastic and painted it black just to get a feel for it...

To give me the 'IDIC' colour twist on the Avengers, I plan on painting the Tabard's Purple, and doing a purple and white head crest. The Exarch would have his usual white shoulder pads, and I was thinking of a white Tabard for him to make him a bit different. The exarch crest would be purple and yellow instead of white as yellow is the colour of my spirit/gem stones and again it would make him stand out from the normal avengers.

First I base coated them up ready for the paint job. I used two separate base coats to make painting the main white sections easier. The only thing I am not sure about at the moment is how to paint the DA spirit stones? Do I keep to my IDIC yellow colours, or being Aspects would they have different coloured stones? What do you think?

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10 November 2011

Space Wolves 1750pt Battle Report (NOT VIDEO)

Nick speaking,

This battle report against Blood Angels, is the first game I played with my previously posted Best Overall Space Wolves list. We rolled for the mission and got Capture and Control with Dawn of War deployment...

I won the roll off and chose to go second, BA put their objective down behind a piece of terrain, about 8" from his board edge in the centre. I stuck mine behind a group of two bunkers on the left side, as it looked like a good place to hide some Rhino's. I put down my Chooser marker from the Rune Priest and then BA deployed one group of Scouts opposite my bunkers and in terrain. He then reserves another group of Scouts and a Drop Pod with another Pod coming in turn one. He then declares the rest of the army to come on turn one. I deploy nothing and reserve two groups of Scouts to flank, with everything else also coming on turn one.

I didn't bother trying to seize the initiative and BA bring down the first Pod just over 12" away from my board edge, just to the right of the bunker to disembark a Dread. I find all the BA Dreadnought's a bit confusing, but my Opponent tells me it's just a normal one with front armour twelve. He then walks on a large Devastator squad into the terrain by his objective, moves on a Storm Raven 24" behind the Drop Pod and a fast moving Baal behind that. The Raven has a Librarian, ten Sternguard and another Dread in it. This time the Dread is the armour thirteen one that gives him re-roll after re-roll (Furioso, I think?)

Going second, and seeing what BA first moves were, got me thinking right away about how I was going to win this game? He only has one group of Scouts left to come in and a Drop pod with another ten Sternguard in it. The first Pod has a homing beacon, and I am pretty sure he plans to send everything at my objective and then hold his objective with his reserved Scouts. The Storm Raven and the Baal would be his back track fast vehicles if needed.

Three groups of Long Fangs aren't ideal in DoW, and I bring them on the right side of the board, BA are already in my face so I know all the Fangs can do is pull his attention from my troops for a turn or two. My plan is to capture his objective and try and take out his only two Troop choices. I deploy one Troop Rhino to the far right side of the board out of vision to everything and wait for my Scouts to come in to deal with the Devastators. My push would be useless unless I can neutralise his missiles. I wanted my opponent to think that I am going to try my best to hold onto my objective, so I deploy two more Rhino's behind my objective bunker, and the Rune Priest Rhino with line of sight to the front Dread. I stick one Skimmer in front of the Rune Dread and bring the other two Skimmers (burrowed from my BA opponent) to the right with the Fangs. All skimmers and living Lighting fail to do anything due to Night Fight and bad rolls.

BA second Pod comes in turn two in front of his other Pod and to the right of my Rune Priest Rhino, and the Sternguard get out to aim up my Long Fangs. The Raven moves midfield and the Librarian and Sternguard get off it. He disengages the Libby so he can use his Fear of Darkness on a different unit. The Fangs take all the shots as one group is wiped out and the other group goes down with one missile dude left. Libby tries to FoD the third group, but my Priest nullifies his power. The front Dread assaults and destroys the Skimmer that I put in front of the Priest Rhino to protect it.

My turn two, and both Scouts come in allowing me to go anywhere. Both come in from the BA table edge to assault the Devastators and his first Scout squad, both groups do well killing most of the units except one or two guy's in each. With the Devastators out of action I move my right Rhino forward and pop smoke. I also move out one Rhino on the far left, keeping the other near my objective. Rune Rhino moves to the right and disembarks to make it look like I want to fight for my objective, but all I want to do is target the fast moving Raven and Baal, so he can't get back to his objective. Rune and his Hunters kill about half a unit of Sternguard, whilst the two Skimmers try to melta the Raven, but fail miserably! The remaining Long Fangs also fail to get through the armour, but one missile does wound and instant death the Libby.

BA turn three and his reserves don't come in as he continues to go for my objective. Raven moves to the left of my bunkers and destroys the Rhino on my objective, with the Dread to the right assaulting the Guy's inside. I do well and my Wolf Guard destroys the Dread with his Power Fist. Both Sternguard shoot my Priest pack killing them all with their AP3 bullets, and the Baal takes out a Skimmer. Both of my Scout packs win and consolidate in the BA assault phase.

My turn three, and I have to take out the Raven and Baal this time! I advance both the left and far right Rhinos at full speed again, moving my last Skimmer to the right for back up to the Hunters inside. The empty Rune Rhino in the centre of the table also moves forward, tank shocking the Sternguard on it's way. One of my Scout packs stays on the BA objective to wait for the second unit of BA Scouts to come in from reserve, whilst the other pack moves to the rear of the midfield Baal, destroying it with a meltagun. The last few guy's on my objective melta the Raven and wreck it, and then assault the Dread, I lose a couple of Hunters, but destroy it with the Guards Power Fist again. I consolidate behind the bunker with just two guy's left.

BA enter turn four with just two units of Sternguard left, one down to five guys and the other at full strength. The reserved group of Scouts come in at last. The Scouts get a bit nervous and come in to the left of the objective, rather than going into the assault with my Scouts and the Wolf Claw Guard. The ten Sternguard start making their way back to his objective, whilst the other five Sternguard head toward my objective.

My turn four and my right Rhino gets ready to capture his objective, with the Skimmer and Rune Rhino doing a Tank Shock/Flamer combo, killing all but three Sternguard and making them run. My midfield Scouts go towards the BA Scouts, ready to assault next turn, whilst the left Rhino moves back to the five Sternguard and disembarks to shoot them down to two left! The game is pretty much over now, but we carry on for fun anyway. Game ends on turn six with me holding both objectives with Grey Hunter full Rhino's, and Blood Angels with just two Scouts left. This game was a really fun, in your face game, and with most of the vehicle damage results going my way, was a nice win for my Wolves.

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7 November 2011

Back to my 40k and NECRONS!!

Nick speaking,

Just got back from my three week holiday in Indonesia, and I have seen that the new Necron Codex is out!!! Just imagine my excitement as I walked into my local gaming store to see all the new stuff. I didn't get a chance to read all the rumours and stuff that must have been floating around over the past few weeks, so I am happy to be looking at the new stuff from a totally brand new, uninfluenced point of view!

To be honest, with the jet lag and all, things have been a bit hectic since I got back from my hols, and I haven't had time to sit down and read anything yet, but my first impression of the Codex is 'What the hell has happened to my Necrons?' The picture on the front of the original Codex was why I chose Necrons as my first army, and in turn, lead to my love of 40k, but this new Codex cover doesn't seem to have the same impact on me, Necrons just don't seem like robots any more?

No, seriously, I know that many people found the old style Necrons very limited and boring to play, and play against, and although I never found Necrons to be that way myself, I am really looking forward to having a few hours alone with the book to give it a good going over. The front cover really does indicate that these new Necrons are not going to be boring, and they certainly do look a lot more dynamic. Now to get myself a few undisturbed hours to check it out. I also need to find some time to have a look at the opinions and views of all the other blogs out there that I follow. My Google Reader account says I have over four hundred unread posts to read, so I have my work cut out! Still, it's nice to be back to my 40k, and even better to be back to my Necrons.
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4 November 2011

We'll be Back to Necrons?

Nick speaking,

As most of you know I have been away on holiday for a few weeks now, and you are currently reading a scheduled post that I wrote at the beginning of October! Hopefully, when I return from holiday in a couple of days, I will come back to lots of exciting news on some sort of Necron Codex release? I have been waiting for a long time for a new Codex, just like all my other immortal brothers, but will it actually happen this year? Will my Necron models get some GW love with a nice new Codex?

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